Wednesday, October 22, 2014

our situation (a not so fun update)

Eric received the worst news while we were driving down to Las Vegas last weekend. The company that Eric had sacrificed so much for, poured his blood, sweat and tears into (okay, maybe the tears were from me) and just plain worked his butt off for... closed their doors and basically laid everyone off. We did NOT see that one coming and the fact that they blind sighted us felt like the biggest sucker punch we've experienced in a long time. The way they handled it was SO wrong. Eric was the head electrician and should have been one of the first to know about this. Instead he received a phone call from an employee asking "what the heck is going on?!" It took Eric a couple hours to track down a boss to give him the info. It was just a disaster and the worst beginning to our vacation. But more than ruining our vacation, it felt like our world was spinning in chaos. I basically wanted to barf or cry every second that we were in Vegas, while Eric was trying to get a handle of the situation and let his electricians know the horrible news. We felt like we were drowning in Vegas, we just wanted to get home to face the facts and start making a game plan (not to mention how pissed I was that they didn't give us a heads up so that we could have cancelled our reservations, stayed home and kept that money in the bank, ugh!)
Now that we are home I still feel a little sick about our situation, but Eric is in really good spirits. He's determined to make the best of this and I love him for it! We still feel awful about not knowing this was coming. We are feeling the weight of his electricians that depended on Eric as their boss to have a job, and to be warned if something was going to be changing. We wish we could have given them the proper warning that we have appreciated having.
We also feel free (obviously). A few months ago we were ready to build a home! We were pre approved and Eric had talked to the builder but I just had a feeling that we weren't ready. We have been praying real hard to figure out what direction we needed to be going in life, because we've felt like we've been in limbo the whole time we've lived here, almost 3 years! It's no secret that I had a hard time adjusting and really resented Eric's job for taking him away from me so much (60+ hour work weeks were the norm) There is more behind the story, more than I could ever share with the world wide web, more than anyone needs to know... but let's just say that the company didn't have the best interest of their employees in mind. So maybe this is God's way of answering our prayers... We are so dang stubborn, maybe this is the only way we would accept an opportunity that we would have turned down before? ha ha! I don't know! I'm feeling completely lost at the moment but I am doing my very best to put it all in God's hands and trust that we will be okay in the end. But more importantly, I'm trying real hard to find peace in everything we've been through since we moved here and to let go of all my anger (I have a lot of it, unfortunately) because they don't deserve an ounce of my energy. We are grateful for the tremendous resume builder Eric received from being the electrical superintendent, but it is time to move on now (in the electrical field). Thank heavens I have my little family to help me through it, Mia has kept us grounded through this ordeal, she is such an angel! Not to mention the support of our family and friends... we love you all!
I know there are much harder trials and hardships that we could be experiencing, but this still feels so big right now. Prayers would be so appreciated!
Reminding myself everyday that they are reason my world goes 'round!

A Mommy App


Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

Oh girl... I am SO sorry to hear about Eric's job. He isn't alone though. I'm pretty much going through the same thing right now. It really sucks right now but things will get better and this just means bigger and better things! Good luck to you guys, everything is going to work out for the best!

<3, Pamela

sara [at] journey of doing said...

Totally the WORST handling of a terrible situation by a company!! Stay strong and have faith. I know it's hard, but Eric seems like such a GOOD person and a hard worker! Everyone needs more of those. Hugs and prayers headed your way girlie!!

K said...

I am SO sorry that you are going through this. I can't even imagine how scary this all may be. Hopefully this is just paving the way for bigger and better things!!!

Pamela said...

Oh my gosh!! How awfffffuuuulllll of them to handle the situation like that!! They totally don't deserve Eric then. So so SO sorry!! I would have been like you about canceling the trip, but yall def needed it!! Funny how God works ;) This is just His way of showing yall that there is so much more out there for Eric & for yall!

Jamie @ The Jamie's + 1 said...

Oh wow, I can't imagine what you and your family are going though. But God has a plan, He already knows that you and your family will now be able to move on to better things. He just has a crazy way of making us realize it!! I will be thinking and praying for you and your family.

Kelly Mock said...

