Monday, August 6, 2012

she loves her daddy

I'm trying to limit posts on our baby to once a week but sometimes all I want to do is talk about her, and other times there are just so many memories I won't want to forget! So sorry, but I can't help it that baby girl is taking over the blog :)
We had our gender reveal ultrasound last Monday, then spent our evening getting rained out at Aladdin :) By the time we got home and ready for bed, it was pretty close to 1:00am before we snuggled up to go to sleep. I'm never up that late so I don't really know if baby girl moves around throughout the night. But I got to witness the sweetest moment between Eric and his daughter! You might think I'm crazy, but I just know that she is already crazy about her daddy!
Eric leaned down to my belly and started talking to baby girl. I can't remember what he was saying.... sometimes he rambles, other times he sings, he'll even give her spanish lessons every once in awhile :) He rambled on for a minute, stopped and waited with his hand resting on my belly.... then BAM! Baby girl gave one swift kick or punch that made us jump a little! I've never felt so much power in her movement! Eric started laughing and started rambling to her again. Each time he stopped talking he'd wait for her, and BAM! She'd give him one big thump to get him talking again. Once he was done talking to her I didn't feel anymore movement that night.
Seriously guys... I've never seen or felt her do anything like that before! And watching her during our ultrasound earlier that day, she'd react every time Eric spoke. Our ultrasound tech even commented on it! Those two are going to have one amazing bond! I just hope she loves me as much as she loves Eric :)
I can't end this post without sharing a couple shots from her ultrasound. I know these are a little freaky to look at... but I'm one proud momma and can't help but want to show baby girl off!! :)

She kept moving her mouth as if she was talking, smiling, and laughing!

Precious little foot! She has all 5 toes (even though it looks like 6 in this picture. But we made sure!)

That's all I'm going to share because like I said, these pictures are a little freaky to look at, especially when you have no attachment to the baby :) And I don't want to embarrass her too much before she's even born, ha ha! ;)


m&msmommy said...

Adorable pics and story! :) You share as much as you want to's your blog! ;) And this will be neat to look back on one day. Although I have baby books (that I actually keep up with! :) for both of the kids, I'm still sad that I didn't blog more about my pregnancy with Mia (I wasn't a blogger when I was prego with Manuel). God willing, if there is a Baby Gomez #3, he/she will be ALL over the blog! :)

Amber said...

I love hearing about the baby, so you blog about her as much as you want! I always showed off our US pics and I could tell no one else knew what they were looking at! But of course we want to show them off! It's our babies first pictures!

Shay said...

I LOVE reading about your pregnancy, Court, and I think everyone understands how excited you are- rightly so:-) Your blog is a lifestyle blog and this is your life right now:-) I am sure you will be so happy you blogged all the details, I know I was. I am SO beyond happy for you, friend.

Courtney Gordon said...

You blog away about your baby! I don't mind reading it. That's what blogging is about. You write about your life and what you know. And this is such an exciting time for you and your hubby. Plus it lets all your bloggy friends get to know you better and feel like they know you. Even if we've never met.

Cindy P said...

That story is adorable! I love that she already has a connection to her daddy! How very special!!

Shelley said...

They aren't freaky at all!! I have never seen an ultrasound where the babies mouth is open! That's so cool!

And it is your blog. Write whatever the heck you want!! Your little girl is quickly becoming your whole world so it makes sense that you want to talk about her! Any true followers will still around for that!

Tess @ AModernSuburbanitesLife said...

I LOVE hearing about the baby!!

Freya Lily said...

It's okay to talk about her a lot :) It's an exciting time!

Jamie Danielle said...

How exciting!!! Such a sweet time in yalls life talk about it all you want :)

Dee Stephens said...

Exciting! Brad hasn't felt the baby move yet but I sure have!

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

How adorable!!

Kira said...

There is nothing wrong with sharing about the baby as much as you want. It is your blog :)

Also, once she comes, you will want to share even more!

Laynah said...

Wow, that is INSANE. Soooo crazy! Her and Eric will have some kind of crazy bond for sure. And I am going to be some kind of crazy emotional mother because for some reason this made me tear up!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Love ultrasound photos!! I can tell she's cute already!!

Unknown said...

Oh girl my baby did the same thing! There was a night when Andrew was talking to her and she full on kicked in the jaw as he was saying he loved her hahaha hilarious!

Deveny said...

It's awesome how babies recognize voices of their parents!
My son's nickname, The Admiral, came about after his first ultrasound. At that point (8 weeks) his eyes were on the side of his head so we took a page out of Star Wars and nicknamed him after Admiral Ackbar..... hahaha
Now he's 3, we're trying to get him to have a catch phrase of "It's a trap!"

Katie Did What said...

what a sweet story! love that she already knows her daddy's voice :)

Denise said...

