Wednesday, August 8, 2012

i want, i want, i want!

Ever since we learned just how much it costs to have a baby, and not to mention the cost of all those baby necessities... I've pretty much put a stop to spending money on myself. Not that it's been too difficult, our small town offers nothing as far as shopping goes and I despise online shopping! And it's worth it, I'd rather be spending the money on our baby anyway :) But now that I've cut myself off from splurging- the idea of spending money on myself is SO much more tempting! Does that happen to anyone else?
I'm just feeling so frumpy lately! I want to splurge in areas that will help make me feel cuter (which means... no buying clothes! Ha ha. It's a challenge to watch my body change and realize I just can't wear the same size of jeans I could before... not because of my baby belly... it's because of my butt and thighs, ha ha!) So #1 on my want list is: EYELASH EXTENSIONS! I rarely do my make up these days (my poor husband) so it would be SO nice to feel like I've gotten ready for the day, even though I haven't touched my mascara :) This will probably happen eventually, and I blame that all on my occupation and having the hook ups through my salon ;) Maybe after the baby gets here when I'll be feeling super frumpy. This would be a good pick me up!
#2 on my want list is: EARRINGS! Besides my wedding ring, I hardly ever wear jewelry. But I LOVE earrings! And I just realized it has been YEARS since I've bought a new pair of earrings. I wouldn't feel guilty at all about buying a couple pairs of earrings to make me feel a little cuter! But I don't even know where to look for earrings these days.... so my friends! Where do you love to shop for cute, inexpensive earrings??
#3 on my want list is: MATERNITY LEGGINGS! Like I said before, shopping for clothes is not the funnest right now. But I'm definitely going to have to add a few maternity staples to my wardrobe. I've been searching the internet for different ideas and I'm pretty sold on the tunics, leggings and boots look for the last couple months of my pregnancy. Super cute, definitely comfy, and will keep me warm enough until I have the baby! And let's face it, when I'm not wearing the leggings I will definitely be sporting my husbands sweats. Leggings would be much cuter out in public ;)

See? I LOVE that look! The best part is that these leggings are only $13 from H&M... score!! EXCEPT, I can't order these online! AH! The one time I find something that I just have to have (and need to have), and is the perfect price, the website doesn't offer this for online shopping. How depressing. How the heck am I supposed to get my hands on these maternity leggings? I know, I know, my life is so hard :) But I am seriously bummed out!
My lists of "wants" grows daily (I'm stopping at 3 things because the list is very atrocious from here on out, ha ha) but it's not too painful to avoid the splurging. Like I said, I'd rather be spending the money on our baby! But when I DO find something I want, that totally fits into my "needs" list as well, and I can't get my hands on it? SAD DAY! So if any of you have advice for me I'd love to hear it! What's best for online maternity shopping? I'd much rather do the shopping in person but I just don't have access to anything besides a Walmart and Cal Ranch.... so sad, ha ha!


Cami said...

That look is totally SO cute!!
Eyelash extensions is a good idea and helps with no mascara ;)
Maternity leggings will probably be my best friend when the time comes!
Happy Wednesday <3

Dee Stephens said...

I just bought a shower dress from Shabby Apple. Check them out.

Kara Renee said...

I hate the feeling of not having money to spend. I'm in the same boat right now and it's tough! When my sister found out all her baby costs, they sold all their huge items like the wii, ipad, and xbox. I felt so bad for them!

Kira said...

I wore leggings with dresses a lot while pregnant. I just wore Target leggings and bought a larger size than usual :)

Katrin said...

You can find so many cute stuff in all the fabulous Etsy stores. They have tons of cute earrings!

Alicia Marie said...

I feel the same way about spending now. But if I do decide to buy myself things I need, or want occassionally, I just make sure it's reasonably priced. Free shipping, or just coupons if you don't do online shopping, can be your best friends. ;)

ajs {of MN} said...

Eyelash extensions, yesssss :)

Miss Amy said...

You deserve ATLEAST one of these right now girl!!! Especially cute earrings - you can totally find cheap cute ones. I always find fun stuff at Forever 21 online too :)

Julie said...

I hear that Shabby Apple is good :)

Erin said...

If you're looking for nice(r) jewelry that won't fall apart OR break your bank- I shop at Kohls all the time. I get lots of "basic" earrings there, gold, silver, pearls, etc. All knock-offs of course, but they are nice enough that you'll get lots of wear out of 'em :)

Sam said...

Look on Etsy for earrings! You can find all kinds of styles & the best part - they are handmade!

♥tori. said...

K BEST maternity leggings EVER - forever21 maternity. Just go online. They saved me my entire second half of my pregnancy! They're so inexpensive and they last forever so trust me you'll love them! Their maternity skinny jeans rock too! I think they were 14.80$ and I wore them til the very end. Take my word on this, you'll thank me;)

Jana Faith said...

I NEVER would have thought of eyelash extensions but that's a fantastic idea! I like to buy inexpensive earrings on eBay and at Forever 21. I hope you find some real cuties! Leggings are a great wardrobe staple whether you're pregnant or not. GET EM!

Unknown said...

i love this post because my hubby is always telling me that i say "I want" too much! ;) I am right there with you on eyelash extensions. I've been debating them for a little while! Let me know if you get them! xoxo

Tess @ AModernSuburbanitesLife said...

I have been on shopping hiatus for so long so I completely feel ya. with the wedding, and now the house... its been going on for way toooo long. after we close, I'm sprinting the mall. but only to buy like 2 things. that cost 10 bucks a piece. lol. OH LIFE.

Eryka said...

