I have to admit it- the only reason I make lists is because my dang brain fried once I became a mom. If I don't write it down, I forget it! I don't get any satisfaction out of crossing things off my to-do list. I mean, I really hate lists, they are just a necessity for me now. But I did make a
27 before 27 list and while I didn't accomplish everything on my list, it's fun to look back and see what I did make happen. So I decided to give myself a little time to try and accomplish some fun goals by making a 30 before 30 list. Maybe I'll learn to get a little more satisfaction out of crossing these off my list, ha ha!
1- Go on a cruise, just Eric and me.
2- Take Mia to Disneyland.
3- Go camping. Preferably in Yellowstone National Park, but anywhere will do :)
4- Be debt free (except for a home if we finally settle long enough to buy one).
5- Learn Spanish.
6- Go to a concert.
7- Stop popping my dang knuckles.
8- Go to New York City.
9- Run a 10k or a relay race.
10- Get at least 1 new stamp on my passport.
11- This is kind of shallow, but I would love to see if I can grow my
Instagram account to 10k followers!
12- Do 50 push ups in a row.
13- Go on a spontaneous weekend trip. No planning before hand- just straight up "let's pack our bags and leave in an hour" kind of spontaneous.
14- Print my blog into books.
15- Learn how to use my camera (It's time to get out of auto shoot!) I would love to take a class but seeing as how I have very little spare time, a one day course would be just as amazing! Just something to get me started.
16- Go on a girls trip with just one friend, or a bunch! But a legit weekend (or a couple week days) away from husbands and kids, just enjoying girl time. Preferably at the beach, but anywhere will do :)
17- Participate in the "Pay it Forward" movement and purchase a meal, a treat, etc for a complete stranger.
18- Go to Lake Powell. Oh how I miss that slice of heaven on earth!
19- Read the Bible, Book of Mormon and D&C- cover to cover.
20- Attend a blogging conference.
21- Swim with a dolphin.
22- See a Broadway show on Broadway.
23- Attend the temple once a month, for 12 months straight.
24- Take ballroom dancing lessons with Eric. We've talked about this for years and Eric is totally on board! I think it would be a fun way to spice up our relationship!
25- Start playing piano again.
26- Try a macaron. I've never had one!
27- Give Mia a sibling. Maybe two.
28- Make a drastic change to my hair.
29- Do the splits. (I did ballet for years when I was young and never once mastered the splits. My body builds muscle, no problem, but flexibility is another story, so this may never happen, ha!)
30- Go BIG with my 30th birthday celebration. Amazing vacation, a big party with friends and family, etc. Just something big :)