Wednesday, March 28, 2012

it's a story about poop

Yep. I'm totally talking about poop today, ha ha! Remember when I babysat 5 boys a couple months ago? I mentioned in this post that the 4 year old pooped his pants and you all said you wanted to hear the story. I've really debated whether I should post this or not because I'm going to be judged on some of my actions, big time. But oh well! It's a funny story so just keep in mind that I am NOT a mother so my mind just kind of shut down and went into panic mode. I wasn't thinking clearly :)

E (4 years old) and I met up with Gentri and spent the day at this gorgeous lake. E was walking up and down the dock eating his pb&j sandwich when I noticed he was walking funny. I asked him if he needed to go potty and he told me no, he'd just pooped his pants. Um, WHAT? We were 30 minutes outside of town and I definitely didn't bring a change of clothes. I didn't even have wipes because the boy was past this stage! I figured I could just take his pants off and throw his underwear away but nope. It ran all down his legs and got on his socks and shoes! Nasty!
Poor E stood there naked from the waist down for a few minutes until I remembered that I had napkins in my car! I started wiping him down, gagging and laughing the whole time (thank goodness Gentri was amazzzzing through this!), and realized there were no trash cans around. So I turned on my thinking cap, not, and decided to toss the poopy napkins in the lake. They would totally dissolve eventually, right? Right.
I was down to my last napkin when I heard E say, "Oh no! Those people are going to see me!" I looked up and saw a couple getting out of a car, and they started pulling out fishing poles and chairs. I knew they were coming to fish off the dock. I look around and there are poopy napkins floating around BOTH sides of the dock. Oh my lanta. I got down on my stomach and started scooping the poopy napkins out of the water, sick! I was trying to hurry and grab them before the couple got down to the dock but they were everywhere! Ha ha, I was dying! While I was scooping up napkins Gentri took E's jacket and tied him some makeshift underwear for the car ride :)
She is a genius. Genius, I tell ya! E was such a good sport the whole time. I knew he was so embarrassed but he didn't cry once! He'd just chuckle every once in awhile :) And he thought his new "underwear" was pretty funny!
The best part was walking past the couple with poopy pants in one hand, sopping wet poopy napkins in another, and E with his new outfit, ha ha! It is safe to say that that was the best birth control I've had in awhile :) And when I have kids... I'll always have a change of clothes in the car, no matter what their age is! Oh and gloves. I'll definitely have some emergency gloves as well!


Lauren said...

Oh my goodness I just literally LOLed!!! I can just picture you scooping them out hahaha! I would have done the same! This story is seriously hilarious! :)


m&msmommy said...

Absolutely hilarious! Super gross, but SOOOO funny (and totally something that happens when you have children. The least likely things happen at the worst times possible! :))

At least E didn't cry (that would have made it so much worst! :)

Cindy P said...

Oh my goodness! hahaha! I'm so glad you shared this story. As gross as it is it's quite hilarious!!

Glad that E was not completely traumatized by the situation!

Andrea D said...

Ah! How funny! I don't have kids yet either, but when my brother and I were at the park once (I was around 6 and he was 4), my mom was exercising while we played and he pooped his pants. Being the wise older sister I was, I took charge and advised him to take off his underwear and flush them down the toilet. Obviously a great idea, right?!
Hellloooo overflowing toilet!

Thanks for the morning laughs! :P
Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

dottie said...

Oh man! Ha, ha!!!! This was great!

Carlie said...

haha that is so funny! Oh Court I could totally see myself doing the same thing!

Carlie said...

PS-I meant doing the same thing as you...not pooping my pants! haha

Ashlee @ said...

Oh my gosh, this was sooo funny! Poor lil' E and poor you! I can't believe ya'll remembered to take a picture of his "new" underwear!

tinajo said...

Hahaha- this cracked me up! :-D

Jenna said...

That's hilarious, Courtney!

Asha said...