I am so sorry that happened! Just made sure to say a little prayer for you! God will always provide for His followers!

Ashley @ said...

Sounds like this is possibly a blessing in disguise (and I'm sure that's the last thing you want to hear!). So sorry to hear :-( But I'm sure with Eric's work ethic and background he'll find something in no time!

tina bumblebee said...

I'm so sorry :( That is terrible. I hope that your husband is explaining to his electricians that he didn't know and this is not his fault. You are completely right though... now you can't hold his job as a crutch from keeping you from other things. You're free and it's your time to take chances and really go for things you want! Good luck!!

Jasmine @ The Jasmine Maria said...

Sorry that you're going through this girl. I can honestly relate I know how scary it is especially when you're not sure what's about to happen. Keep your head up and prayers coming your way :)

Unknown said...

That is insane!!! And really the worst news you can get, I definitely feel you there. Keep your head up! You are in my prayers!


P!nky said...

Oh my goodness, sweet friend, I'm so sorry they treated their employees, especially your husband, like dirt. That is so, so, so wrong, I hate how buisness act sometimes. I'm sorry for the stress and the drama, I can't imagine how angry you feel and how hard it is to let it go. DANCE IT OUT, when you can ;)!

I'll be praying for y'all, for a good, new job. For less stress and for a new journey! xoxo love ya!

Caitlin said...

I am so sorry! That is hard. But here is a little hope for you. A few years ago my husband was fired from his job too. We didn't know what we were going to do and how we were going to make it. A few months later he was offered a job at a very good company. This job is way better than his last job, and had he kept the last job we would never have applied there. We are so much better off now!! Hang in there. Something will come that will be so much better for you and your cute little family!

Allison said...

I've been wondering what has been going on from some of the comments I've seen you post on instagram. I'm SO sorry to hear this news especially since it was handled SO poorly. But you are NOT waste your energy being angry at the company. After telling my work I was pregnant in March they told me a few weeks later that I wouldn't have a job the following year unless someone retired (they claimed it was unrelated to my pregnancy, but my husband thinks otherwise)...anyway I was a mess. I did not know what to do. I did not want to search for a job while pregnant let alone start a new job pregnant, so I prayed my heart out and decided to completely trust the Lord. Now I am 4 months into my new job and it is far more than I could have imagined. I am in such a better place to start a family and would never have chosen to leave my old job on my own. God worked it all out for good and he will do the same for you! Thinking of you my dear! XO

Anonymous said...

Oh girl I'm so sorry. Hang in there! Trust in God and I know everything will turn out for the best. xo!

Brittany said...

I have full confidence that this unfortunate situation will work out wonderfully in the end. It's okay to be upset (who wouldn't be?!), but it's great that you're choosing to focus on the positives. I'll be thinking of you and your family in the meantime!

Cara said...

I am so so sorry. This is never easy to have to go through something like this, but you are never dealt anything that you can't handle. Your husband sounds wonderful and seems to have a great head on his shoulders. Honestly, I'm sure you will look back on this in 6 months and be grateful that it happened this way, even though that seems impossible now. You guys will be just fine!!

Hannah said...

That is awful. What horrible news to receive. And they should have at least told him so he could share the news with his guys. Goodness sakes. I'm so sorry for you all. I'll be sure to pray for your future and what is to come -and for a better job for Eric! It seems like you are both being positive about it [at least, more than I would probably be]. I"m sure only better things lay ahead for you and your sweet little family.

Jamie said...

Hang in there. Sending positive thoughts your way!

BLovedBoston said...

I think it is amazing that he is in good spirits and is positive - because that is half the battle!! I think that life has a wonderful way of working out!! I'm keeping you guys in my thoughts and I just know you'll come out on the other side of this so much better and happier!

Meredith said...

so sorry to hear about Eric's job, praying for yall!!

Mandie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Eric's job. That's horrible & a terrible way to treat their employees! You guys are in my thoughts & I'm shooing some positive vibes your way. Hugs!

Mandie ~

~Dawn~ said...

I'm so soooo sorry, sweet friend, to hear of this upsetting news. It's not even the fact that he was laid off, but more of the way he has/was and is being treated by the company. You have every right to be upset, but I love how you are trying to find some silver lining...this was maybe that push you needed to make a change. Praying for you!!

