Monday, March 26, 2012

he said/she said

Today I'm joining in with this fun newlywed game link up! Eric and I aren't really "newly weds" anymore... we're almost to our 4 year anniversary! But I still thought this would be fun to document our thoughts.
 Don't ask me what I had to bribe Eric with to answer these questions for the blog...


1. What do you think my best quality is? This isn't your only good quality but I love how you are with kids. I think you're going to be a great mom to our kids!
2. What would your ideal date be with  me? We'd dress up all nice and go hangout in Vegas, or go to a fancy restaurant. Maybe catch a show after we're done eating? Then go home and rip each others clothes off! (Oh my.... such a MAN.)
3. What was your first impression of me? That you were very attractive and had really nice, long blond hair. That's why I married you, ha!
4. What is your favorite memory of me? I have lots of them.... they all involve you smiling and laughing. But I guess some of my favorite memories of you are when we go to the lake and you're being pulled behind the boat on a tube. Your facial expressions are amazing and hilarious! (I don't doubt him there. Look here for proof... me and my sis in law!)
5. What do you see for us in the future? Living in our dream house with a shop full of toys and old piece of crap cars waiting to be fixed up. (He means hot rods and muscle cars.) Kids running a muck around the house. That's why we'll have to have a lot of property, Courtney. So they can destroy things outside. I want our family to go on lots of vacations. And eventually I'd like to retire and go on a LDS mission with you.


1. What do you think my best quality is? You are an incredibly hard worker in every aspect of your life. Our marriage, your career, school, hobbies, etc. You always give your best effort!
2. What would your ideal date be with me? In my head the "perfect" date would just sitting on the beach under the warm sun with some cold drinks in our hands! Seriously... a beach + my man = a happy girl! I can't wait for May :)
3. What was your first impression of me? The first time I saw you I remember thinking... Is he seriously dating that girl? Ha ha! Then my first impression after the first time we talked was... This guy is such a dork! There is no way on earth we'd ever make it past one date, if he even dares ask me out. HA HA! I've never been so grateful to say that I was WRONG!
4. What is your favorite memory of me? The first time you told me you loved me! I knew you'd been dying to tell me for days but I wasn't ready to hear it, so you tried to be patient. But one night you couldn't help yourself... you just blurted it out in a rush and then ducked your head because you were so embarrassed :) Falling in love with me was a scary thing to do... but it makes me go weak in the knees to think that YOU love ME!
5. What do you see for us in the future? Our dream home, toys, vacations, money, etc. Basically, a lot of worldly things :) But more importantly... I see you and me more in love than we could have ever imagined. The ups and downs that life has and will continue to bring us, will help build the strongest foundation of love EVER. And we can't forget about babies! We'll definitely have kids, and hopefully we'll adopt 1 or 2. When I envision our future... I see us living life to the fullest and being surrounded by loved ones along the way!

P.S. The winner of My Memories digital scrapbook software is Julie! Congratulations!


Jess said...

Thanks for linking up! I loved seeing your answers!

JMB said...

I LOVED his answers for you! He adores you! :) "Crap cars to fix up" ooooh you married "a boy" hahaha Love it!! And I am loving the picture below this post with you and the gun...girlfriend, you is packin the HEAT hahaha xoxo

Ashlee @ said...

This was such a cute post! I can't wait to be a newlywed some day. :)

Erin said...

Yayyyy - so cute! I didn't realize it's almost been 4 years! :)

Andrea said...

Ah! You guys r cute! My hubby and I will also be married 4 years this summer!

Carlie said...

That was fun to read! My fav is your memory of him telling you he loved you. I didn't want to be the first one to say it to Seth. We would both hint at it, but I waited until he said it. I will always remember that night sitting on the couch! =)

Janette said...

Oh my word! This is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Such great answers! My favorite was the memory when he told you he loved you! AWWWWW!Sooo sweet! You guys make the perfect pair!

Janette the Jongleur

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Ive seen these floating around. So cute!

Lauren said...

So cute Courtney!!! You guys are so in love!!! I love it! :)


Shauna said...

What a fun post!

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

fun! your wedding images are gorgeous. the flowers. wow.

Pamela said...

'go home & rip each others clothes off' hahahah! SUCH a guy!! Love yalls answers!

Niken said...

he must love you a lot because he agreed to get involved in the blog,,haha

Mrs Guenther said...

Lol his answer to #2 cracked me lol.

Mrs Guenther said...

Lol his answer to #2 cracked me lol.

Melanie said...

Ahhhh.... (sigh... sigh...sigh)... Yep. You two kids were meant to be! This is just the sweetest Court.

Lol... my fav part is... rippn the clothes off! hahaaa.. men!

Anonymous said...

It'd be like pulling teeth (or worse) to get my husband to answer those questions too! Good job hubby! xoxo A-

Erica said...

This is such a cute post girly! Love it!

Jenna said...

I love that you prefaced this post by straight up admitting there had to be bribing! That was my first thought when I saw the post ... "What would I have to do to get my hubs to agree to this.......?" It'd have to be massive! haha

Also, those tubing facial expressions are pricess! :)

Alyx said...

I love this post!!!
Haha, love the typical man answers on the date question -I'm sure Mike's answer would be pretty similar to Eric's!!

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet! You guys are too cute.

Devon said...

I love your favorite memory of Eric. So sweet! Beautiful pictures too!

Haley said...

This was so cute! I absolutely loved reading it!! You guys are adorable!

from head 2 toe said...

SUper cute idea!!! Maybe I will do this with Derek...all his answers will revert to Sexy Time though. HA HA HA.....can you tell he has been long distance all month?!

Anonymous said...

great answers girl :) cute blog too!

Emma Frances said...

This is so fun/funny! I love your man's answers! They are hilarious! Just what I could imagine my husband saying! :] Also, I LOVE your wedding pictures! You looked absolutely stunning!

Whitney Leigh said...

this is so cute. haha I loved your face on the tube. I look similar when I ride on those things.

Katy said...

So cute :o) I made my hubs do this too.

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

awww this is so adorable! i love it!!! congrats on your upcoming anniversary 4 years!! yeeeoowww! you guys are such a adorable couple!

xx Kelly

Kristin said...

love this!!

The Presutti's said...

Aw, lovely answers :)

Megan said...

Y'all are seriously precious. Love your first impression of him! Hahaha! That made me laugh! Thank goodness you were wrong!

Thanks for linking up! Miss you!

lori said...

i love this! so sweet. and nice to get to know your husband a little more!

That Girl said...

This is very sweet

Tiffany said...

Awww, this is such a sweet post!

Antoinette Musik said...

This is so cute!! I really wanna do this with my hubby to see what he says about me.

Vision By Mila said...

beautiful wedding pics! :) approaching my 2nd anniversary myself :)

Liz said...

BAhaha!! I had to bribe my husband too!! I love your favorite memory!! And your flowers were gorgeous!!!

Kasey Lynne said...

Hahah oh my gosh...his answers are hilarious! Way to be a guy Eric ;)

Love that picture of you! So pretty! And your bouquet was gorgeous.

Shay said...

This is SO SWEET- I love that he mentions going on a mission with you!

Unknown said...

I love your boquet!

Tiffany said...

Haha such a man such a man....but he sure seems to adore u.

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