I should really not read your blog at work...I laughed out loud at my desk! Thanks for the hilarious story...and I would have probably done the same thing with the napkins, ha!

p.s. - I'm having a giveaway, you should check it out!

stephanie said...

ha! you think you'll always have a change of clothes but it will still get you. it's some sneaky crap ;)

Erin said...

HAHAH- I think you handled it great, I prob would have done the same thing! :) Stories like that are greeeat birth control, keep 'em coming ;)

jessica said...

oh no poor little guy! ahh and you, too! i bet that was definitely super awkward!! ahh funny awkward stories are the best.

Aimee L said...

Hahaha, I just LOL'ed IRL. At my desk. Lucky for me this happens frequently enough that people just ignore it anymore.

Seriously I would've probably done the same thing...ugh! Hope he got a nice hot bath afterward and you had some hand sanitizer...

Christy said...!!! That story is HILARIOUS! My husband would freak out...he gets really weird and grossed out about even mentioning poop. (He's going to DIE when we have kids!!!) I would probably be really grossed out by having to touch all the poopy napkins and whatnot.

When my brother was little, just passed diaper stage, we were swimming in a neighborhood pool when he pooped in the pool! Fortunately we were the only ones there. My parents' plan? Get out and leave! As we were walking out, a group of people came walking in. Yeah, they had an unpleasant surprise awaiting them... ha!

Anonymous said...


Katie said...

Lol oh no! I would have no idea what to do either, no worries!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

you threw the dirty underwear in the lake? nasty court! haha you could have wrapped it up in napkins or something else, litter bug! haha

Keri said...

OH MY!!!! Awww poor little guy! And poor you! :)

Tiffany said...

Bahahah!!! Ohmygoodness, I love it. This is a GREAT reminder for me to pack extra clothes. lol My Little Guy will be four on Sunday and I'm thinking we're past this stage, too, but what if we're not?!?! lol

Alyx said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA, Oh, dear. I just died laughing. I can see how that would be THE best birth control ever!
Props to you for fishing out the poopy napkins - I don't knwo that I would have been able to do taht.

Melanie said...

Ohhhh MY LANTA! HahaahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaAA... I SO needed this Court! Thank you! Lol) You are just hilarious. I don't even know where to start? I give you major props for this one girl! When it's your kid da poo poo... you can handle it... when it is da random poo poo... it's pretty yucky.... especially to grab out of a lake! Lol... you're the sweetest, & you will be the BEST mommy. You totally handled the situation, & didn't gag at the same time! The pic is a framer! LOVE you friend!!

P/S I'm pretty sure I will carry wipes in my car until Jax moves out)

monster cakes said...

I. AM. DYING. This is so something that would happen to me that it's not even funny. Btw, I would done the same thing. You were desperate. No judgment from this girl! haha

Amanda said...

OMG I love this post as a former nanny I feel you! I just about died laughing. I saw you won Kelly's giveaway at messy dirty hair!! Congrats Ia m your enwest follower.

Suget said...

haha I know what that experience feels like... Kai and Warren always had trouble... but this is funny. haha Poor you!! Poor kid. Poor Gentri haha Yeah, I have a spare set of clothes for each boy in the trunk at all times... in case of emergencies haha

Unknown said...

bahahaha!!! oh man! reminds me of being a first time momma! i've gone through so many panic, lose my brain, what should i do moments its hilarious! i thought you did great!

i always have two changes of clothes, and extra pack of wipes tucked away in my van, just in case. hahaha.


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

My bad... read that wrong, thought you threw the undies in the lake! hahaha

Liz said...


Lauren said...

hahah poor guy!

Jessica said...

Too funny! I don't have kids, and I'm not even used to being around kids, so I probably would've done something much much worse. I'd say you handled it pretty well lol. :)

xx Jessica

Kell said...

Um.. you are such a good sport! I would have dipped his behind in that lake and told him to wash it off! I am terrible. Ha!

Unknown said...

AAAAAAAAAHHHHH oh my gosh this story is HILARIOUS! Thank goodness Gentri was there (she IS a genius!). You're a trooper for sure. I think this story was probably good birth control for us all : )

Anonymous said...

