...that I thought they weren't going to let Mia go home with her C R A Z Y momma! Let me explain the first couple nights of Mia's life. I'll just tell you now, there wasn't a whole lotta sleep involved!
Wednesday night/Thursday morning (December 20th) was when I was admitted to the hospital to be induced. I was so stinkin' excited to finally be having my baby, terrified of labor and incredibly uncomfortable because I was overdue.... so you can imagine how little (or no) sleep I got! I really didn't sleep the whole time I was in labor. Then my sweet angel baby was born and I couldn't sleep that night because HELLO?! I had a baby!! I remember laying in bed all night with butterflies in my tummy, just waiting for my alarm to go off so that I could wake Mia up and feed her (and finally have her in my arms again)! I'm not sure why I didn't just hold her all night? Probably because I knew I needed to get some sleep, but I was way too excited for it! We had visitors all day on Friday so of course I didn't sleep. And Friday night Mia decided she didn't need to sleep. I wish I would have had the nurses hold her so that I could get some sleep, but I didn't want her to develop bad habits (this is where the crazy begins). Eric gave Mia the binky and I freaked out! She didn't need the bink the night before, why does she need it now?! (I really didn't care if she had the bink, I was just going crazy in the head.) I don't really remember what else we did to try and comfort Mia, but I do remember being frustrated because I knew that I should be able to settle her down! I was her mother for crying out loud. But nursing already hurt more than anything I'd ever experienced, and I couldn't just hold her all night because I needed sleep AND she didn't need those bad habits I mentioned earlier. Eric finally gave up trying to reason with me and he just went to sleep. I remember holding my sleeping baby and just being in awe at how perfect she was! And I remember thinking how proud I was for not being "crazy with hormones" (ha ha) and maybe that wouldn't effect me! AS I was thinking that I dissolved into tears.... which ended with me in the bathroom bawling hysterically at 2am.
I don't remember being that hysterical in all of my life! And in the middle of my crazy loud cry fest, the nurse came into our room to check Mia's vitals. And I was so hysterical that I couldn't keep quiet, let alone stop crying. How embarrassing!! I finally calmed down enough to hear her ask what the problem was. Eric just told her that I hadn't really slept in the past 72 hours. I couldn't hear anything else they said so I just hid in the bathroom waiting for the nurse to leave. But she was waiting for me to come out before she would leave... so annoying (ha ha). So I finally came out of the bathroom and shut off all the lights so that she couldn't see my swollen face (and so I didn't have to see her face. I was SO embarrassed!) I almost started crying again because I definitely thought the first thing she'd say was that we couldn't take our baby home because of me (again, ha ha! I was SO crazy)! We talked about my worries and stresses, she offered to take Mia (which I declined. Stupid, stupid!) and then she left so that we could sleep. Eric rubbed my back for a good 45 minutes until I finally started to relax and feel the tension leave my body.
Anytime I share this story I just have to laugh! Obviously I need my sleep! If I could go back and change anything, I would have totally had the nurse take Mia and hold her all night. She needed comfort and I needed sleep. But you know when you're just beyond exhausted that you can't see straight and no one can reason with you? Yeah. Times that by 100 and now you know what poor Eric had to deal with... yikes! My memories of the our stay at the hospital are mostly good, happy ones! But there are a couple that I just have to roll my eyes about :)
Go here to read Mia's birth story. And go here to read another experience I had while we were in the hospital.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
just some randoms {8}
One day I laid Mia in her crib for nap time (like always) and she sat up and started playing (like always) when I looked at the monitor and saw that she was still sitting up but not moving. Mia totally fell asleep sitting up, ha ha! It was so funny watching her head bop around!
Because I just can't get enough! I need to take more mommy-daughter-selfies!
When you've been running 15-20 miles a week, and your baby is 8 months old... finally getting a BOB is totally worth documenting! Mia is as happy about it as I am!
One of my favorite things is when Mia gets SO excited (or slap-happy) that she smiles so big she can't even keep her eyes open. This girl... she's the BEST!
Successful day at the pool, I'd say ;)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Albion Fit {giveaway}
What motivates you to work out? I know that I make goals for myself, but that very first morning (of my new workout schedule) that I have to drag my tired body out of bed? Those goals seem so unreachable and while my bed is so cozy and warm. It's much easier to just turn off the alarm and go right back to sleep. This may seem weird, but cute workout clothing actually helps me get out of bed each morning to get me going so that I CAN reach me goals!
One of the goals on my list is always to be able to fit into a certain size or type of swim suit. Is that on every one's list?
