Remember when I posted about missing my grandparents?! Well, we finally went and visited them over the weekend! We had such a fun time! My parents were able to meet us there so we got to visit them as well! We went on a couple adventures (can't wait to blog about those!), had a BBQ (a lot of my extended family came to that and it was SO nice to catch up with everyone! Oh and I made my apple snicker salad for the BBQ, it was a HIT!), played games, and relaxed! It was the perfect memorial weekend!
This year my sweet grandparent's will be turning 96 and 97 years old! They will also be celebrating 77 years of marriage. SEVENTY SEVEN! How amazing is that?!
It was so neat talking with them. Especially when Eric was around, he could get my grandad just a-talkin'! They have been through so much together, they have seen so much. My grandma said the best thing that ever happened to them was electricity. And running water. She remembers her first bathroom ever. I take it all for granted...that is for sure! I think we had them blushing a little when we were asking about their dating history and proposal. Haha! My grandad tried to turn it around and get us talking about when Eric proposed to me instead :)
I am so grateful that my grandparents are still alive, that I am able to have these opportunities to get to know them better. I love them so much! I truly do have an amazing family!
p.s. Who made the apple snicker salad for a BBQ over the weekend?! Did you love it? ;)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
apple snicker salad
One of my favorite things about summertime (that is, IF it ever warms up here...ha!) are BBQ's!! We just had our first BBQ of the summer tonight! We had such a fun time and the food was SO yummy!
We were asked to bring a side dish...either a salad or dessert. I made a dessert-salad! But let's just pretend it's more salad than dessert, because heaven knows we (women) torture ourselves if we eat too much junk!! Besides.... there ARE apples in it! ;) Healthy apples! ;) And we can't forget the protein. Thank goodness for those snickers! ;)
Apple Snicker Salad
-small box instant french vanilla pudding
-1 cup milk
-8 oz cool whip
-2 to 3 granny smith apples (cut into cubes)
-1 pkg fun size snickers (about 19 in the bag)
Mix pudding and milk until smooth and then add the cool whip. Chill mixture in the fridge for 30-60 minute. (Can last up to 2 days in fridge) Chop snickers into small pieces. Then chop the apples. Add to mixture just before serving. Enjoy!
This is the easiest, most delicious side dish! You MUST make this for your next BBQ, then let me know what you think! Perfect idea for this weekend, right!? :)
Happy Memorial Day/weekend!
p.s. It took me 4 different sections, plus Eric's help to eat that massive donut. I'm weak. Someday I'll be able to eat that monster in one sitting :)
p.p.s. My comments aren't working... again. If blogger ever fixes the problems I'll be doing some major catch up on comments ;)
We were asked to bring a side dish...either a salad or dessert. I made a dessert-salad! But let's just pretend it's more salad than dessert, because heaven knows we (women) torture ourselves if we eat too much junk!! Besides.... there ARE apples in it! ;) Healthy apples! ;) And we can't forget the protein. Thank goodness for those snickers! ;)
Apple Snicker Salad
-small box instant french vanilla pudding
-1 cup milk
-8 oz cool whip
-2 to 3 granny smith apples (cut into cubes)
-1 pkg fun size snickers (about 19 in the bag)
Mix pudding and milk until smooth and then add the cool whip. Chill mixture in the fridge for 30-60 minute. (Can last up to 2 days in fridge) Chop snickers into small pieces. Then chop the apples. Add to mixture just before serving. Enjoy!
This is the easiest, most delicious side dish! You MUST make this for your next BBQ, then let me know what you think! Perfect idea for this weekend, right!? :)
Happy Memorial Day/weekend!
p.s. It took me 4 different sections, plus Eric's help to eat that massive donut. I'm weak. Someday I'll be able to eat that monster in one sitting :)
p.p.s. My comments aren't working... again. If blogger ever fixes the problems I'll be doing some major catch up on comments ;)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
donut queen
One of my favorite things about being an adult is.... late night donut runs!! That's right people... I LOVE DONUTS! They are my weakness. (I need these year-round, unlike my stale peeps ha) Luckily, I have a wonderful husband that indulges in his girl's crazy cravings!