It's such a pain when they are past the stage of always having a change of clothes. At least he let you do that though when I nannied triplets the girl pooped in her pant in Michael's I didn't have clothes and she refused to wear her pants so I had to carry her out screaming naked. It was interesting haha. You did great!!

Anonymous said...

I'm dyin over here!! You have just experienced the number 1 grossest thing every mother goes thru!! And you are not even a mom! LOL

You handled yourself and E perfectly!! Thumbs up to ya!

Brandy said...

That is freakin' hilarious! bahahahaha

oomph. said...

haha, i think you just did what ANY mother would do in that situation! i would always have a bag packed in the car...and the ONE day that i took it out for some reason...that's when i'd need it!


Amber said...

BAHAHAHAHA! That is exactly how motherhood is sometimes! You gotta just make do with what you got when you are unprepared or the unexpected happens! You will be a great mom!

Lin said...

Oh my gosh, thank you for one of the best chuckles I've had in a long time! I totally just pictured you trying your hardest to reach into that lake for poopy napkins like it was some sort of race...hilarious.

Sucks that this happened but at least it taught you a good life lesson for the future :) Also, that kiddo is pretty rad for letting you take a photo of him in his nifty sweater skivies.

Whitney Leigh said...

You handled that situation SO much better than I would have! haha what a stud though for staying brave, and way to go you for picking up the poopy napkins. I would have just left them and pretended they were already there.

kyna... said...

You, my lovely lovely friend, absolutely made my day with this one!!! OMG hon! You actually handled it just as I would have, and I AM a mom! lol!
♥ Kyna

Gina Gao said...

I literally laughed so hard when I saw your title. This is a great post, and I've got to say I love your blog.

Sharstin said...

this is seriously a kick in the pants...well kinda literally! hilarious!

Katie said...

HA HAHA I needed that laugh today. You are so awesome!! LOVE U!!

Gentri said...

Such a great time. hahahah!

Gentri said...

Oh! And don't forget that there was NO garbage can, anywhere!

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I probably would have thrown it in the lake funny!

That form of birth control would do me in too!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

LOL LOL LOL!! Thank you for that. For REALS!! AND that is the best piece of advice I could give you -- always always have an extra change of clothes (for you and the kid) in the car. Yup! You pretty much summed it up my friend! :)


Elisha said...


Lyndsey said...

Interestingly enough, u are the second blog today to talk about poop lol

That Girl said...

Maybe one of the truest things about being a mom is that poop really becomes a huge component of your life.

Unknown said...

i just totally laughed out loud!!!! yay for poop posts! ;)

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! Love how you did some quick problem solving : ) I'm so used to dirty diapers now, but I would be seriously struggling with poopy pants!


Antoinette Musik said...

Sorry but I almost wet myself laughing when I read this! Theres something just so funny about poopy pants. Thanks for sharing sweetie.

Anonymous said...

SERIOUSLY?!?!?! OMG I'm about to piss my pants right now. This was a total day brightener for me! HAHHAHAHA

Shay said...

Oh my GOSH COURT! That is just terrible...and absolutely AWESOME! HA. I would have probable done exactly the same thing except my face would have been the deepest shade of red!

Lauren Cooper said...

I started laughing AS SOON as I read the title! Yikes!!

P.s. I am tagging you in a Q&A post tomorrow morning! So make sure to check it out!!

Emma Frances said...

Best. Story. EVER! :] What a crazy adventure! And definitely AMAZING birth controL! Haha.

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

This just cracked me up!! You are a saint!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Blue Dog Belle said...

Oh my gosh. I could not stop laughing out loud when I was reading this. BEST STORY EVER. slash, I can not imagine having to deal with that. eww.

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

ba ha ha! I totally just had this whole story image play out in my mind. This made my day!!!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Courtney! I just laughed so hard about this!! I CAN NOT believe how funny this is. HA!

Tiffany said...

Hahaha hilarious!!!

Hilary said...

Oh my goodness - you are a trooper! I probably would've just cried!

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