Have you heard of Albion Fit? This is a new discovery for me and I am in love with their product! Albion Fit offers women's fitness and swimwear... CUTE fitness and swimwear! Obviously I chose the styles I'm in love with, which is anything pink or ruffly, but there is something for everyone! Vintage swimwear, high waisted bikini bottoms, the comfiest looking workout tops, etc. And lucky for YOU, Albion Fit is giving away a $50 gift card! If you see something you have to have now (but please don't buy the whole site out before I purchase everything on my wish list!) you can use the code "eternity20" to receive $20 on any purchase of $50 or more!
* To be eligible to participate in the giveaway, you must be a US
resident who has not won another Albion Fit giveaway in the last 6
Monday, August 26, 2013
I confess...
Rainy road trip and jamming out to N'SYNC... could there be anything better? Eric sure thought so. But I was in heaven :)
... that my heart broke a little bit last night when I saw everyone post on Instagram and Facebook about N'SYNC performing together. Why did I have to miss it?? Eric only discovered the fact that N'SYNC will always have a small piece of my heart last year, ha ha! And yeah, that fact kinda freaks him out. Anyway! I will be youtubing all day watching their performance and I can't wait!... that it was cool and rainy all weekend and I kind of loved it! It has me craving fall goodies, the decor, the anticipation and excitement of the upcoming holidays and the beauty of the leaves changing. But I also confess that I'm not looking forward to winter that always follows too closely after fall! The dreary, snowy weather seems to drag on forever while summer always seems to fly by!
... that I'm super nervous to have more babies. My first reason is that Mia is such an angel baby. We totally got it right the first time ;) ha! We really are lucky, most babies aren't this easy going! Our next one is bound to be... not such an angel baby! But the second reason? I am terrified of the first 2-4 weeks after bringing the baby home from the hospital. Those dang hormones are nuts! I cried and beat myself up over every. little. thing. I don't like being in that place in my head, and I don't want to go back to that! Maybe it won't be that way with our second because I kind of know what to expect now? Either way... I'm scared.
.... that we aren't having another baby for awhile :) Like, a long while!
... that I am so disappointed in the movie world. Who the crap is in charge of casting characters? Let's start with Edward from Twilight. Robert Pattinson is so NOT cute! And his teeth... they aren't even straight! The boy can afford a set of braces and teeth whitening kit. If you're going to play a vampire, shouldn't you work on having a perfect set of teeth? Ugh. And now let's talk about Jace in City of Bones. Jamie Campbell Bower? So NOT what I pictured :( I don't know if he needs a good head washing, or a good head shaving? But his look just isn't working for me and I don't even want to see the movie right now because of it. Call me a snob, or maybe just hire me as the new casting... person. Okay?
... that Thursday just became my favorite day of the week! DATE NIGHT!! Eric and I had a long talk over the weekend that we really need to put forth more effort to really court each other again. Yes, we have been on a lot of adventures this summer, but those adventures are the only time we have spent time together! Between work and life being so crazy, we haven't spent good quality time together. So Thursday is our designated date night! Whether it's the 3 of us, or we get a babysitter (we've only been on 2 days without Mia in the past 8 months, yikes!)... it's our special night of the week and I'm SO looking forward to it!
... that I'm incredibly indecisive at times, and I'm not very good at picking outfits. What am I talking about?? Mia's 9 month pictures. I already know what she'll be wearing, but what am I going to wear? And what is Eric going to wear?! Ah! It's still a month away but you better believe I will be stressing about this until the day after pictures! I wish I could have a personal stylist! It would make my days so much easier not having to worry about picking out what to wear, ha!
... that I was super nervous to post this last week. But I have been blown away by all of your awesome comments (which I will be replying to via email this week)! Yay for no hateful comments and being de-friended! Blog land is such a beautiful place, but it can turn ugly with just one nasty comment. So thank you for being supportive of my opinion. And thank you for being nice about it to those that don't agree with what I said :) That's the way this world should be! If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!
... that I am super jealous of the giveaway I have going up tomorrow! You all better enter because I definitely wish I could! So, see you tomorrow ;)
Sunday, August 25, 2013
sponsor discount code
How is it the end of August already? I remember last summer, being pregnant and feeling kind of "blah", when time seemed to slowly creep on by. I was so ready for summer to end, so ready for the holidays, SO ready to meet my baby girl! But this year? Time seems to fly by a little faster each month and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm definitely NOT wishing time away anymore! I am soaking up every second possible with my baby girl! But I am also looking forward to experiencing the holidays with Mia :)
Anyway... to end the month with a bang, or is it starting off the month of September right? Whichever you prefer (ha!) I am offering 50% off any ad space! I've never done this before, and I'm not sure how often it will happen, so take advantage of this offer while you can :)
Visit my sponsor page to purchase your ad and us the code "august50"! Offer is good through this last week of August! Feel free to email me with any questions!
