Sunday, March 11, 2012

weekend review

Friday: Eric worked late and even though I was planning on that... I was bummed! I was sooo excited for dinner! I love food WAY too much :) I made honey lime chicken enchiladas (minus the cream) and bought salsa and chips from my favorite restaurant. YUM! And we finally watched Footloose. Loved it! Am I the only one that gets the intense desire to sign up for dance classes after watching something like that?

Saturday: We got the heck out of this town and spent the WHOLE day together. It was amazing and sooo needed!

We went to the Temple first thing when we got into town. (We went back later to walk around and snap some pictures, haha.)
If the grease on that bag doesn't make you want to go eat Five Guys right now? I don't know what will!
How did I get so lucky to have a husband who LIKES shopping with me?
I loved having Eric to myself all day!
Obviously we didn't get our fill of crap from Five Guys... we ended the night with meeting my parents at Cold Stone ice cream!

Side note. I've decided I am in love with floppy hats and I am dying to get one for our Hawaii vacation. But I want one that is cuter and floppier than the one in that picture :) What do you guys think? Would I be able to pull it off? And where can I find some cute floppy hats?

Sunday: We finally met some people our age at church! I hope we will be making some new friends soon! Eric and I took a nice long nap together (heaven). The man grilled steaks for dinner and brownies are baking in the oven as I type. Life is good!


lori said...

sounds like a great weekend to me!! we have a five guys here, but i've actually never eaten at it.

YES you can pull off a floppy hat. target has a lot of cheap {and cute!!} options to pick from, check there!

Julie said...

You all are such a sweet couple! Sounds like a great weekend together : ) With your mention of a Hawaiian vacation, now I want to go, I've never been! Lol. Glad you all had a great one : )

Faith said...

What a great wknd!! Looks like the both of you had an amazing time this wknd!! Aldo's accessories has a great selection of floppy hats.

LWLH said...

What a fun weekend?

Megan said...

Y'all are so much like basically revolves around food! Hahaha! I love y'all!!

Lauren said...

What a fun weekend! I got my big white floppy hat from target they always have cute ones :-)

Meesh said...

Great weekend!!
And when we went to Hawaii they had the cutest and most adorable floppy hats there!!
I wanted one, but knew I would never wear it lol!
-Meesh :)

Keri said...

Mmmm food! I love food too. :) And all of yours looks!!!!

I JUST told Jason the other day that I really really want to get a cute fun sunhat this summer! And yes, you can definitely pull it off...look how adorable you are in that picture!

Your weekend was fabulous. I'm a teensy bit jealous of your alone time with your husband! :)

Jamie Danielle said...

Ooooo I need a floppy hat for our cruise in August :)
So cute!!!

Denise said...

Great weekend! I bought my floppy hat at Target.. last year I think? I miss sunny St George!

Savannah said...

What a wonderful weekend!

Alyx said...

I love five guys!!!
Looks like an awesome day!!
And the floppy hat - cute, but I agree - I think something floppier and a little bigger would look better. I have no idea where to buy one, though!

Pamela said...

I always LOVE reading your posts! Seriously. Yall are the CUTEST! I have to say, I've never ate at a Five Guys, but that looks good! I think the nearest one is thirty minutes away? You can def put off one of those big, floppy hats!! I think Target may have some?

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a great weekend! :)

= said...

of course you can pull off a floppy.. My fave is Marley Lilly..I have one in tan with hot pink monogram and a cheetah silk scarf to tie around the hat part and make a bow love love it!!

Erica said...

Looks like you had a great weekend! I love Target hats and I usually find cute scarfs in the section that you can wrap around them!

Brittany said...

Y'all are the cutest ever! I loooove Five Guys!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun!

That Girl said...

Your Friday night sounds perfect!

Courtney said...

I love five guys! And I am dying to get a floppy hat to take on my honeymoon!!

Andrea D said...

