Tuesday, August 21, 2012

23 weeks {mama bear}

Picture taken at 23 weeks 1 day

I swear I look more pregnant than these weekly pictures show! Instead of showing off a nice baby bump, I'm showing off my "plumpness" ha ha.
So I feel like this pregnancy hasn't made me any more emotional than normal. I cried when I found out I was pregnant, but I didn't cry the first time we heard the heartbeat, or when we found out she's a girl (I was in too much shock to cry, still am!) Other than that? I've only had 1 or 2 weird crying sessions.... ha ha.
But Eric thinks it's okay to tell me I'm being "crazy" or "overly sensitive" and just blame it on the pregnancy, because the hormones do that to me right?! No, it's still not okay! His favorite thing to say to me when I'm a little bit worked up is, "Mama Bear! Go back in your cave and let Courtney come out and play." Then he gives me a huge, smug smirk.
Way to give me the urge to go all Mama Bear on my husband!!
But I still love that man :)


Erin said...

LOL, Ohhh bless his heart for trying to find a nice way to put it, mama bear ;) I'm glad you have been feeling good though! You look great!! :)

Alicia Marie said...

HAHA it seems like my baby girl likes to make mommy a crazy, emotional wreck while I wash dishes...that seems to be when my biggest "fits" come pouring down my face. Usually my husband is good with it and just laughs at me, which helps. They all have their ways of telling us how silly we are. :)

Julie said...

Well at least, I guess, he does have something to put the blame on. However what will he blame once baby is here? ;)

Unknown said...

Are people really emotional during pregnancy though?? if so I would hate to see myself pregnant. i am way too emotional for life! you look great though!

Amanda Wissmann said...

That's exactly how I have been. (but a little opposite)..I didn't cry when we found out but I did when we heard the heartbeat.

and Ive only had a few emotional breakdowns.

Cute pic!

Niken said...

that's so beautiful she recognizes your voices!

and it's already 23 weeks???how did that i happen? i feel like it's just yesterday when you told us that you're pregnant. time flies! but, that also mean we're getting closer to meet your baby girl

Samantha said...

I don't remember ever being ferocious when I was pregnant, but my Husband begs to differ. Haha...you look great though! Half way there :)

Ashley said...

Good for you for not being too overly emotional.... I'm already super emotional, so I bet I'll be a "joy" whenever I get pregnant. Ha! "Mama Bear" is a nice way to put it though. (:

Anonymous said...

I may have punched him for that comment. LOL ;) You look great!!! xoxo

Chelsea said...

Haha men can be so weird around preggo women. They really don't know what to say or how to treat you. Well actually men can be weird around women in general...

Dee Stephens said...

I didn't cry when I found out I was pregnant b/c I was too much in shock!
I did cry when we found out it was a girl and I cry everytime I watch out gender reveal video back.
I'm 25 weeks tomorrow!!

Luna said...

You look so cute at 23 weeks! I wasn't emotional at either pregnancies. I think it was because I was too sick to be emotional.

Kira said...

Haha, I would NOT take that from him!

The Stylers said...

Those dang Delta boys!!!

Anonymous said...

You still look so itty bitty! One of these days you're going to wake up and you'll pop out! :-)

Shelley said...

Hahaha that's funny what he says to you. It's true, you may not realize how hormonal you are and look back later on and think "man I was batcrap crazy". Haha :) You still look so little! :)

Xenia Olivia said...

OMG! Congrats!! Very nice blog :)

Let's follow each other?

xx Olivia


lori said...

haha aw how cute that he's calling you mama bear when you are emotional... at least it's a sweet way to tell you. haha!

lori said...

haha aw how cute that he's calling you mama bear when you are emotional... at least it's a sweet way to tell you. haha!

lori said...

haha aw how cute that he's calling you mama bear when you are emotional... at least it's a sweet way to tell you. haha!

lori said...

haha aw how cute that he's calling you mama bear when you are emotional... at least it's a sweet way to tell you. haha!

Katrin said...

Haha, Eric is so funny. :)
And you are sooooo cute, Courtney!

Lauren said...

Love it, such a cute little bump!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh just WAIT til she gets here and someone does something you don't like with her, or they don't listen to you - you get to get ALL Mama Bear ;) It's awesome!

Melanie said...

Aw Mama Bear... you are one sassy sexy adorable Mama Bear! You go girl, cry it up, it's totally normal) I use to cry ALL the time... ALL the time!

LOVE the little sign!

Joeylee said...

look at how cute your little bump is! You look great

Maygan said...

Mama Bear... that is cute! You really do look great!

Anonymous said...

you look GREAT!

Brooklyn said...

you look great and i'm loving these little updates!

Shay said...

You look so cute, Courtney! I got really emotional towards the end of my pregnancy (still am) just because I knew he was coming soon!

Kendra L. said...

hahahah that sounds exactly like something my Eric would say to me!!

Contemplating Beauty said...

yay a girl, girls are so so precious and special, more boys are born than girls!!! congrats!!!

Katherine said...

You are so cute!

I'm hosting a Cheribundi giveaway - would love for you to ente!


Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

Still not convinced you are pregnant.

Unknown said...

you are too cute with your little tummy!!!

Alexis Kaye said...

hahahah, what Eric says to you made me laugh. Like real laughs. Not fake cyber laughs. And you look awesome. Not plump. Except for possibly in the breasticle region. DANG GIRL! gimme sommadat!

Alyx said...

Pahahaha, I love Eric's mama bear comment.

That Girl said...

I didn't get emotional till 3rd trimester. And then it was like someone turned on a fountain - I cried over everything! I was even hysterical at my shower touched by everyone there.

And the waterworks haven't exactly gone away yet! I'm hoping I'll stop being such a crybaby when I'm not breastfeeding anymore.

Amanda said...

How exciting for her to recognize your voices!! I love that :) God is so good! Your little baby belly is just too cute!

tifsong said...

my belly looks like that everyday.

Megan said...

You are so little!!!! I'm embarrassed that my bump is so much bigger than yours! Haha!! And I am SUPER emotional. I burst into tears almost daily, mostly when I think about meeting and holding our sweet girl!!

Janna Renee said...

Haha I am not surprised that you are being strong and not crying as much. It helps that Eric probably keeps you laughing!!

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