Cute! Please tell me that's not your SS# on those pictures..

Miss Amy said...

THAT IS THE COOLEST experience!!! Wow! :)

Samantha said...

So sweet :) I remember moments like those.

Kylie said...

I say if it's a lifestyle blog, and having a baby is part of your life, blog about it all you want. That's my philosophy :)

What a cool experience. It's so sweet to see your husband "interact" with baby, isn't it??

Rebecca said...

Super cute story. I like hearing about baby, don't stop sharing.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

oh my gosh her mouth all open and her little nose in that profile... to dang cute! love it.

Jessica M. said...

That is adorable!! You two are going to amazing parents!!

Alyx said...

awwww, I love this!!

Megan said...

I love baby posts!! Don't apologize!! She is such a cutie already!!

Samantha said...

Awww! I love baby post!!! She's already beautiful! I bet you can wait to hold/see her :)

Amanda Schroeder said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Gosh, I love this. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Eeeeeekkk. K i'm done.

Amanda @ we & serendipity

That Girl said...

Be careful - maybe she's out to get him and those kicks are strategically placed to try and take him out!

Unknown said...

Aw that is so sweet! of course she will love her mamma more than words can say! I am so happy for you and your new little baby girl! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think its bad if you boast all the stinkin' time about the little baby growing in your belly :) Do you have a name yet?

Unknown said...

That is SUCH an awesome story! And DON'T stop filling your blog with pregnancy/baby/motherhood posts... that's what's happening right now, and you'll always want to remember this :)

Apparently our little man (due this month!) will be quite a recluse because he NEVER reacts when we talk or "play" with him. He only moves when he wants to; it makes Aaron upset sometimes ;)

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Congrats...that's the best feeling!!

Vanessa said...

share your heart, girl! I loved being pregnant and miss it! Definitely document your thoughts, you'll love going back to those memories one day. i'm loving hearing all about your baby and little growing family :) much love.

Julie said...

Oh talk about your baby as much as you want...besides once she's here you'll talk about her even more! :)

Kera @ Nugget On A Budget said...

Saw you've become a follower of my blog, Nugget on a Budget (thank you), so I had to check yours out. Adorable! And congrats on the baby girl-in-the-making :) Little girls are the best. Looking fwd to following along and best wishes for the remainder of your pregnancy!


Andrea said...

That sounds so sweet! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm glad to have found yours. Congratulations on your little girl! My friend just had a baby last week and I never wanted to stop holding him.

Karen said...

This is so exciting!!! I am so happy for you. Post as much as you want about that baby girl!!

Tessa D'Angelo said...

I am a new follower to your blog. I absolutely love your posts about your growing belly and your baby girl! I too am prego with my first little babe, he's due in just 3 short weeks! I can't believe it!

Katie said...

Absolutely adorable. This is a story you'll be telling at her wedding one day :)

Mikelle Jade said...

Oh that is too cute. She must already know her daddy's voice and is already a daddy's girl :) Really sweet. Just wait til those BAMS are hitting your bladder and ribs--- they won't be as cute anymore, but still nice to know when little one is moving around!

chantal marie said...

I obviously have no attachment to the little one but I like the pics and the story! Thanks for sharing. I am CERTAIN she will love you just as much!

rooth said...

AHH! That's so sweet. You are in trouble if she's a daddy's girl already

Alexis Kaye said...

Awh!!!! This is the sweetest post! I have mixed emotions. Half of me wants her to be a daddy's girl but the other half wants her to be a mommy's girl. I guess either way, there's a lot of good!!!! :) I just love hearing clint talk about her. For some reason it's even sweeter that it's a girl :)

Anonymous said...

Love Hearing about baby! Keep talking about her:)

Jessica Ruud said...

Such a beautiful story and look at those pictures! AH. Love it so much.

Congrats again :) xoxo

Mugdha said...

Aww what a sweet story! She's gonna be daddy's girl for sure!

Alicia Marie said...

Look at that pretty foot!!! My baby girl loves her daddy too (I'm 30 weeks today :) )...last night he was rubbing my belly in bed and she was squirming around against his hand, kicking every once in a while to give him a good laugh. It's too sweeet! :)

Contemplating Beauty said...

INcredible, congrats again, really beautiful.

Janna Renee said...

That is so cool! You can't deny something like that! It gets me giddy just thinking about it!

Kristin said...


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! I don't think those images are freaky at all! The 4D ones def are! LOL xoxo

Tiffany said...

Oh how sweet!!!!

Holly said...

Cute! I don't think they're freaky at all! :)

Jeff Agarwal said...

Oh girl my baby did the same thing! There was a night when Andrew was talking to her and she full on kicked in the jaw as he was saying he loved her hahaha hilarious!

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