How can you say no to this face ;)
Friday, August 23, 2013
picture happy {or not}
When Eric is put in front of the camera... he couldn't be happier about it *sarcasm* Take this picture for example. While he is glaring at the camera I am threatening his life, or something, if he doesn't smile "for real", because we all know how Eric loves to sport the fake smile, ha ha!
Mia is 2 months old
Which totally makes sense now. I've figured out where Mia learned to fake smile. She had it perfected before the age of 8 months. Daddy rubs off pretty quickly.
Mia is almost 8 months. Mia's dress c/o Matilda Jane
Speaking of rubbing off.... you put Eric behind the camera and life isn't much better for me. Sometimes he likes to snap 10 (thousand) pictures in a row until I start yelling at him.
Mia is almost 8 months. Mia's dress c/o Matilda Jane
Speaking of rubbing off.... you put Eric behind the camera and life isn't much better for me. Sometimes he likes to snap 10 (thousand) pictures in a row until I start yelling at him.
Mia is almost 3 months old.
And the best part is.... he catches it all on camera *sarcasm* I mean, seriously?
Wow, just wow!
That husband of mine... he sure is a peach when the camera comes out! It's a good thing I love him so.... or I may have strangled him years ago ;) HA!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who struggles with a camera hating husband who makes it his mission to torture his wife every time the camera comes out?!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
yeah... I went there.
I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm talking about nursing. Okay, I talked about it before, but at that point in life I was so not right in the head. I would show anyone who had eyes the sores and scabs my devil child angel baby caused and begged them to tell me that wasn't right and that I should just quit... like I said, I wasn't right in the head.
I guess it's breastfeeding awareness month... or so I've heard on FB, Instagram and the news. I'm not the kind of person who feels the need to broadcast to the world that I nurse my baby, or post pictures of it to the social media world, or argue which is right and which is wrong when it comes to feeding my baby publicly. Not that my friends are "that kind of person" either who do actually do these things... did I just stick my foot in my mouth? I fear that I will do that a lot in this post. I don't know why I feel the need to add my "two cents" on this topic, but I truly don't want to offend ANYONE!
I'm just going to throw it out there that I don't see breastfeeding as a beautiful way to bond with my baby. While it's not easy (it's in fact the hardest thing I've ever done. I would say it was even harder than giving birth to Mia, many thanks to that epidural!) it is natural, and it is free. Seriously, the main reason I pushed through the pain was because I didn't want to pay for formula! Nursing is good for babies, but formula is good all the same. I was a formula fed baby and the only complaint I have is that I lost all brain power when I got pregnant! And it hasn't come back. But I'm sure I can't blame that on the formula :) Mia and I both have the attitude that when it comes to nursing we hurry up and "git r done"! At 2 months Mia was nursing for 10 minutes anywhere from 3-5 hours in between. That's my kind of baby! That gave us more time for playing and snuggling which is how I bonded with her. But a lot of babies aren't that way! A lot of moms & babies use nursing to create that bond and snuggle. On the flip side, some moms and babies aren't able to enjoy each other because of nursing! If it's not a right fit, then it's not worth the stress! I guess what I'm trying to say is that ONLY mom and baby know what is best for that pair. No one else can make that decision and no one else has the right to judge! In fact, all mom's understand the pain, frustration, and stresses of feeding your newborn... so that should be reason enough to support and love all moms, even if they are doing things differently than you.
If you haven't noticed, there is quite the controversy going on about nursing in public. Guess what, when a baby's gotta eat, a baby's gotta eat! You can't tell a 3 month old to hold on a little longer until you can get somewhere convenient to feed! I was super envious of the mom's that could whip out a bottle, mix the formula and start feeding their screaming baby. It's not nearly as easy to whip out you-know-what to feed your baby when nursing. It's actually really hard to learn to do that (for both mom and baby)! We went to Disneyland in July and my main stress was feeding Mia. Obviously I wasn't going to run back to the car each time she needed to be fed. So I started practicing feeding with a cover around my friends. It was hard, it was a pain, and it was a fight at times with Mia... but we slowly figured it out. I guess I should throw it out there that I'm a firm believer in using a cover. Or if it's too hot to use a cover, position your clothing so that no one even realizes your nursing. But at the same time, I would NOT give you the stink eye or say something if you were letting it all hang out. I'd be respectful (and mature enough) and just look away. It's really unfortunate that everything is so sexual these days, but it is what it is! I believe that nursing momma's should respect other families (mine included) and sacrifice by covering up. I know it can be done since I do it! And everyone else should respect the mom's that have no choice but to feed their starving baby while out in public.
