Tuesday, May 7, 2013

weekend review {anniversary getaway}

I surprised Eric with a weekend away to celebrate our anniversary! I thought it would be way fun to celebrate 5 years by staying at The Homestead, where we stayed for our honeymoon! Funny story about checking in..... The woman welcomed us, looked us up on the computer and then wished us a happy anniversary! Then she looked at Mia and said, "Wow, you didn't waste anytime...." I laughed and told her it was our five year anniversary. She said, "Really?? What were you, like 15?!"
..................................................................... ummmm.
I guess one day we'll be grateful for that comment, ha ha! But I don't think that's the best way to greet a returning visitor?!
Anyway, it was fun to walk around the grounds and reminisce about being newlyweds :) We snapped a few pictures at the same spots we did 5 years ago. We ate dinner at Don Pedro's because we ate that almost every. single. day. on our honeymoon. While eating dinner, we were trying to figure out why the heck we loved it so much, because it ain't good no more ha ha! We must have been high on love ;) We took Mia swimming, but she didn't love that at all. She fussed and stared at all the water kind of panicky. I am super bummed! I thought she'd love swimming because she loves bath time! Hopefully she'll warm up to the idea by summer. We soaked in the mineral water hot tub which was amazing, my first time hot tubing since before I was pregnant! And the rest of the time was spent relaxing. It was perfect!

Mia turned into quite the thumb sucker over the weekend!
 These two..... just chillin' watchin' a game when we are supposed to be walking out the door. (I really don't let her watch tv, ha!)
Gosh, my baby is CUTE!

Saturday I had our best friends meet us in Park City (which is a good thing I arranged that. Eric's only demand that weekend was that we'd get to hangout with Vinny and Nicole, ha ha) and we spent the whole day shopping at the outlets! Eric's a champ when it comes to shopping, but poor Vinny was probably shocked that we were there all day. But I think we ALL had so much fun! And we scored some amazing deals. Everyone was right, it's way funner shopping for your baby!
We also got to spend time with my brother and sis (in law), Eric's sister and kids, Eric's best friends from his home town and my best friend from my home town. It was an amazing weekend full of good company and fun times! Happy 5 years to us, and cheers to not getting married at 15 :)


heydanixo said...

what a beautiful family you have!
That comment the lady at the hotel made reminds me of my relationship. My fiance doesn't look old but I look so young that people always ask if I'm his daughter lol.

Ashley said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Sometimes people say the craziest things. I bet you will definitely appreciate that lady's comment over the years.

I can barely get my husband to walk into the mall, let alone spend a whole day there, so props to Eric for surviving an entire day at the outlets! :)

Jessie said...

How fun to go back five years later with a baby in tow and still look amazing!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

How fun! What a great weekend!

Dee Stephens said...

Interesting about Mia and the water! Shelby LOVES bathtime too and Brad can't WAIT to get her into the pool and lake. I wonder if she'll react the same way? I'll keep you posted if it ever gets warm enough to get into the water outside here!

Amberly said...

Happy anniversary! I LOVE that they are "holding hands" in that picture watching the game. Super cute!

J and A said...

What a great little getaway!! She just gets cuter and cuter I think!!! :)

Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary! We get that same comment, we've been married 8 years and my husband just got carded for buying beer, they took 15 years off his life! haha, one day we'll appreciate it right?

Carrie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and checking out my chicken & dumplings recipe! :) Thought I'd look you up and you have a new follower! Oh, and I love shopping at the outlet... they're putting a new one in here and I am afraid I will be there WAY too much!

Anonymous said...

How fun! We just booked out 5 year anniversary trip yesterday! Congratulations! Such a beautiful family of 3. =)

Laynah said...

Ew, I'm annoyed with the lady that asked if you were 15 when you got married. Mostly because people tell me every day how naïve I am for being married so young. There are WORSE problems in the world, people! Why don't they complain about how every other senior girl is 8 months pregnant instead..?

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

Court, I'm glad you got to do this! You go out of town more then anyone I know.

But I smiled pretty big when you professed to not allowing Mia to watch TV, you lunatic.

Dinah Gacon said...

Awww, what a beautiful place!!! And some people have such nerve to say things like that to people, LOL....

Happy anniversary again xxoxo

Dinah @ sunshine super glam

Unknown said...

You have such a beautiful family! Such a cute idea for a blog, I love it!

xo Sam
DIY Huntress

The Lady Okie said...

Such a beautiful smile on your little girl! Looks like you guys had fun! That's funny what the lady said about you not wasting any time.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like such a great way to celebrate! Happy Anniversary! Yay for looking young enough to be a high school bride!

Emily said...

Love this! You have such an adorable little family and the little one is just precious. Sorry the front desk lady was so obnoxious :\, but I'm glad it was a good weekend anyway.

ajs {of MN} said...

so fun!

P!nky said...

What a fabulous weekend away!

Oh dear me, I'm guessing I"ll get the same kind of comments when I decide to have children.

Hey we will LOVE IT when we are 50 right ;)

Christy said...

Ugh, I hate comments like that about my age!! One of the contractors for our building was talking to me the other day when I was sitting outside on my lunch break (trying to read and mind my own business!). He saw my wedding ring and asked how I liked being married. I thought it was strange but I just went along with it. He kept asking me questions like if I wanted to cook dinner every night and how laundry was going (??) so I finally told him I had been married 4 years already. He was shocked! He assumed we were newlyweds. He actually said, "FOUR YEARS! You must have been in high school!!" Umm...no. I had actually been out of college for a whole year. Sheesh! I'm 27, people! It is perfectly acceptable to be married for 4 years and be pregnant at this point!! haha! Anyway...I feel you. Clearly. :)

Monika Ozdoba said...

so cute! xx

Wanna follow each other? Let me know! :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I love that you guys revisited the place and that you took Mia with you! It looks like it was fun!

Kelly said...

Love the picture of your little family! ADORABLE!!

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

What a sweet surprise for your hubby! And how fun to relieve your honeymoon :)

Janna Renee said...

Aww Happy five years!! That is such an accomplishment and you guys make an amazing couple and example for us all! You two make me happy <3

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