Wednesday, October 2, 2013

this just got real

This is our "Welcome October" picture :) It doesn't get any sweeter than this!

We are SO happy that October is here and I've already been working on crossing things off our fall bucket list. But I have to admit that as much as I love fall... there are some things I don't love. I can't believe I'm saying this out loud, but I DON'T love the Bath & Body candles... I know! I feel like I'm sinning by admitting that, but I prefer the scentsy smells instead!

I hate carving pumpkins.

I hate baking! But I'm determined to bake lots of pumpkin treats. I spent yesterday slaving away and made Zucchini Carrot Pumpkin muffins. Even though I wanted to poke my eyes out, I must admit they turned out soooo good! But once the season is over I'll turn the kitchen back over to Eric. He's the baker in our relationship :)

Speaking of baking, I only use Pinterest for recipes because I'm not crafty, I'm not an interior decorator, I suck at photography and so on. Using pinterest for anything but recipes makes me feel really, really small sometimes. I might be the only one who feels that way?

I don't know how to dress myself. I mean, I know how to put clothes on. I learned that at a young age which I'm sure everyone but my husband is grateful for :) but I can't put together funky pieces of clothes and look like a model at the same time. I don't do pattern mixing. I don't live on the edge when it comes to fashion... if you know what I'm sayin'?

Halloween stresses me out because of the costumes. If I can't function getting dressed with the clothes I own, how on earth am I supposed to come up with costumes? And on that note... I have no idea what I'm doing for Mia's costume. A fairy would be cute, but where do I find the wings? And I certainly won't be making a tutu (mommy fail). She's too little to be a princess. I want her to be something more girly than a bug or a pumpkin. I mean... help!! I don't even know where to begin! Which stores/etsy/websites should I look for costumes because, let me repeat, I DON'T make costumes!

I have a million (okay, like 3) hair tutorials to share except I have no idea how to make a video and post it. Someday I will figure out how to answer your questions and show you my tricks... hopefully!

So now that I've got that off my chest... what kind of blogger am I? I'm probably a disgrace to all things "bloggy"... but it is what it is!

And on that note, today is the last day to enter the Sunnie Jae giveaway! If you don't feel like entering you should at least like their facebook page because these girls (my best friend) deserve some love :)


Julie said...

Its like Mia is licking her lips because of all the candy corn on her outfit :)

Andrea said...

So true, lady. Pinterest is great for recipes! I feel like I have those cute outfits pinned...but seriously? I'm not going to go buy those clothes (plus I have nowhere to wear them!) :)

Alexa Zurcher said...

I'm with you on the costumes! Haha. Target has tutus and the dollar store typically has some cute fairy wings :) that's where I would go to make it easy!! :)

Tara said...

Love those candy corn jammies! (For some reason I'm obsessed with candy corn this year... Not eating it, just the colors)! I made the best pumpkin bread this week (From Our Best Bites' site) and it was sooo simple and delicious!

Jennie and Husband said...

those PJS are the cutest thing ever. You're such a cute mama!

jennifer said...

Loving her little toothy grin! So adorable! And I can't believe you don't love Bath & Body candles!!! That's crazy talk ;)

Crowley Family said...

I hear you on costumes. I was going to make Naomi's and Jaxon's costumes but with only 5 1/2 weeks left in this pregnancy I decided not to make them. I plan on looking at Goodwill and Once Upon A Child. So you should try those places or Savers or Kid to Kid for wings and tutu. Dollar Store usually has wings during Halloween so check there too. Good luck!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...


Courtney Gordon said...

Don't feel bad about the absence of funky outfits. I live in Portland, which is hipster central and I can't dress funky either. I'm not a fan of the mismatchy funky dressing anyway though, so that's why I don't do it.

Also, I'm with your friend about getting costumes at Target or Goodwill, or The Dollar Store. No need to spend a ton on a costume she's only going to wear for a few hours on Halloween.

Kimberly said...

Don't feel bad about the costume! All I worry about for babies is something warm. For the last couple of years Olivia has just been store bought Carter's costumes. The first year she was a pumpkin and last year she was a lady bug. We got them at Costco, check 'em out!

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

I don't use pinterest for anything but recipes...on the rare occasion that I'm actually cooking anything!!! I don't even like Fall decorating. I'm not crafty and my style has come a long way but generally I only realize something is cool until I see it on someone else!! I totally feel ya. We are who we are and really that's good enough!!

Sam said...

Oh my goodness she is adorable! Sweet face!

henning love said...

where did you get that candy corn outfit? it is too perfect for october, how darling!!

Ashley @ said...

Your Mia would look adorable in ANY costume. One kid/baby costume I've always thought was adorable was a strawberry, but when I was searching for the costume I found this one and DIED! (I'm obsessed with minions)

Also little girl peacocks are adorable too :-)

And I am so excited for your hair tutorials! let's get these bad boys posted! Let me know if you need help - I'm not a camera expert, but I know enough :-)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

LOVE the Halloween jammies on Mia! I'm with you, I'm not really all that crafty and I always turn to Pinterest for recipes. Carving pumpkins annoys the crap out of me because of the huge mess it makes, but my kid loves it so that's all that matters right? Have I mentioned I love you!? ;)

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

This is getting stupid, for as much time as we spend together we don't know the weird stuff. I didn't know you hated baking. Court, i hate it too. WE MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE CRAP IN COMMON. Who knew.

Also, I'm gonna google costume ideas for Mia, because I don't want to blog stalk anymore.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I'm never a fan of carving pumpkins but once their done, they always look super cute!

kyland ericka allyson ruby stella ❤ said...

She isn't to small to be a princess!! Check out babies r us they have great disney costumes that a very well made!! & small sizes!!

Jamie Hart said...

Ok so I don't like dressing up either because I can't never decide what I want to be. Last year Rob and I were tacky tourists (perfect for Florida). It's important that we have a costume because my good friends have an Epic Halloween Party each year. I was thinking of being a Hippie this year because my mom went overboard with a costume that she NEVER wore for a convention but I kind of want to match with Rob but he's not with the Hippie idea.... ugh. Oh and we don't get a "Fall" in my part of Florida so I feel like it takes away from all the "fun". PS- Mia is such a doll :)

Janna Renee said...

See? If you had a tripod, it would make your hair tutorials easier to do! Mia is going to be precious in WHATEVER you put her in, and I don't like pattern mixing most of the time either. You dress yourself quite well, and maybe the 'extra' stuff just isn't your style. Don't stress over it!

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