I guess the main thing I'm trying to say is that we should all respect each other. If the people of our country can't understand the fact babies need to eat whether the milk comes from a bottle or a boob, then they should go stick their head in the toilet and flush. If women can't respect the fact that our country thrives on selling sex, and we can make it a little easier on men and children by using a cover, well, I've got nothing. Because you have to feed your baby, but I believe we could all be a little more respectful with our modesty, even if nursing is natural and so not sexual (just ask the husbands), it still affects all other husbands and children that aren't your own! If the people of our country can't come together respectfully, and stop fighting about something as petty as breastfeeding..... how are we supposed to stand united against the big stuff? The stuff that actually matters? The stuff that effects us in more ways than just scarring our eyes? Am I right? Can I get an amen?! Are we still friends??
I guess it's breastfeeding awareness month... or so I've heard on FB, Instagram and the news. I'm not the kind of person who feels the need to broadcast to the world that I nurse my baby, or post pictures of it to the social media world, or argue which is right and which is wrong when it comes to feeding my baby publicly. Not that my friends are "that kind of person" either who do actually do these things... did I just stick my foot in my mouth? I fear that I will do that a lot in this post. I don't know why I feel the need to add my "two cents" on this topic, but I truly don't want to offend ANYONE!
I'm just going to throw it out there that I don't see breastfeeding as a beautiful way to bond with my baby. While it's not easy (it's in fact the hardest thing I've ever done. I would say it was even harder than giving birth to Mia, many thanks to that epidural!) it is natural, and it is free. Seriously, the main reason I pushed through the pain was because I didn't want to pay for formula! Nursing is good for babies, but formula is good all the same. I was a formula fed baby and the only complaint I have is that I lost all brain power when I got pregnant! And it hasn't come back. But I'm sure I can't blame that on the formula :) Mia and I both have the attitude that when it comes to nursing we hurry up and "git r done"! At 2 months Mia was nursing for 10 minutes anywhere from 3-5 hours in between. That's my kind of baby! That gave us more time for playing and snuggling which is how I bonded with her. But a lot of babies aren't that way! A lot of moms & babies use nursing to create that bond and snuggle. On the flip side, some moms and babies aren't able to enjoy each other because of nursing! If it's not a right fit, then it's not worth the stress! I guess what I'm trying to say is that ONLY mom and baby know what is best for that pair. No one else can make that decision and no one else has the right to judge! In fact, all mom's understand the pain, frustration, and stresses of feeding your newborn... so that should be reason enough to support and love all moms, even if they are doing things differently than you.
If you haven't noticed, there is quite the controversy going on about nursing in public. Guess what, when a baby's gotta eat, a baby's gotta eat! You can't tell a 3 month old to hold on a little longer until you can get somewhere convenient to feed! I was super envious of the mom's that could whip out a bottle, mix the formula and start feeding their screaming baby. It's not nearly as easy to whip out you-know-what to feed your baby when nursing. It's actually really hard to learn to do that (for both mom and baby)! We went to Disneyland in July and my main stress was feeding Mia. Obviously I wasn't going to run back to the car each time she needed to be fed. So I started practicing feeding with a cover around my friends. It was hard, it was a pain, and it was a fight at times with Mia... but we slowly figured it out. I guess I should throw it out there that I'm a firm believer in using a cover. Or if it's too hot to use a cover, position your clothing so that no one even realizes your nursing. But at the same time, I would NOT give you the stink eye or say something if you were letting it all hang out. I'd be respectful (and mature enough) and just look away. It's really unfortunate that everything is so sexual these days, but it is what it is! I believe that nursing momma's should respect other families (mine included) and sacrifice by covering up. I know it can be done since I do it! And everyone else should respect the mom's that have no choice but to feed their starving baby while out in public.
I guess the main thing I'm trying to say is that we should all respect each other. If the people of our country can't understand the fact babies need to eat whether the milk comes from a bottle or a boob, then they should go stick their head in the toilet and flush. If women can't respect the fact that our country thrives on selling sex, and we can make it a little easier on men and children by using a cover, well, I've got nothing. Because you have to feed your baby, but I believe we could all be a little more respectful with our modesty, even if nursing is natural and so not sexual (just ask the husbands), it still affects all other husbands and children that aren't your own! If the people of our country can't come together respectfully, and stop fighting about something as petty as breastfeeding..... how are we supposed to stand united against the big stuff? The stuff that actually matters? The stuff that effects us in more ways than just scarring our eyes? Am I right? Can I get an amen?! Are we still friends??
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
weekend review {Lagoon amusement park}
3 generations
Mia loves her cousin, and her grandparents!
There is no better place to get a scoop (or two) of ice cream! And Eric won this fish for Mia, she instantly snuggled it :)
We were lucky enough to play all day with our Brinkerhoff family at Lagoon! Despite Eric's infuriating fake smile in these pictures, we had the BEST time!
You really can't go wrong with amusement park rides, family and yummy treats!
This is something we look forward to each year!
