Wednesday, March 7, 2012

a quick trip and a cute butt

Auntie Courtney styled her hair like a little diva. And did she ever live up to the title!! ;)
My favorite waffles and frites hole in the wall restaurant. I daydream about this food. If you live in SLC you MUST try it!
Gateway shopping! I didn't even buy one thing... Promise!
Why am I the only one holding my head weird? Oh dear.

With Eric working so dang much lately I decided I needed to take a quick trip and get out of here.
I am so blessed to have a husband who sends me out the door with a kiss while he works his cute butt (trust me... it's CUTE!) off to make a good life for our tiny family.
I realize how blessed I am to have experienced living in EM up north. I made the most amazing friends that I know will be in my life forever. And in just a short year and a half. I honestly love them!
I was blessed to live just outside of the city for that year and a half. I miss it everyday. Small towns just aren't for me... but I'm getting used to it. Slowly :)
One of the best parts of my quick trip was hearing how much all of my friends kids missed me! It was the sweetest thing. Since we don't have babies of our own, I get my share of lovin' from them. Blessed!
If you aren't getting the gist of this post.... even though this change has been extremely hard for me, I DO realize how blessed I am. I am just thankful I have a husband (with a cute butt) to lean on and love me while I get adjusted. And thank goodness for those quick trips! Even though I cried when I got there and when I left (haha) I was SO happy to go back and see everyone!

P.S. I realize the title doesn't have much to do with this post. I just really think Eric has a cute butt.... tmi??


Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

You are gunna be such a good momma! cute pictures. I have to say I'm the opposite of you. My husband is from a large city and I'm a country girl.. I'll take my small town over his big city any day. I love coming home to my big yard and empty fields. Once you have kids though, your perspective will probably change on this. Enjoy the rest of your week girl!

Michelle said...

yay for husbands with cute butts!! Mine has one too ;)

Nessa @{Casa Braaflat} said...

i can tell you will make a great mommy someday. and God bless great friends. it's them that get us thru the tough times when our families are so far away.

JMB said...

OH......MY....LANTA that looks soooooo GGGEEWD!! I want one of those waffley fat free thingies bahahaha. WE ARE SO BLESSED to be able to spoil our friends babies, aren't we? We can spoil them rotten and then just send them back hahaha

meme-and-he said...

isn't she the cutest!! and I love that you talk about Eric's cute butt. I say that about dave all the time, and he gets SUPER embarrassed!!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

I tell Andy I like his butt all the time, so it's definitely not just you. Your pictures are so cute, I'm glad you got to de-stress and spend some time with your ladies.

stephanie said...

what a cutie! and waffles and french fries? sounds like a tasty combo to me!!

Cami said...

Aww what a lovely post :) Glad you had such a great time!
Waffle & a hole? Never heard of that before - but looks like strawberries & whipped cream...YUM!!! :)


Alyx said...

You are so freakin' adorable. And husbands with cute butts just seem to make everything better. Am I right or am I right? Haha, guess I'm right!
Seriously, though - so glad you got to take a little trip to see your friends and family! I know you've sorta been having a rough time, and it sounds like that was just what you needed!

Alyx said...

Also... i am disregarding that extremely delicious-looking food because of how jealous i am. that is all.

eas said...

Glad you had fun on your little getaway. Such a sweet picture of her with ice cream!

Suget said...

haha if you want to share info, you share all you want lady!! (:
Sounds like a fuuuuun weekend. Awe. I miss friends too, I just don't really know if I have any left haha
So the boys and I will be in Vegas in 2 weeks. Is that close to you? Or are you waaaaay up in Utah?

= said...

aw looks like you all had a blast!!!! that waffle things look like it needs to be in my BELLY!!!!

jes @ twosmuppies said...

waffles make everything better.
xx jes

Courtney said...

What is that waffle place called? YUM!!

Anonymous said...

great pics!

That Girl said...

I'm not a city girl myself, but I totally get how hard it is to move away!

Erin said...

Where's the cute butt pictures?!?!? Super dissapointed ;) Kidding kidding

Eat To Live said...

LOL.... cute post. I am happy for you that Eric has a cute butt!

Moving away can be so lonely. When I was young and first married, we moved from a small bohunk town to NYC..... for me that was VERY SCARY...

Now I am older and live in a small town and love every minute of it.

Emily said...

I live in SLC but I've never been to that waffle place. Where is it?

Carlie said...

hahaha Hey your future posterity needs to know their dad, grandpa, etc. had a cute butt! =)

I'm glad you had a good time up in SLC!

Amanda said...

Cute butt loving is always a good way to pull a reader into a post. I'm glad you had some much needed girl time to give you a little pick me up. Sometimes, even 5 minutes, can make a huge difference :) Hope you're having a wonderful hump day so far!

Shea D. said...

