Thursday, March 1, 2012

our dream pet


*adorable little nuggets are our nephews


Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

OHMYGOODNESS! looks like a stuffed animal. <3!!!!

Jessica said...

OMG.. I WANT ONE!!!! minus I think he needs to go to the dentist.. lol but so cute!!

jes @ twosmuppies said...

so that last picture?
how can i get one to do that every morning for me?
xx jes

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Cuteness. I just love it!

Keep Shining,

Anonymous said...

My hubs was on a mini horse kick for about a year. Lol. He had a whole mini farm planned out and everything. It was pretty awesome.

★ JASMINE ★ said...

aweeee adorable!!


kyna... said...

OMG Courtney how adorable! I definitely think you guys should get one!
♥ Kyna

Holly said...

Way too cute! I don't like horses, but those mini ones are adorable!

Katy said...

Haha! The pony in the last picture is hysterical. I can't decide if it is trying to smile for the camera or if it is yelling at the camera. Your nephews are adorable!

Neon Blonde Runner said...

I want one too!!!!!!!

You look SO SO cute, as always, in your photos!

tara said...

omg!!! i want one!!!!

Carlie said...

ohmygosh! that is so cute! haha I love his face in the last picture! It looks like he is laughing at his own miniature-ness. =)

Tiffany said...

Omg! I want one!

Anonymous said...

ahhh, i want one too!

from head 2 toe said...

OMG so cute and you are so cute too! And TINY! Jealousss

Melanie said...

AHAHAAAHa HA... that last shot made me bust out laughing! These are SO great Court! Best pet ever for sure!

Unknown said...

i don't blame you. they are adorable!

Bri Buzali said...

he's super cute but look at his mouth in the last picture! You and Eric look perfect and the pony is cracking me up! hahahaha

Kandice Breinholt said...

ah! i want one too!

take a look at those teeth in the bottom photo (haha)

you two (and your nephews) look caa-uuute!

Dearest Lou said...

Oh my gosh so dang cute! Except he honestly looks a little scary in the last picture ;P You are so sweet thanks for your comment on my blog, really appreciate it hon!

stephanie said...

ohmygosh! I die! soooo cute!!

Denise said...

haha SO random!!

Katie said...

so cute! my family grew up with horses and for my eighth grade graduation present I got a miniature donkey. his name is norman and he is adorable! reminder me of your dream pet!

Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

how cute! My bff growing up had a mini horse. He was so cute! He was kind of like a huge dog that you could ride around the neighborhood.

Gentri said...

hahaha! Love how he/she smiled in the last pic! :) I actually have heard that they're not very nice animals...

Emily said...

Oh my gosh! How cool!!! I love mini animals- they are always so cute. I'm a new follower- I can't wait to read more!

Haley said...

Ahhh I've always loved those little ponies!! Want one so bad! You should definitely get one and let me come play with it :)

Contemplating Beauty said...!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously can't take how much I adore these mini horses. You have to look at the youtube video of the mini horse with the cat...It should pop up right away for ya!

Mimi said...

aaaahhhhh, i want one too! i've always wanted one! ;)

<3, Mimi

That Girl said...

Well it is every little girl's dream to have a pony!

Julie said...

Congratulations - You've been given the Versatile Blogger award! Please visit my blog to learn more about it:


Too funny! I grew up on a horse farm and we had horses of many sizes! I had a red pony that I called Tanto! Seeing these pictures reminds me of little Tanto and the rides we used to take. Thanks for sharing!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

I know someone that actually breeds those. And then shows them in fancy horse shows!

Amanda said...

Hahahaha laughing out loud! I could totally see why you two would want one of these handsome little things ;)

Antoinette Musik said...

Gorgeous lady I am so sorry I haven't visited for quite some time, but as you know I've been in New Zealand. Your blogs had a makeover!!
At first I thought I had come to the wrong blog Absolutely LOVE your new layout and all the fabulous photos you have taken on your new fancy camera!

Lauren said...

How cute!!! :) I love how happy you two always are!!! I love your new header too! :)


Anonymous said...

Too funny!!! I would love it also!!

ashleymacpherson said...

HA! Love it! And your hair looks freakin cute Court!

Erin said...

UHHH- Make sure you pick up a couple extra and use them for blog giveaways- thanks ;)

Nessa @{Casa Braaflat} said...

my son Jack would LOVE one of these. instead of a dog, a mini horse. seems completely logical!

Natalie said...



HAHAHAHA We rented a mini-horse for Brian's sister's birthday and he won't stop begging me for one.


HAHAHAHA We rented a mini-horse for Brian's sister's birthday and he won't stop begging me for one.

Brittany said...

Ahhhhhhhhh! Sooo cute!

Kell said...

I saw one of these guys walking around in someones front yard the other day.. they are stinkin adorable!

momto8 said...

that was my constant dream when I was a little girl...makes me smile now just seeing the picture!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

jennifer blair said...

Hehe. How cute! I could see you guys walking the horse down the street in your neighborhood! :)

PS: Thank you so much for your sweet comment. You are always such an encouragement to me!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness that is the cutest thing ever!!
have a great weekend.

Molly said...

Oh my gosh he is so cute. That face is the last picture is hilarious.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...


Liesl said...

How CUTE! A pony...oh how I'd love a "My Little Pony!" Yay! :) You are adorable...I say, get one! ;)

Christi Lynn said...

that pony looks adorable! except for that last picture is pretty hilarious.

Secondhand Stella said...

Hahahahaha, so cute!

Check out my jewelry giveaway!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

Girl, I gotta say.. that bottom picture of the horse freaks me right out.

But cute those horses are, indeed.


Hey Court!
I love reading your blog so much. We decided to change ours to private and so we wanted to extend an invite to you if you want to read ours just send me your email at I hope everything is going great with you and your perfect marriage! Love ya.

Shay said...

Aw, its your own "my little pony"- I love it! I think they would totally let you keep it where you live;-)

Suget said...

haha that is a cute pet... but I think having 4 sons is a lil too much right now (:
Great photos!

Kasey Lynne said...

Hahaha a mini horse??? Girl!

It is cute though!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!! I NEED a pony too!


Celeste said...

That last picture just may have to be a future screen saver on a bad day. The horses face is THE BEST!!! hahahahaha. CHEEEESE!

Rolled Up Pretty said...

I LOVE that little pony. And that last shot is so awesome! HA HA he is SMILING too! You're so tiny Court, LOVE your jeans too!

Janna Renee said...

Aww Shetland Ponies! I got to play with those in Scotland!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I have a similar picture like the last one... with the horse.. it's at my daughters birthday party on a ranch and one of the mothers was posing next to this HUGE male horse and when I snapped a pic.. he did that. It's hilarious!! Im gonna have to put it on my blog soon!!

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