And next year will be even funner... we'll get to watch Mia play even more with her cousins, love on her grandparents, get excited for rides AND have her own scoop of ice cream ;)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
happy 8 months to my love bug
It's so hard to get a picture of this girl these days... she is always on the move!
- Mia is crawling!! She had the army crawl mastered, but as soon as she had crawling mastered she never looked back!
- In fact.... Mia just kept moving forward. The day after she mastered crawling (as in, no more army crawl) she started pulling herself into the standing position! The first time she did it was on August 9th... much to my surprise! This girl just doesn't stop :)
- In fact.... Mia just kept moving forward. The day after she mastered crawling (as in, no more army crawl) she started pulling herself into the standing position! The first time she did it was on August 9th... much to my surprise! This girl just doesn't stop :)
- We actually lowered Mia's crib on August 8th because she was pulling herself to her knees constantly. Good thing we did since she has pulled herself to the standing position every day since!
- She also LOVES to walk while holding our hands or balancing on an object.
- Oh, I forgot to mention that Mia can also sit herself up! She never likes to lay down anymore.
- Diaper changes are quite the challenge these days. As soon as we lay Mia down she rolls back over and crawls off. I cant tell you how many times I've seen that naked bum scurry away, HA!
- Mia is still eating pureed baby food mixed with oatmeal cereal. But she pretty much eats everything we eat (aside from meat. She got a bite of bacon on accident but I think I'm going to start giving her tiny pieces of meat now) and she does so well! She prefers fresh chunks of fruit over pureed fruit. And the girl still loves her veggies most! I'm too nervous to give her chunks of watermelon (she choked on that once) and pineapple so I put those in the mesh things and she loves to suck the juice out!
- This girl gives the best kisses! She will totally lean over with her mouth wide open until she makes contact :) I love that she gives kisses even though they are more slobbery than I prefer ;)
- Mia thinks it's super funny to play the fake coughing/laughing game with mom and dad. She loves to hear us do it, and then do it back to us :)
- She is SO playful! We have the funnest, silliest and happiest baby ever. And yes, we know how blessed we are!
- Mia is still wearing 6 month clothing.
- She is still in size 2 diapers.
Mia truly is my little bestie! She is the happiest part of our lives! Eric and I are so wrapped... we love this girl to the moon and back (times infinity)!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
not my mini-me

So I posted this picture on Instagram the other day and asked who Mia looks like, baby #1 or baby #3?
Even though I agree with the answers, it still kinda made me sad when not ONE person said baby #1.
Because that would be me, ha!
Some people mentioned that we may have the same nose, or the same eyes.
My favorites said that she is the perfect blend of us!
But I guess she truly is her daddy's girl!
Tell me what you think, do you see bits of me in her?! :)
P.S. Don't forget to enter this giveaway!
Friday, August 16, 2013
what happens in Vegas...
We got to spend the first half of the week in Las Vegas and I was totally looking forward to it! Eric has been so busy with work and I have been so busy with life and we really haven't seen each other. Eric had to do some business while we were there, but then we'd actually be able to relax together and play with Mia the rest of the time. The best part was the resort we stayed at, the Tahiti Village. This place is so family friendly and the pool/lazy river are AWESOME! Mia and I played at the pool all day until Eric called to say he finished early... yay! I found out when I picked him up that he finished early because he had food poisoning. Nooooo! So back to the pool for me and the babe while Eric tried not to kill over in our room. Thank heavens for my little bestie, this trip would have been super boring if it weren't for Mia. That girl just goes with the flow and really makes life funner! I'm so thankful she's mine!!
As if this mini trip wasn't full of enough no-fun surprises, when we were headed out of Vegas Eric asked me if I remembered to grab his wedding ring.
Ummm... 'scusey??
Apparently he forgot to put it on that morning and had asked me to get it before checking out. And apparently he forgot that most things go in one ear and out the other due to my mommy brain. I need 10 (thousand) reminders or a written list to remember my to-do's these days! And the best part was that Eric was excitedly talking about the new ring he would pick out if the ring wasn't ever turned in, ha ha! I was a big ball of stress for a few minutes until I realized it was replaceable. It made me sad to think of the ring that I surprised him with on our wedding day being gone forever... there are very few things I get sentimental over, but that is one of them! Luckily for Eric the ring was turned in and shipped back to us.... the man will live another day to tell the tales of being my husband ;)
This trip didn't go exactly as planned, obviously, ha ha! That just means we are going to have to go back asap and soak up the amazing pool and lazy river at Tahiti Village! And we'll be sure to starve the whole time to ensure our safety when it comes to food poisoning, HA!
As if this mini trip wasn't full of enough no-fun surprises, when we were headed out of Vegas Eric asked me if I remembered to grab his wedding ring.
Ummm... 'scusey??