If you guessed that the biggest one is mine, you're right. If you guess that I had to have the maple one as well as the biggest one, you're right again. Oh my.
Now you know why this girl's got some serious curves ;)
One thing I hate about being an adult... is the guilt that comes with my late night donut cravings. Since when did this crap have to start sticking to my behind and, oooooh everywhere else on my body?! Ridiculous. I guess that's why I work out ;) What do you love/hate in life?!
p.s. I don't know what the deal is with blogger, but it's not letting me stay logged in while commenting on your blogs. So if you get an anonymous comment signed by Courtney B... it's me :)
Monday, May 23, 2011
just the weekend we needed
Where do you go to reconnect with your love? What do you like to do to get on the same page as each other? I sure do love my Eric but some time's we have our off weeks. Some time's Eric is easily irritated, and I'm overly sensitive. Some time's I have a love affair with some books, and he feels neglected. (I'm only half joking.. haha) Some time's we get so busy with our lives, and we stress about things that out of our control. Some time's.... we just need to hit the pause button on life and just enjoy each other. Just enjoy our life...together.
We are so lucky to live so close to a beautiful temple. I am so grateful that we are able to escape the world for an hour or two and feel such perfect peace. I love that I have the opportunity to grow closer to my Heavenly Father, to be reminded how much He loves me. And I'm so happy that I am married to Eric, that he is mine forever. Friday night was the perfect night for us to reconnect on every level.
Saturday was the perfect day! Can you guess what we did? We went shopping! I still can't get over the fact that I'm married to one of the few men who actually like to shop! How did that happen? I shall never be overly sensitive or snappy to him again.... yeah right. Nice try? Anyway, we shopped, ate yummy food, and went to our first baseball game of the season!
It was so nice to snuggle up on a blanket (or sprawl out.. who wants to admit they did that in public?!), soak up some sunshine, and hangout watching a sport we both enjoy! It was military appreciation night so we got to enjoy some fireworks! (This made up for the Bee's losing.. haha!)
We are definitely SO thankful towards all the military families out there, and the sacrifices you make for our country!
p.s. Don't be surprised if one day my hair is all shaved off. Seriously, does anyone else have as many bad hair days as I do?! I keep threatening to shave my head if my hair won't cooperate, and apparently my threat seems like an empty one? Because my hair NEVER cooperates! Ah!
p.p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY mom Brinkerhoff :) We love you!
We are so lucky to live so close to a beautiful temple. I am so grateful that we are able to escape the world for an hour or two and feel such perfect peace. I love that I have the opportunity to grow closer to my Heavenly Father, to be reminded how much He loves me. And I'm so happy that I am married to Eric, that he is mine forever. Friday night was the perfect night for us to reconnect on every level.
Saturday was the perfect day! Can you guess what we did? We went shopping! I still can't get over the fact that I'm married to one of the few men who actually like to shop! How did that happen? I shall never be overly sensitive or snappy to him again.... yeah right. Nice try? Anyway, we shopped, ate yummy food, and went to our first baseball game of the season!
I'm wearing Eric's sunglasses... I broke mine and haven't found another (cheap) pair that I love :(
There will be more Salt Lake Bee's games to come! I wish we lived by a major stadium.. preferably Fenway Park.. even if the Red Sox are sucking this year. It's probably a good thing we don't, we'd spend all our money on baseball which is just not an option right now :) It was so nice to snuggle up on a blanket (or sprawl out.. who wants to admit they did that in public?!), soak up some sunshine, and hangout watching a sport we both enjoy! It was military appreciation night so we got to enjoy some fireworks! (This made up for the Bee's losing.. haha!)
