Monday, August 20, 2012

beauty swap

I love checking my mailbox lately! I've been getting the funnest packages from sweet blog friends for baby girl (the blogging community is the BEST)! And I've been receiving other fun packages for various reasons. I'd been expecting a specific package and when I left town for a night last week, so Eric gave me a call when he checked our mail. He told me I had a package from "Jennifer so and so" and I couldn't figure out who that was (pregnancy brain!) so I told him to open it up. His reaction was, "Whoa! There's a ton of make up and stuff in here... dang! You got spoiled!" My beauty swap package arrived!! How the heck did I forget about that?? Oh yeah, pregnancy brain ;)

I wish I could give Jen a big hug! She got me the best stuff and I can't WAIT to try it out! As you can see, she spoiled me with mascara (I've never tried any of these, so I'm excited about them), eye shadow, perfume (I'm a perfume junkie and love trying new scents), nail polish (I just realized 1 is missing, I tried it out already and put it with the rest of my polishes), nail file and compact mirror. Holy crap! Thank you sooooo much, Jen!!


Mikelle Jade said...

wow a beauty swap sounds so fun! You got some great goodies. I love getting other people's input on beauty products because I never branch out and try new things :)

Lauren said...

AH!!! I wish I would have known about this!!! Such an awesome idea! :) I feel like all my blogger friends are preggggggoooo! I need to get on that! ;) haha! Don't you just love getting packages and gifts in the mail! It's one of my favorite things!


Shelley said...

How fun!! I love getting awesome packages!!

Chelsea said...

Fun! I want a package like this!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

Ummmmm...that is AWESOME! How did I miss this?! I think we need to do another one!! :) Have fun trying on all your new swag!

Anonymous said...

YAY! I am so thrilled you had a great experience with the Beauty Swap. Hang around...I am sure we will have another.

Andee Beauty Swap Co-Host

Lindsay said...

A beauty swap sounds awesome! You did get spoiled -- what wonderful products!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! So much fun! xoxo

Brittany said...

Oh how FUN!! Every bit of that looks like great stuff!

Tiffany @ Blabbering Thoughts said...

Too cute!! I love it all, thanks for joining!!

Katrin said...

Wow, what a great package!

Julie said...

Fun idea :)

Established: 2008 said...

How fun! I would love to be in a swap. This seems like a great chance to spoil someone!

Alyx said...

Wow, how fun!! You should let us know how awesome all of those products are. :)

Chrissy + Nate said...

How fun! What a great idea!

Janna Renee said...

Such a haul! PS. That Covergirl pallet is my GO-TO eyeshadow!!

Kari said...

You got some cute that bag!!

Jax said...

AWESOME! I totally wish I'd found this beauty swap when it was sign up time!!!

My-cliffnotes said...

I'm sooo bummed I missed out on this swap I love make up and fun perfumes and nail colors.

Great partner!!


Contemplating Beauty said...

HOW FUN! I guess I missed that one:(

And how sweet that bloggy friends are sending loving packages for you and the babe!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you got a lot of great stuff! I've never participated in a swap - I never find out about them until they're over. Looks like fun though!


That Girl said...

I love that Covergirl mascara!

Megan Tenney said...

I love that bag! So cute!

tifsong said...

that shadow is wonderful. i have purchased it several times and always wear out the maroon and gold. i can never find that specific maroon anywhere else!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Oh my gosh! I love this. I love that polish!

Meyer said...

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