Apparently he forgot to put it on that morning and had asked me to get it before checking out. And apparently he forgot that most things go in one ear and out the other due to my mommy brain. I need 10 (thousand) reminders or a written list to remember my to-do's these days! And the best part was that Eric was excitedly talking about the new ring he would pick out if the ring wasn't ever turned in, ha ha! I was a big ball of stress for a few minutes until I realized it was replaceable. It made me sad to think of the ring that I surprised him with on our wedding day being gone forever... there are very few things I get sentimental over, but that is one of them! Luckily for Eric the ring was turned in and shipped back to us.... the man will live another day to tell the tales of being my husband ;)
This trip didn't go exactly as planned, obviously, ha ha! That just means we are going to have to go back asap and soak up the amazing pool and lazy river at Tahiti Village! And we'll be sure to starve the whole time to ensure our safety when it comes to food poisoning, HA!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
why I blog {giveaway}
I am always a little surprised, yet curious when I see other blogger's dedicate a post to the reason they blog. For some reason I thought everyone started a blog for journaling purposes? Of course I was wrong!
Personally, I started my blog to create my life journal. I can print this in a book and have our adventures and pictures all in one place! That's perfect for me because I don't scrapbook and I don't write in a journal. The number one reason I continue to blog is for the journal aspect. I feel so guilty that I don't have a baby book for Mia, but someone mentioned that I already have one... my blog! It's so true, there is way more info on Mia's life than I ever would have written down!
I also love to blog because of the friendships I've made across the state, the country and the world! Blogging has brought people into my life that I would have had no chance of meeting otherwise. It's SO amazing!
And a tiny part of me blogs now to hopefully bring in a tiny bit of extra income on the side. I'm pretty much a stay at home mom now, which I LOVE! But blogging takes a lot of time... time away from my daughter sometimes. So I feel that bringing in some money to store in Mia's college savings, or money to save for a fun family vacation by ways of my blog, makes the extra time and effort I put on the computer so worth it!
I am no expert on blogging, and I'm certainly no expert on bringing home the bacon with the blog... but I have a special treat for ya'll from an amazing, beautiful and talented woman. Alycia, my sister in law, is actually the one who inspired me to start blogging! And now she has written an eBook sharing tips on how to take your blog to the next level. If you're looking to CREATE a community, GAIN a following, and make some MONEY along the way then this is the eBook for YOU!
Personally, I started my blog to create my life journal. I can print this in a book and have our adventures and pictures all in one place! That's perfect for me because I don't scrapbook and I don't write in a journal. The number one reason I continue to blog is for the journal aspect. I feel so guilty that I don't have a baby book for Mia, but someone mentioned that I already have one... my blog! It's so true, there is way more info on Mia's life than I ever would have written down!
I also love to blog because of the friendships I've made across the state, the country and the world! Blogging has brought people into my life that I would have had no chance of meeting otherwise. It's SO amazing!
And a tiny part of me blogs now to hopefully bring in a tiny bit of extra income on the side. I'm pretty much a stay at home mom now, which I LOVE! But blogging takes a lot of time... time away from my daughter sometimes. So I feel that bringing in some money to store in Mia's college savings, or money to save for a fun family vacation by ways of my blog, makes the extra time and effort I put on the computer so worth it!
I am no expert on blogging, and I'm certainly no expert on bringing home the bacon with the blog... but I have a special treat for ya'll from an amazing, beautiful and talented woman. Alycia, my sister in law, is actually the one who inspired me to start blogging! And now she has written an eBook sharing tips on how to take your blog to the next level. If you're looking to CREATE a community, GAIN a following, and make some MONEY along the way then this is the eBook for YOU!
Alycia is giving away one of her eBooks to YOU! She's the best :) If you need some advice on which direction to take your blog, or ways to start bringing in some money via your blog then you definitely want to enter! But really, EVERYONE should enter this giveaway!! Good luck :)
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
It doesn't get more perfect than this! My little bestie!
Loving: watching Mia grow! It's crazy how one day things will just sorta click. One day Mia figured out how to pull herself into the standing position (major shocker to mommy and daddy). One day she figured out how to put herself into the sitting position (which makes nap time real fun). One day... well, you get the picture? My momma heart bursts with pride each time Mia figures out a milestone. Of course I think I have the smartest, strongest baby in the world! But at the same time, my momma heart breaks a little with each new milestone. Motherhood is such a trip. So much happiness mixed with a little sadness at all times!Reading: I haven't been reading. But I've been unpacking books, does that count? :) I'm actually planning on reading a book (hopefully two) this week! I'll let you know how that goes...