We are definitely SO thankful towards all the military families out there, and the sacrifices you make for our country!
p.s. Don't be surprised if one day my hair is all shaved off. Seriously, does anyone else have as many bad hair days as I do?! I keep threatening to shave my head if my hair won't cooperate, and apparently my threat seems like an empty one? Because my hair NEVER cooperates! Ah!
p.p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY mom Brinkerhoff :) We love you!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
tutorial: how to create a "stale" marshmallow
Oh my LANTA. Friends. I had no clue my stale marshmallow love affair would create such a controversy in blog land. (Ok, "controversy" may be spreading the truth a little thin, and maybe "stale" was the wrong word to use?) But because I love you all, here is the most simple tutorial for the perfect way to eat a marshmallow :)
I'll be using peeps as my example:
1. Take a knife and slice a small section of plastic wrap.
2. Stick peeps in your pantry (or somewhere hidden so that you won't eat them before process is complete)
3. Let them sit there anywhere from a week to a month.
4. Dig in... Enjoy.... then you may come back and thank me.
Yes. I'm for real! I just can't believe ya'll have never tried them like this!? That's ok though, we can still be friends :)
p.s. I don't like the mallows in months old. I'm not that weird or disgusting! This makes sense...right? And I don't eat the Jet Puff type marshmallow's "stale". Those go in my freazer though :)
p.p.s. I was serious when I said you can thank me after you try this :)
p.p.p.s. Is 23 too young to be in a book club?! Seriously, all I want to do right now is talk about the Mortal Instruments series! Gah!
I'll be using peeps as my example:
1. Take a knife and slice a small section of plastic wrap.
2. Stick peeps in your pantry (or somewhere hidden so that you won't eat them before process is complete)
3. Let them sit there anywhere from a week to a month.
4. Dig in... Enjoy.... then you may come back and thank me.
Yes. I'm for real! I just can't believe ya'll have never tried them like this!? That's ok though, we can still be friends :)
p.s. I don't like the mallows in months old. I'm not that weird or disgusting! This makes sense...right? And I don't eat the Jet Puff type marshmallow's "stale". Those go in my freazer though :)
p.p.s. I was serious when I said you can thank me after you try this :)
p.p.p.s. Is 23 too young to be in a book club?! Seriously, all I want to do right now is talk about the Mortal Instruments series! Gah!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
still smiling
The best way to describe the way I'm feeling about things in my life lately, is to link up with Jessica today!
I smile because of these beautiful flowers Eric surprised me with on our anniversary! Some time's you need something pretty but simple to brighten your day :)
I smile because I got to spend time with my favorite baby toddler and bestie this week! Snuggling up with an over sized bear, watching Up, stuffing our faces with gold fish, and baby girl pointing at camera saying "cheese" and "cute" made my day! I wish I could show more pictures but she is chillin' only in her diaper, and you never know what creepers are on the internet :) (p.s. This truly is terrifying for me to post a picture this close up of my face, with zero editing. Baby steps. All those scars used to be massive breakouts, just a few short months ago. I am so grateful my face is clearing up!)
I smile because I love my marshmallow's stale (please, tell me you do it too!) so Eric opened the bags and put his share in a baggy to keep his fresh. My bags are almost empty...need I say more?!
(Let me clarify, I love stale peeps and mallow candies.. not the normal marshmallow's ha)
(Let me clarify, I love stale peeps and mallow candies.. not the normal marshmallow's ha)
I smile because I've finally found a good series to get lost in! (I know, I'm behind the times with this!) Who has read this book?! OH MY GOSH! So good...but I am just SO mad! Siblings? Seriously?! Ah!
I smile because I have the best husband, the best family, the best friend's, and the best client's a girl could ask for!
I smile because I have the best husband, the best family, the best friend's, and the best client's a girl could ask for!
It's just the simple things that are making me so happy right now!
What about you?!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
tulip festival and my dream home
I'm sorry if your comment was deleted.. blogger has a mind of it's own apparently!