I want eyelash extensions too. There is no way Dan would let me spend the dough for eyelashes. Haha! But as a push present someday maybe. Bahaha! You should tell your hubs you want them as a push present! :)

Contemplating Beauty said...

yes that top/dress is AMAZING!!! It's so easy to feel frumpy when pregnant, awww, just know it's for a good good reason, and you are even more beautiful!!!

mK said...

Hi Courtney! Thanks soo much for leaving such an encouraging comment on my blog the other day! :) It looks like you have some very fun life changes coming!!! Congrats girl!!!

Andrea said...

Cal Ranch!! Ha ha ha that was funny.

Brittany said...

I love forever 21 for earrings...they are really cheap but stylish and fun. I too want some preggo leggings...they look so comfy!

Kendra L. said...

Agh I have been this way lately. I'm not pregnant or anything, but we've been so dirt poor for so long I just get sick of wearing the same clothes and I really want something new!!! But we are like tighter than ever on money so. Whatever. I know how you feel, basically. :) I have heard Target is a great place for earrings. I usually find mine at Forever 21, they are so cheap! I never even considered maternity leggings, but that is SO ADORABLE so I will be thinking about that for my next pregnancy!

Amira said...

Yes! I plan to live in leggings, dresses and boots for the last 3 months of my pregnancy! I've yet to buy any but will keep you updated if I find a great pair. I'm thinking of buying from Maternity Motherhood online. They have great prices and you can read all of the reviews :-)

Chelsea said...

Oh I look this look! I'm not pregnant and I want to wear it!

Janna Renee said...

If I ever get pregnant, I will LIVE in leggings. I already love them, so it totally makes sense. I'm actually afraid of how much I will spend on baby stuff too...I can ALWAYS validate buying something for someone else, so I will have to set some limits. Haha. I go to khol's, TJMaxx, Marshall's, Ross, etc. for cute earrings on the cheap!

Rebecca said...

Absolutely no use telling you where I'd get any of the things you want from due to the fact that I'm not in the US, but I just thought I'd comment anyway and say I read. That's such a cute look and I think leggings are amazing whether pregnant or not, I live in them all year round either with denim shorts or dresses (that's how cool our summers are, I can still wear leggings in the height of summer!)

Court said...

i bought all my maternity clothes from Gap online. I got everything i needed for about $250!

That Girl said...

I'm awful at buying things for myself!

That being said, the best place for online maternity clothes are: and (zulily has designer maternity clothes at discounted prices - but shipping takes 4 weeks, so plan accordingly)

Kylie said...

I know it's hard, but trust me...getting a few good pieces of maternity clothing basics will make you feel much more comfortable because you won't feel like you're squeezing into your normal clothes. I *love* Shade for online maternity shopping. They have tons of basics, and their clearance section is awesome (plus, they have free shipping no matter how little you spend). Old Navy also has great clearance, and if you spend $50, free shipping. I got my favorite pair of maternity pants there. Sign up for their emails and get discounts and coupons.

As for earrings...Forever21 has great cheap options. But also check out Etsy for super cute and unique jewelry in a variety of prices. You could even DIY some if you're feeling crafty. Hope that helps!

Kylie said...

I know it's hard, but trust me...getting a few good pieces of maternity clothing basics will make you feel much more comfortable because you won't feel like you're squeezing into your normal clothes. I *love* Shade for online maternity shopping. They have tons of basics, and their clearance section is awesome (plus, they have free shipping no matter how little you spend). Old Navy also has great clearance, and if you spend $50, free shipping. I got my favorite pair of maternity pants there. Sign up for their emails and get discounts and coupons.

As for earrings...Forever21 has great cheap options. But also check out Etsy for super cute and unique jewelry in a variety of prices. You could even DIY some if you're feeling crafty. Hope that helps!

Kylie said...

I know it's hard, but trust me...getting a few good pieces of maternity clothing basics will make you feel much more comfortable because you won't feel like you're squeezing into your normal clothes. I *love* Shade for online maternity shopping. They have tons of basics, and their clearance section is awesome (plus, they have free shipping no matter how little you spend). Old Navy also has great clearance, and if you spend $50, free shipping. I got my favorite pair of maternity pants there. Sign up for their emails and get discounts and coupons.

As for earrings...Forever21 has great cheap options. But also check out Etsy for super cute and unique jewelry in a variety of prices. You could even DIY some if you're feeling crafty. Hope that helps!

Jenessa said...

i hope you find those leggings! That look is way cute!
I was able to find some jewelry and stuff at Rue 21 and Maurices when I was living in Cedar. There's also a SUPER cute consign and design shop called REcycled on Main St. right before you get on southbound I-15.
I hope you can find some cute things! :)

Tisha said...

Haven't tried buying from them, but Asos ( has the cutest maternity clothes!

from head 2 toe said...

I just picked up some black leggings at Target for $8 and they are awesome. Love them. Leggings are tricky because they have to be thick enough to not have a VGL (visible garment line) and these do the trick. Plus, with that price, ya can't beat it! :) Big chunky sweaters is the way to go too! Just search the internet and google shopping does the rest. Amazon is always high on my list!

Anonymous said...

You can find inexpensive jewelry at Francesca's Collections, Banana Republic (great stuff), J. Crew (more exp than BR, but great stuff), etc. Sometimes Target even has fun stuff. =) Just gotta keep your eye out! xoxo

eliz said...

I love francesca's Collection jewelry.

I heard great things about ASOS maternity..but of course it is online shopping.

Amanda said...

I feel like my want list constantly grows and changes too! I feel like you're going to be such a fashionable preggo :) I've cut myself off from splurging though since we're planning a nice beach vacay this fall!

Anonymous said...

i love earrings from charlotte russe or forever21. they have super cute studs that usually come in 3 packs, which always make it feel like a deal. ;)

Alyx said...

I always get cheap jewelry at f21.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Maternity leggings? how cool!

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