Is that a waffle from BRUGES???? Holy crap. I love that tiny place!!!!

Melanie said...

Holy crapoly! Court... can I call you Court?) Yah...?! YAY! I've always wanted a friend named Courtney, cause I LOVE Court for short. Sorry totally off subject.) Ok... Holy Crapoly! You always have the yummiest food in your hand, & you look like a skinny-doo like you do?! Do you actually eat the fod? lol) Court you are going to be the BEST mama, I can see why every kiddo would just adore you. I am so looking forward to your cute bum & Eric's cute bum starting a cute bummed fam! XOXO friend!

Anonymous said...

Aw girl I'm glad you got to go see your friends again. And just remember that it may take time, but you will adjust and you will slowly but surely find things you love about our new place. Praying for you girl!

Erin @ Currently Coveting said...

There is nothin' cuter than a woman who thinks her hubs is hot! Love it haha, and your niece is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen with that little ice cream cone, precious!


Ashley said...

Oh how I wish my friends lived closer! I had a friend from Denver visit Disney World recently but I couldn't get away from work to see her while they were here.... sad!

Isn't it a major blessing having a husband who loves his job and works hard to support his family?! I definitely miss living near a big city too girl. Looks like you had a wonderful visit with friends though. (:

:: ashley :: said...

that looks delish! and how fun to have some girl time!

kyna... said...

EEK Courtney! I am sooooo glad you got to spend some time with your friends and their kiddos! I am sure those quick little visits mean the world to you! Keep smiling my friend. That small town will feel like home soon enough. I promise! xoxo
♥ Kyna

Bree said...

Hahaha I loved this post about Eric's cute butt! :) I'm glad you got a trip up north to make you smile!

Holly said...

LOL at all the mentions of the cute butt! Does Eric read this blog!? :P

Also, the waffle and fries look amazing!

Natalie Kay said...

Ahh, fun!! I keep thinking that I would be BFF's with you girls too if I didn't have to work full-time. Boo!

Denise said...

Ah so fun! I wish I was within a couple hours from all my friends back home! You lucky duck.

memory said...

Aw! So glad to see that things are looking up and you're enjoying yourself :) And I don't think you're holding your head weird!!

Thank you for your sweet comment on my dear journal post, Courtney. You always have the best stories to share too and I would LOVE for you to come play!! :)


Whim Wham Life said...

YOU are blessed:-) wherever you are! especially with good friends close by, waffles, and cute butts! xoxo

Amanda said...

you are just so darn cute!! and i have a funny head tilt a lot of times too haha!it looks like you had a lot of fun!!

Unknown said...

I love taking the opportunity to see family and just enjoy myself! Looks like you had a great time!

Lauren said...

You are so cute Courtney!! What a great hubby you have! :)

Love the pictures!


Unknown said...

okay I must know where is this waffle place in SLC??? I am now making sure we go there!

his little lady said...

oh gosh, the gateway mall is definitely amazing. and that food looks dreamy!!!
and hubby's have cute butts is the best ;)
xo TJ

Rach said...

Aww I love that your friends' kiddos love you so much. That's precious. :) And I'm so glad that you have been adjusting well! You have such a supportive group for that. :)

Megan said...

Awwww, these pictures are so precious and show how loved you are!! I'm glad you had a little "getaway" time!!

Krista Lynn said...

I think I might start daydreaming about that food just by looking at the picture! Yum yum YUM!

Haley said...

how great that you were able to get a quick trip to the beehive state :) and that you enjoyed such a fun time with friends!

waffles...mmmm! gets me excited for my little guy's 2nd birthday party we're having on's a pj party and we'll be having a waffle bar :) so excited! :)

and *cheers* to sweet husbands with cute butts! heehee ;)

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Sweet Eric and his cute butt is soo good to you. :) You definitely deserve to slip away and enjoy time with your friends and's a good way to recharge your batteries every now and then. ;) Hope the change is getting easier for you every day. I've been thinking about you a lot! Have a happy weekend! xoxo

EverythingPrettyGirls said...

Definitely not TMI! haha... love your blog, and happy that you have such amazing friends!


kimberly @ lush lounge said...

weird head position or not you are still so cute!! I'm not a small town person either even though I live in one haha. one day I will move to a big city. hope you have a wonderful day! :)

oomph. said...

hang in there...i know you'll do just fine!! glad you got to get back and visit, though :)

have a great weekend!


Chess said...

Thanks for following my blog! What is this waffle and fries place in SLC? I'll be there next weekend for a race, and would maybe like to try it afterwards!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

Yes what is this said "hole in the wall" place in SLC? and how come I didn't get an invite! JK! I'm too busy! :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I've never heard of the restaurant but it sounds good! Glad you had a fun day!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I've never heard of the restaurant but it sounds good! Glad you had a fun day!

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