I'm skipping the 11 random things about me because I REALLY do have a post coming up with my randoms :)
Questions from Mandy
1. What's the most interesting thing you have ever done?
Oh good grief. My life is just not that interesting.... One time I was a model in a hair show. The hair, the make up, the outfit? so. not. me. It was interesting to say the least! This story would be even more interesting if I had pictures to show, but I lost those when my computer crashed :( Does this lame story count?
2. How much time every day do you spend on the internet? (be honest people!) :)
Crap. Does netflix count? Cause Eric and I spend an hour or two each night watching a show and winding down for bed :) Honestly... I spend too much time on the internet right now. But to be fair, we just moved and for the past 2 weeks my life has been in limbo. I start working at the salon part time each week TODAY! Yay :) And soon I'll be teaching spin classes at the gym here. And someday I'll have new friends to go out with, haha.
3. What are some of your favorite blogs?
Shalyn, Ashley, Connie, Melanie, Alycia (not just because we're family!)... to name a few! I am leaving SO many out, but I have been following these girls pretty much since day one! I LOVE so many blogs! I am grateful for the blogging community and all of the friends it brings into my life.
4. If you had to eat at the same restaurant every day for a month, where would you choose?
If I have to choose a restaurant that I live near... I guess pizza factory. I don't really know of anything else around yet. And I don't see myself getting sick of pizza :) If I could choose any restaurant it would be Cheesecake Factory! YUM!
5. Who do you really look up to and admire?
Of course I look up to my parents and Eric's parents.... but I look up to/admire Jesus Christ the most! He is the only one who truly knows what it is like to defy temptation and live a sin free life. And He sacrificed his life for us because he loves us. I can only do my best to strive to be like Him each day.
6. If you could live anywhere in the world besides your current location, where would that be?
I would choose to live anywhere but here, haha! I'm sure someday I'll fall in love with our new town and won't ever want to move... But I'd LOVE to live by a warm, sunny beach. I would seriously visit the beach everyday!
7. How do you feel about reality shows?
It depends! The trashy reality shows are ridiculous but they suck me in every. time. There are definitely some inspirational reality shows like The Biggest Loser (which I've only ever watched 1 episode. Crazy, right?). The Bachelor/Bachelorette is my #1 fave trashy reality show :) And fyi? I love Courtney! She's perfect for Ben, I think they're both idiots. But at least she's entertaining :)
8. How would you describe your style?
I'm not sure that I have a specific style... but I guess I'd say girly. I love all things pink, sparkly, ruffly, and frilly! Although, I'd love to throw some colored jeans and blazers into my wardrobe! I'm loving those looks!
9. Where do you see yourself & your family in 10 years?
I didn't know if this was possible... but I see us both settled happily into our careers (Eric finally loves his job). I see us with a baby or two ;) and living in a home that we own. And I'm hoping to have a few vacations under the belt as well. I love to travel and Eric is learning to love it, too!
10. Favorite dessert?
Any kind of dessert. If you haven't picked up on that yet... I'm that kind of girl. I love all desserts and sweets! Unless it has nuts in it, or pie. The only kind of pie I like is lemon meringue!
11. What is your most valued possession? (kids don't count)
My wedding ring! I would cry forever and ever if I lost it!