Joey Hodges said...

Oh my gosh I can't even imagine. SO sorry you're going through this sweet girl!!

Britt Hanson said...

I am so sorry! We have been in pretty much the same situation -- the unknown is scary! Prayers to you of course!

Anonymous said...

thoughts & prayers are going out to you from over here :) we are experiencing career difficulties/complications right now, and it can suck your life away if you let it! good for you for keeping perspective and accepting that it will all work out in the end. you have a beautiful family! xo

Anonymous said...

That's awful! Sending hugs and prayers for you all!

Pink and Fabulous said...

I was so sad when I read this on Instagram yesterday and sent a prayer out for you guys. That is a really rough situation and I just hope that everything happens as it should and this is really a blessing in disguise for your sweet family <3 xoxo

Emily said...

Major bummer. Hope he is able to find something soon.

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

Oh my goodness - what a crummy way to start off a vacation! I'll be praying for you guys. I know that God has something big planned for y'all!

oomph. said...

what a horrible and unethical way of handling the situation...shame on them. sending prayers and well wishes your way.

Brittany Papke said...

Oh no!! Sadly I know exactly how you feel! Hubby has been home this whole week! They ended his program he was working for in military for 6 yrs last week! We are praying he lands something ASAP! This coming just after we made our first mortgage payment- Eekk! Praying for you and your sweet family!

Candace said...

Oh man, that is awful! I'd feel the same way about being stuck on Vacation with no job to come home too. Praying for y'all as you wait for God to show you what He's got for ya!

Fran @ Sassy Southern Bride said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I was laid off in early 2009 and I was DEVESTATED. However in hindsight, I really really see it differently. I don't really feel angry or bitter about it anymore after five years. If anything, I can see good things that have come out of it. I hope and pray it will be the same for your family!!

chantal marie said...

That is so hard. I understand what you mean when you feel like its mostly how they handled it. I am sure in time you will look back on this and know it was the biggest blessing. Your family will be in my prayers during this transition. I cannot wait to hear about the good God does for your family from this bad situation.

Sarah said...

oh man, I cannot believe that they did that, so dishonest and shady! I hope and pray that this will just lead to a better opportunity. I know you guys will get through this, in the meantime many prayers and thoughts your way.

Jessie said...

You got this, Courtney. Obviously you're trying to live close to God and he helped you out with your decision not to build a house. Stay close, keep chugging along, it's all going to turn out better in the end--even if that end is still a few more years away. Hugs and prayers to your sweet family!

Ashley said...

I am so sorry you guys are having to deal with this. It can be super stressful, but I know you all will end up with an even better situation eventually. Then you'll look back and hopefully understand.

We can totally relate girl. My husband actually was just turned down for a possible interview for a job that would have provided a lot more money in the long run... but you have to have faith that God knows what's best, and something better will work out in the long run. Sometimes what we think we want most isn't best. Ugh, so hard to get that sometimes!!

We don't own a house or have a place to settle down either. I think God slowly keeps moving us in the direction that he wants us to go though.

Next month we're actually picking up and moving cross country again.... so scary!

I'm praying that you guys will end up exactly where God wants you to be. Love!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Eric is such a hard worker, and everything will fall together for you guys! I know not knowing is the WORST, but it will be great :) LOVE YOU GUYS!

Nina Robinson said...

Oh my gosh, everything about that situation was handled in the worst way possible. I'm so sorry you guys have to go through this. Eric sounds highly qualified though, and certainly deserves better. I'm sure only good will come of this, even though it may be hard to see now. I'm praying for you guys.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I'm sorry you guys are having to deal with this right now. Maybe you'll move back to your hometown that you were so sad to leave! That could end up being really nice.

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason (good or bad). Everything will be ok in the end. And if it's not ok, it's not the end.
There are bigger and better things out there for Eric and I know he will find them!
Thinking of you guys xoxo

Hall Around Texas said...

What an awful way for them to handle it! I am sorry you guys had to find out that way and that you're having to go through this. God must have something better in store for you guys! I am praying.

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