Learning: that I just want to take taxi's for the rest of my life! Okaaaay, I don't mean that! But let me explain. We are selling our truck and this is the first time we've sold a vehicle. Let me tell you, people are idiots. Idiots, idiots, idiots. Including me! Eric and I are very loyal people, so, if someone says they want to buy our truck? We stop taking calls and texts of other interested buyers. Then said person turns out to be a J E R K and we choose not to sell him the truck, we've missed out on all the other interested buyers. (Lesson learned. We won't be cutting everything out until it's a done deal!) But then I get stupid texts from cheap people who offer ridiculously low dollar amounts that feel like a slap in the face. I guess it doesn't hurt to try, but they definitely get a big fat NO from us. Then they counter offering $100 more? They should have stopped at the first ridiculous offer. Luckily, we don't need to sell the truck so we can sit and wait until the right buyer comes along. But seriously, what. a. pain.
Trying to: hold true to my attitude change with Eric's job. Some days are more difficult than others, but for the most part? It gets a little easier each day to just let go. And my oh my, what a difference it's made in our marriage! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to figure things out, but the relief we all feel from this is just amazing! It feels good to be back to "us" again!
Wishing: time would slow down! I never realized why "moms" would say this until I had my own baby. The first 2 weeks of Mia's life felt like the longest and shortest weeks ever. Longest because I was so sleep deprived, healing from the most trauma my body has ever been through, and figuring out this brand new, tiny human being who was also trying to figure out life in her brand new body. And shortest because apparentely once you have a baby, time flies more quickly than ever before! Mia will be 8 months next week. E I G H T MONTHS! How is that possible?!
Excited for: the time I get to spend with Eric this week! We have a couple of FUN tiny getaways this week and they couldn't come soon enough. Like I said before... between work, moving and life we just haven't been able to spend much time together. I know that Mia is especially going to love her time with the both of us! She gets super hyper when she realizes she gets to play with us both! It's so cute :) I love my little family!
Monday, August 12, 2013
weekend review {a few of my favorite things}
This weekend I was husbandless which was a bummer! I feel like we haven't seen much of Eric lately... between work, moving and life we haven't had time to just chill and spend time playing as a family of three. But I decided to make it a good weekend and keep us so busy that Mia and I wouldn't have as much time to miss Eric :)
We started out our Saturday right. We went to the lake with my parents! Mia didn't love the life jacket this time but she had so much fun splashing in the water! I've become a wuss when it comes to wake boarding! I haven't tried jumping this whole summer. I'm so worried I'll fall and crack my head just right against the water, ha! I need to get over that fear and start jumping again! I'm hoping to get a couple more good lake days before summer is gone!
My little lake baby. Doesn't it look like she's got legs for days in the picture where she's just chillin' with granddad?
We finished our night of sorta right with Shay at the fair :) Let me explain, I'm getting old! Mia and I adore Shay, we always have the best time with her! But Shay and I forgot that we aren't 12 years old anymore and pretty much killed our insides with crappy fair food. I was feeling so yucky I couldn't even stomach those hot mini donuts that I L O V E from these shindigs. So pathetic!
We spent the night walking around and taking pictures of all the odd things we found, watching my dad's band perform and trying not to kill over from the food ;) Oh and there was definitely no hypnotizing at this fair!
You never know what you'll find at the county fair. Crappy picture quality courtesy of the phone :)
linking up with Sami
Friday, August 9, 2013
Say whaaaaaat? No Mia?! It's because we are about to go on our first "big" kid ride together at Disneyland. We were a tad excited :)
This pretty much sums up our Disneyland trip in July!
Just letting my man know where he stands in my life ;)
The beach and a baseball game. Does it get any better on the 4th of July?!
Mia's first time take a bath like a big girl! She loves to splash and splash!
Mia loves play dates as much as mommy does ;) I love that most of my friends here had babies within a couple months of me! (But I love my friends with no babies just as much!)
I realize my instagram is full of Mia (how does the saying go? #sorrynotsorry) so if you wanna keep up with the cutest baby in the world just follow along at courtbrink!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Missing In Action {a short story}
When I shared the story behind Mia's name (you can read about that here) I mentioned that Eric loved to give me a hard time about naming our baby Mia. One day he randomly told me, "think about it, Courtney. When we take our daughter to Disneyland and buy her those ears with M I A on the back, we are going to look like the craziest parents! Missing in action?? Can you imagine what all the other parents will be thinking about us? I don't know if I can handle that!" {insert cry/laughing emoji}
I couldn't believe my ears! Eric is such a tease, but seriously! Where does he come up with this stuff? I told him with all the crazy names in the world (Mia NOT being one of them) that I was sure we'd fit right in at Disneyland if people really believed her name was "missing in action", ha ha!
I will never forget this story because it was so random and SO funny! The FIRST thing we did when we got to Disneyland was purchase a pair of ears for our sweet, perfect Mia :)
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
real. live. baby doll. {Matilda Jane}
This girl... she is the best little friend I've ever had!
