Monday, May 20, 2013

happy 5 months to my love bug

Have I mentioned that time is flying too quickly? Well, just in case I haven't, TIME IS FLYING TOO QUICKLY!! I can't believe my baby is 5 months today!

- As you can see, Mia discovered how fun it is to stick her foot in her mouth this past month :) Eric was giving her a bath the first time she did this. He grabbed the camera, covered her up and snapped some pictures, while hollering for me to come see. One proud wifey/mommy right here, ha ha! He got some good pictures of this silly milestone :)
- She still rolls from her tummy to her back all the time. But she doesn't have anything to do with rolling from her back to her tummy. (update: as I was typing this post I heard a lot of grunting so I looked up and saw that Mia had rolled from her back to her tummy on the play mat. Second time ever doing that!) 
- Mia sat up by herself (with no support) on the couch for the first time May 6th. Such a strong girl! We only practice with no support on the couch or bed right now. Softest landing we can find when she topples over :)
- Got her first cold this past month. Broke my momma heart! She was still a happy baby (just not as giggly) the whole time! But her little cough just killed me. 
- Mia is a pro at taking the binky out of her mouth AND putting it back in :) She started to figure it out within a couple days of turning 4 months old, but now it's the easiest thing for her! In fact, it's how she puts herself to sleep. She pulls it out and puts it back in over and over until she closes her eyes, ha! If she is super tired then she gets too impatient and just cries until we put the bink in for her.
- She is SO good at reaching and grabbing toys, hair, anything she can get her little fingers wrapped around ;)
- Mia LOVES faces! She gets so excited to play with toys that have little faces painted on. Her favorite toys to play with are tiny babies and dolls :) And she loves other babies. She smiles so big and starts babbling excitedly anytime we get together with friends and their babies! We have a very social baby and I love it!
- She is still in size 1 diapers. We tried size 2 but she peed right outta those... definitely going to wait awhile longer before trying size 2 again :)
- We are finally able to dress her in 3-6 month clothes! I can't tell you how sick I am of her 0-3 and 3 month clothes, ha ha. I'm having so much fun dressing her up! But I still have to safety pin the 3 month and 3-6 month bottoms. We have a skinny baby! 

Mia is the happiest, funnest, most loving baby ever. And of course she is gorgeous and perfect in every way. And we are only a little biased :) She brings us so much happiness and joy!! Eric and I are over the moon for our little 5 month old.

We love you, Mia!!


Allison said...

Aw she just keeps getting CUTER! :)

The Heart Of A Woman said...

Landry loves her little foot too! Is it bad that she is almost six months and still not sitting up? She barely sits up with support! I really am not worried, but I should start practicing with her haha. Babies bring so much joy! Mine is crying as I type, but none the less, she is a joy :0)

Dee Stephens said...

Shelby is loving her feet too :)

Anonymous said...

She is so cute! I love reading baby updates like these.

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Haha! My daughter just started noticing her toes too! Their like her chew toy. I know right!? They grow so fast. My girl's gonna be 6 months on Saturday.. I get get over how precious Mia is!!

Marli said...

happy 5 months to mia!!

ahhh! just glansed at your GFC gadget and saw it...congrats on 1000 girl!! i think that calls for a vlog. :)


Katrin said...

happy 5 months! she is sooo adorable!

Christelle said...

Time really does fly to quickly!! Love the pictures of Mia and her toes, she's so cute!

Christy said...

She is the cutest ever!!

Lauren said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! you're baby girl is so adorable!

Haley Brianna said...

Wow! Happy five months! That is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen!

Becky Borgman said...

Toes in the mouth...I love it!! I cannot wait until my little one is doing that, I think it is adorable!

Nic at Haus of Harnois said...

yay! precious!

Kristen said...

She is seriously so beautiful! I LOVE when they discover their toes - so cute! Happy 5 Months to your little beauty!

KRISTIN said...

Time really does go WAY too fast! Happy 5 Months Mia! :)

Life Happens said...

Is she really 5 months??!! Seriously? Seems like it was just yesterday you brought her home. It does fly by. Enjoy every precious minute!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been 5 months! Where does the time go seriously? ;)

Sean and Deana said...

She is such a cutie! I loved when my baby learned to put his foot in his mouth. haha Now that he is almost 2yrs old he still does it sometimes. Its so crazy how fast time goes with little ones. They learn a million things a day it makes time seem to blitz by.

Unknown said...

Love these photos! She's getting big!

Kelly said...

Love the toes in the mouth! She is growing so fast! Sweet pics!!

Kendra L. said...

Babies putting their feet in their mouths--- it kills me. She IS such a cutie!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

she is the most loving, happy, go lucky baby I have ever known.

Man, I miss her right now.

LEIGH said...

Hahaha look at that flexibility. Looks like such a sweetie.

Jen Mc said...

She is at such a fun age! I love the pictures, she's adorable!

Maria said...

happy five months to mia! she is so pretty - i love her big eyes! ahh, she's a tiny sweet girl. so cute that she eats her feeties!

Jamie Hart said...

Too cute!! Especially since Eric got pics-- I think that my hunny would just yell my name and I would have to run for the camera. Love it.

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