Thursday, June 20, 2013

happy 6 months to my love bug

I know it's not the best picture quality, but this melts my heart! Girlfriend is just chillin' while I mix up her cereal :)

- Mia rolled from her back to her belly to her back (one full roll) for the first time on May 21st! She didn't do it again until a couple weeks later. Now she rolls all over the place! 
- We don't swaddle Mia at bedtime anymore because the girl is so mobile in her sleep! She is all over the place :) The cutest position I've caught her sleeping in on the monitor is the stink bug with her bum in the air :) So cute!
- Mia can sit up all by herself, but she's not a pro yet. She topples over quite often. But when she lays on her back she often strains herself like she is trying to sit up. She just never stops moving and growing :)
- She eats rice cereal like a champ! She gets a bowl every night before bed!
- Since we can't celebrate her half birthday with cake, we decided to treat Mia to carrots. She didn't think it was much of a treat, ha ha! I mixed some in with her rice cereal last night and she had a pretty hard time choking that stuff down. But she ate it like a good girl! We are looking forward to giving her the good stuff ;)
- Mia is wearing 0-3 month (only in pj's), 3 month, 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. I have to safety pin some of the bottoms to keep them on, ha!
- She is finally wearing size 2 diapers.
- We haven't taken Mia to her official 6 month check up yet, but I took her into the doctor (today, happy 6 months baby girl :( ha!) for a horrible diaper rash. I mean, I thought it had to be more than a rash because it was so awful. They just laughed and told me "this is nothin'!" Maybe I'm over protective, but I'm okay with that :) The point of this story is that Mia got weighed on our way in, and it rang up at 14 pounds! She is just the perfect size for us!

Now please excuse me while I go finish crying my eyes out.... I can't believe my baby is half a year old! Craziest, funnest and happiest 6 months of our lives!!  
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Emily said...

D'awwwww she is growing up so fast! What a cutie.

Tara said...

Been following along since before Mia was born... She is so precious! Time really flies- my baby girl just turned 9 months! :)

Danielle said...

Oh she is just PERFECTION! Love it.

oomph. said...

so cute! enjoy these moment :)

Rorie said...

I brought by babe in because of a rash too and the ped. was like. Thats not bad at all. lol! Happy 6 months!

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Aww happy 6mos mia! We took Elliott in for a rash too ha

Alana Christine said...

She is getting cuter and cuter everyday--didn't think it was possible! Love her precious expressions!

17 Perth said...

Happy 6 months to her! She is adorable!

Lindsay said...

She's so cute! Happy six months to your adorable baby girl. :)

Greta said...

Happy six months Mia {and Mama!} That is one of my most favorite ages!!!! :D

Dee Stephens said...

She's a peanut compared to Shelby! Shelby weighed in at 17.5 her 6-month visit! She's in size 3 diapers and has FINALLY mastered sitting up on her own!! WOOT!!

Whitney said...

She's such a happy, smiley girl! Wish I could catch Carter's smiles on camera...he stops the second he sees a camera/phone! :(

Christelle said...

Such a cutie pie just chilling in her chair! :)

lori said...

your little lady is so presh! i cant believe she is 6 months old now!

Jessie said...

What a cutie. This is the good stuff. I love my older babies!

Nicole@mamashiptips said...

she is so adorable!.. For diaper rash you should get Aquaphor baby healing Ointment. It works great and the rash starts to clear up in about a hour. I still use it . love it

Kimberly said...

So cute!! 4-8 months is my favorite age! It's good after that too, but that's when Olivia learned to crawl so it was a little more work :)

Jamie Hart said...

What a little bundle of happiness! I just love that face and aren't Bumbos AWESOME! I just want to pinch her lil cheeks! Now that she is six months she can probably fly so I think you guys should bring her down to FL for some beach time!!

Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

Happy 6mos beautiful Mia!!!

Rachel said...

She is so so precious!! Happy 6 months to that sweet, happy baby girl! That pic of her even made ME smile! :)

Alyx said...

She really is just tooooo cute!!! Love following your Instagram and seeing all the cute pictures of little Mia!

Care said...

What a darling little ham!! She is just adorable... She deserves a kiss and a squeeze for all her hard work of growing up!:)

Unknown said...

I can't believe she is six months already!!! Love the picture!

Marli said...

ummm, yup. and she's still officially a cutie pie.

i hope you're having a great weekend, courtney. :)


Anonymous said...

Mia is adorable! I remember reading your blog pre-pregnancy, and to now see your precious baby girl 6 months old is just so neat! Congratulations on being an awesome mom! :)

Kirsty and Seth said...

What a cute baby girl! I remember people telling me when Caleb was born that the time would go by so quickly. I don't think I fully appreciated that at the time and now here we are and next month he will be 1! Crazy!

Maria said...

happy six months to mia!
yay for rolling!
i would have called the dr're an awesome mama, courtney! glad her rash is okay!

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