Remember when I said spring finally sprung in my neck of the woods? Well, here's proof! We spent the most beautiful Saturday at the Tulip Festival with my parents, Trevor and Alycia, my aunt and uncle and cute little cousins! (I don't have a copy of the picture with my family AND aunt and uncle but when I do, I'll post it!) Personally I had so much fun and loved it! Oh an I found my dream home here.
We'll have our mansion sitting at the top of the hill (as pictured) complete with the mass amounts of land, a pool, a love bridge, a naked slip'n'slide (Eric's idea, no worries! NO ONE is invited to that haha) camping, tulips, and anything else you can think of! I'll definitely be hosting the biggest blogger's meet-up party ever. Every one's invited! :) (Again, no worries, we'll avoid the slip'n'slide area haha) Yes, I dream big ;)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
food. shopping. food. graduation. food.
Waffles + fries = YUMMY combination! Seriously! Friday morning we spent the day in Salt Lake and ate at Bruges Waffles & Frites. If you go to SLC you need to try this! Bruges Waffles and Frites was even featured on Man vs Food!
Eric always tries to sneak out of pictures, I thought I'd show him... ha!
I'll be honest, I didn't care to take pictures of the food. I just wanted it in my belly!! :) Anyway, you are more than welcome to thank me after you go eat here! ;)
After breakfast we went shopping at the Gateway.. I am SO lucky my man likes shopping with me! And I have to say, it was a gorgeous day! Spring has finally sprung in my neck of the woods!
Random side note: My little brother sent me this flower from Chile! What do you think? I think I love it! He is serving a LDS mission there and we got to talk to him today! Can't wait to see him in December!
Can you guess what we did after shopping?! We ate more food! Cheesecake Factory! Seriously, it gets us everytime!
And the reason we spent the day in SLC is because my sister in law Alycia graduated from the U! This semester about killed her, thank goodness it didn't because life would be so dull without her! (As blog land has noticed I'm sure!)
And the reason we spent the day in SLC is because my sister in law Alycia graduated from the U! This semester about killed her, thank goodness it didn't because life would be so dull without her! (As blog land has noticed I'm sure!)
Congratulations Alycia! Love you so much!
We celebrated the graduation by going to ice cream! (As if Cheesecake Factory wasn't enough...) What an amazing day spent with family! No judging... I know it's ridiculous how much food I can eat :) But it's SO good haha!
Happy Mother's Day to my mom, mom Brinkerhoff, and all you other hot mommy's out there! :) I can't wait until I'm a mommy! I bet you can't either, my blog will be filled with pictures of our cute baby, instead of love sick pictures of us. Hahaha who am I kidding?! There will still be ridiculous amounts of me and Eric pasted on the blog! Please don't get sick of me and my love for Eric and food! :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
best day of May. our anniversary :)
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
3 years ago today I said yes to an eternity with you.
It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. -Judy Garland
kissing as brand new husband and wife3 years ago today I said yes to an eternity with you.
Happy Anniversary baby. I love you!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
happy weekend
I love the weekends that are spent with family! We got to hangout with Eric's family and definitely enjoyed ourselves! Oh and in case you were wondering, it snowed on and off all day Friday. Or give me warm, sunny weather. Anyway..... back to our weekend. We went shooting, of course :)
I do not have dumbo ears, those are ear muffs under the hood :)
Eric and his cute dad!
Do you love our home made target? And the hot safety glasses? I had a lot going for me Saturday..haha!
Despite the freazing winds, we had a great time! This is my 3rd time shooting the hand gun, I got pretty close to the bullseye! I'm not as good as I was with the bow and arrows, or a 22. But for all the creepers out there, if you're as skinny as that board/paper, my aim will land a bullet in your body. Probably not the heart. But that's still scary, right?! :)
Thank you mom and dad Brinkerhoff (and Amy and the boys of course) for a great weekend! We love you !
I hope everyone's enjoying their sunday! It's one of our favorite days of the week :) Oh and happy May 1st! May is my favorite month, you'll find out why in a couple days! ;)
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