I used to talk about Eric allllll the time on this blog. I was obsessed with him and our marriage! But ever since we had Mia (who we both are obsessed with) the focus of my topics have shifted, obviously (which I'm sure Eric doesn't mind because that means I don't take AS many pictures of him ;) ha)! But I've been thinking about this a lot lately... does the obsession I have with my daughter take away from the obsession I had with my husband?? The conclusion I came to is this, I don't really know. But I do know that I don't want it to!
Marriage is a tricky thing. Throw a baby in the mix and I don't even know what word to use to describe marriage. More than tricky, that's for sure! Any major change can throw a wrench in the relationship. I shared some recent struggles I (we) had here, and how I (we) overcame them here. I've been thinking a lot about our marriage lately and the good place we are in... I LOVE being married! I love that Eric is mine and I am his for eternity. I don't ever want to stop fighting to make us happier, because it's just worth it. The hard work is just. plain. worth it!
The other day I read this article and it really made me stop and think. I'm stealing this quote from the article: "It's not a spouse, or land, or a job, or money that brings us happiness. Those achievements, those relationships, can enhance our happiness, yes, but happiness has to start from within. Relying on any other equation can be lethal." This was a very real reminder that my personal happiness is just as important as any others happiness! Obviously I already knew this, but it just kind of hit me upside the head when I read that! To be a better wife, a better mom, a better friend, etc, I need to continually work on being a better me!
I really want that happiness that is contagious! I want people to want to be around me because of my happiness! I want my marriage to thrive because of my (our) happiness! Basically I'm just rambling here... but I want my life to be better because I work on my happiness in every aspect, spiritually, mentally and physically. That really is most important! And everything else will benefit. Funny how something so simple, knowledge I already had, can be so profound when I realize (once again) that the answer is so plain and obvious! I don't really know if this is making sense? But I just want to throw it out there that I promise to be a better, happier me (because like I said, I need the reminder! Even when life is going so good, but maybe those are the times I need the reminder most)! The end.
P.S. Happy Halloween!!
P.P.S. Red Sox Naaaaaaaaaaation. You better believe that Eric already bought out the World Series memorabilia in his size! Okay, only a hat and a shirt. But if he could afford it, he would have bought it all. THAT'S how happy he is right now ;)
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