I can't get over how forgiving she is.
How silly she is.
How loving she is.
And how fun she is to dress ;) My real live baby doll!
dress c/o Matilda Jane
Jaclyn, a sweet reader/friend, contacted me about sending Mia a Matilda Jane dress. I'd never heard of this company before and when I got on their website? It almost killed me dead. TOO MUCH cuteness! I mean, I was literally swooning over the clothing! They have some amazing pieces for adults, but the baby/kid clothing is what really gets me! They have the most feminine outfits but they don't look babyish at all (if that makes sense). And their new line that just came out on the 1st is adorable!
Mia's dress is size 6M but it's still a little big on her which makes me super happy :) She'll be able to grow into this and wear it even longer than most clothes this size. And when it gets cooler you better believe I'll be throwing some leggings in with this outfit (I'm already daydreaming about fall weather and how CUTE Mia will look in that season of clothing)!
I just can't say enough good things about Matilda Jane clothing! So thank you, Jaclyn, for introducing me to an amazing company with the cutest clothing! My husband thanks you as well ;) ha ha!
P.S. If you're dying over Matilda Jane like I am, get in contact with Jaclyn via email.
You can't order clothing directly from the website, and she is the sweetest trunk keeper! Happy shopping ;)
Mia's dress is size 6M but it's still a little big on her which makes me super happy :) She'll be able to grow into this and wear it even longer than most clothes this size. And when it gets cooler you better believe I'll be throwing some leggings in with this outfit (I'm already daydreaming about fall weather and how CUTE Mia will look in that season of clothing)!
I just can't say enough good things about Matilda Jane clothing! So thank you, Jaclyn, for introducing me to an amazing company with the cutest clothing! My husband thanks you as well ;) ha ha!
P.S. If you're dying over Matilda Jane like I am, get in contact with Jaclyn via email.
You can't order clothing directly from the website, and she is the sweetest trunk keeper! Happy shopping ;)
Sunday, August 4, 2013
weekend review {I may have been hypnotized?}
We were lucky enough to go spend the weekend with my in laws and had such a great time! Well... I had a great time while Eric and his dad worked like crazy on his jeep. Poor men! But that's another story for another day. Mia and I swam with cousin Nick and aunt Amy. I love the sun and Mia loves the water! I could swim with her all day, every day! Check out my instagram to see a video of my girl walking through the pool! She's going to be walking on her own before we know it (did I mention she is 7 months old?)!
It was so strange though, some kids were totally passed out! I was so incredibly relaxed but I never lost consciousness. One kid was totally out, woke up to do what the hypnotist told him to do, then she tried to sit him on the chair next to me and lay him on my lap when he just totally fell to the floor instead. I totally reacted and tried to catch him when she touched my shoulder and told me to go to sleep... so I fell onto the girl sitting next to me and I was as relaxed as if I was asleep. SO WEIRD! So I kinda believe that if you choose to be relaxed enough, you can be hypnotized! But I also believe you have total control over your sub conscious and you won't do anything you won't want to do. Who has been hypnotized before? I'd love to hear your experience!
It's always a great weekend with the Brinkerhoff's! We are spoiled with good food, fun and lots of love!
Is she not the cutest?!
We also went to the fair with Amy and Nick. Smallest. fair. ever. But did I mention there was a hypnotist? Somehow I got sucked into going on stage with a group of volunteers to be hypnotized. I really don't believe in this stuff so I thought I'd just sit up there looking like an idiot. Well, I looked like an idiot but I wasn't just sitting the whole time.... The hypnotist truly had me so relaxed that I didn't care if the audience watched me pretend to be a ballerina, or crack up over the "funniest movie I've ever seen in my life" (really, I was crying from laughing so hard), or be the star of the show and shaking every one's hands and thanking them for coming to see me! But there were some things I refused to do like play an instrument in the band (I just sat there half asleep instead), or milk the cow. Seriously, no thank you! I blame my total relaxation on the rough night I had with Mia :)It was so strange though, some kids were totally passed out! I was so incredibly relaxed but I never lost consciousness. One kid was totally out, woke up to do what the hypnotist told him to do, then she tried to sit him on the chair next to me and lay him on my lap when he just totally fell to the floor instead. I totally reacted and tried to catch him when she touched my shoulder and told me to go to sleep... so I fell onto the girl sitting next to me and I was as relaxed as if I was asleep. SO WEIRD! So I kinda believe that if you choose to be relaxed enough, you can be hypnotized! But I also believe you have total control over your sub conscious and you won't do anything you won't want to do. Who has been hypnotized before? I'd love to hear your experience!
It's always a great weekend with the Brinkerhoff's! We are spoiled with good food, fun and lots of love!
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