I got my floppy hat (this one) from Forever 21. They had a humongous selection and it wasn't too terribly expensive!
And ohhh man, every time I watch a dancing or sports movie I want to go out and sign up immediately. It's great for getting my butt motivated to exercise when I'm in a slump :P

Sounds like a great weekend together. Have a happy week! :)


Deveny said...

They just opened a 5 guys down the street from us. Thankfully we're moving or we'd have a problem.. haha Their burgers are ok but their fries are AMAZING!

Kell said...

I just died a little.. I miss St George and fry sauce so much!! I'm glad you had fun :)

Michelle said...

Sounds like a good weekend!

JMB said...

Sister. YOU NEED a big floppy hat and I have the perfect website for one!!! I bought one from there and swear by the website AND - it's great deal too!!!

Shay said...

A little roadtrip including a trip to the temple sounds SO WONDERFUL right now! I love that you guys go. Doesn't it make such a difference?

jes @ twosmuppies said...

pics look amazing! and so does that five guys burger!
xx jes

S said...

OMG That burger looks so good! I WANT ONE NOW!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I was on a hunt for a great floppy hat for awhile too, and found one last summer in Canada. Haven't used it yet, but I can't wait to! haha

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun weekend! I LOVE five guys! Amazing. Also SO jealous of your Hawaii vacation!

Truly His said...

I just told my husband that I want to rent Footloose! Glad you enjoyed it. :) Also, I love Five Guys and think that is a great pick! :)

Jamie said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend!

Tiffany @ Blabbering Thoughts said...

LOVE! And thanks for that link to the recipe, sounds ah-mazing!!

Leah said...

Your weekend sounds so great! I love food way too much too, those enchiladas sound great! I was without my boyfriend Saturday night and although it was expected, I was bummed too. I wanted to start taking ballet after watching Black Swan, I know what you mean!

Cami said...

YES - get the hat..especially for vacation :)
Coldstone is my weakness :)

:: ashley :: said...

looks like you had a blast! i am obsessed with five guys. color me jealous!

Janna Renee said...

What a fun little trip! I LOVE Five Guys and Will likes to shop with me too! Well, not the shopping so much, but he likes hanging out with me while I shop...We are so lucky!

Niken said...

sounds super! i've been dying for a vacation or even just a weekend getaway. but vacation seems impossible, at least until July

ashley.warner said...

looks like a FUN weekend!!!!

glad you had a BLAST!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Five Guys is SO GOOD. I want some right now for breakfast. I'm glad you got to spend some time with the hubs. I'm hoping Andy's work schedule will calm down so we can spend some time together soon too.

Erin said...

Yayy for a great weekend! I'm so glad you found people your age at your church. We keep telling ourselves we need to go to some 'functions' and meet people at our church-- soon, soon! ;)

Target has lots of floppy hats lately!!

Carlie said...

I love Five Guy fries! YUM!

Suget said...

mmmm grilled steaks and brownies... can I come over please? haha
Souuuunds like a loooovely weekend. I am glad you are happy!! Your photos are so cute. You 2 are a gorgeous couple.

momto8 said...

lucky you!!
fun pics!

Liesl said...

Looks like you both had a fun dinner on Friday, even though Eric had to work late...I love foo too, and my sister, her hubby and I have been enjoying a lot this weekend while I'm out visiting her! :) You are both adorable! You are going to rock a floppy hat on your Hawaii vacation!!!

Alissa said...

Five Guys + Coldstone + steaks sounds like a great weekend to me!


Great weekend! Try for a cute monogrammed floppy hat! you looked adorbs in that small one!

Brooke T said...

You look great in floppy hats and you two are so cute together :D

Jessica Ruud said...

Mmmm 5 Guys :) You looked adorable in that hat!!

Laura said...

how fun! I loved the movie Footloose :) and yes, it made me want to take dance classes! should for sure get a flopppy hat!

mmmm you made me want a nap and some brownies!

Kristin said...

I have yet made it to 5 guys! better than in n out?

Danielle said...

5 guys!! Yum. LOVE the hat!!

Shelley said...

Sounds like a much needed great weekend!

Unknown said...

I have always wanted to try 5 Guys Burgers even though I don't eat beef, LOL.

Looks like a fun day!

Stop by and enter my give away! :)

kyna... said...

OMG girl!! You ROCK that floppy hat!! It looks great on you! You can totally pull that off with style in Hawaii!
I get so so so happy when I see pics of you and Eric being able to spend some happy fun couple time together! Hooray to an awesome weekend!
♥ Kyna

Holly said...

Looks like a great weekend! Five Guys looks amazing. I am sad we don't have it here. :(

Heather said...

You two look so cute! You can totally pull off the floppy hat. No doubts! Love Five Guys! So yum! Now I'm hungry!

Kaitlyn said...

Those enchiladas sound delicious, I'm going to have to try that recipe. I'll probably try substituting Greek yogurt for the cream. I love floppy hats! Do you have a Steinmart close to you? Ours always has adorable hats.

Life With Lauren said...

They have the best fries! Which there was one close to here!

Katy said...

Your weekend looked amazing! Burgers and ice cream are two of my favorite foods. I like the floppy hat and definitely think you could pull one off. Good luck finding one!

JennaStevie said...

Looks like an excellent weekend!! Any man who wants to shop with you is an awesome one. Im so hungry looking at that food!!

Ashley said...

sounds like a perfect weekend! I have to admit - sometimes 5 guys hits it like no other. have your had their cajun fries? i'm newly obsessed!

so glad you met friends your own age - that's always a plus!!

definitely get a floppy hat for hawaii - it will look super cute!

Adrienne said...

What a fun weekend! I love Five Guys! Congrats on the big Hawaii vacation in May! I'm WAY jealous! That will be SO fun!

jennifer blair said...

Ah, I love 5 guys...amazing. :) I definitely think you can pull of the floppy hats! They look adorbs on you!

Holly said...

Honey lime chicken enchiladas?! Those sound amaaaazing :)

LOVE Five Guys!! It is sooo good!

You look adorable in that floppy hat!! Kohl's had some cute ones I think. So fun :) :)

Yay for meeting new people at church!!

Amanda said...

Awww sounds like such a great weekend, Court! I love all of the pictures of you and the hubs! I definitely need to get M to start taking more pictures with me! I don't think we've taken any together since he's moved in (epic fail). Oh well :)

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

that food looks amazing..i have heard 5 guys burgers is better than in & out....youre so LUCKY your man like to shop! wish mine did! im new to blogger, just found ur blog & im your newest follower! check out mine if you can!

xx Kelly

Molly said...

I love my Marley Lilly floppy hat. It was the first thing I purchased with my married name monogram and it is wonderful.

Emma Frances said...

What a wonderful weekend! It sounds like you finally got some time with your hubby and you used it wisely! Five Guys is DELICIOUS! I want some now! Haha. And I'm jealous that your husband loves shopping with you! My husband doesn't hate it but he ends up in the video game sections/stores while I shop for clothes! Also, you can DEFINITELY pull off the floppy hat! I can't wait to see what you find because I have NO idea where to look for them!

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog! Love it and am now following! I just started my blog three weeks ago. Would love for you to check it out and follow back if you like it!


kimberly @ lush lounge said...

The temple is so beautiful!

Diane Writes said...

Hi Courtney! Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment in my rarely visited blog. You made me happy. I hope we'll be able to know each other better, albeit online.

You are so lucky to have a husband who loves you and can join you in your shopping escapades :D I'm looking forward in reading more of your posts.

Have a great day ahead!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

Uh, you were totally in my town. and you didn't even say hello.


Does this make us in a fight?

sandryca said...

u 2 looks very cute :) <3

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