Wednesday, June 5, 2013

a day in the life

One of the girls I work with told me she was so impressed with all the outings I've had with Mia. I take her hiking, take her on trips, etc. She said, "you don't let that baby slow you down!" And you know what? I really don't!

I took Mia swimming on Monday in her floaty for the first time. She totally LOVED it! And then she took a nap in it :) ha ha! p.s. Notice how weird my foot looks in the water? Yikes!
Well... I guess I'll be honest. She does slow me down when it comes to laundry. I used to do 2 loads of laundry a week. Now I do 2 loads at least of just Mia's stuff ;) But when she was a newborn? I had to wash our bedding 3 times in one day because each time the diaper came off she pooped or peed all over, ha ha! And I used to always be on time. It drives me crazy to be late! But now that I have a baby? I can't figure out how to be on time these days, ha! And let's not even talk about all the crap you have to carry with a baby. If you're going swimming you need the diaper bag, the swim bag, the floaty, and the car seat with your baby in it... okay I just talked about it. Moving on!

 Doesn't Mia look so good in her new shades? Too bad mom is too lazy to take that sticker off / Mia and her boyfriend are just testing who's hands taste better / another one from the water park
It is a lot more work having a baby but I wouldn't change it for the world! It helps that most of my friends here have babies, so we have the funnest play dates! But I still have friends that don't have kids and have just as much fun! Side note rant: I never wanted to be that couple that can't go out anymore because we have a kid. Or to stop being friends with those that don't have kids because they "just don't understand". It broke my heart when we'd lose friends because we didn't have babies when we LOVED our friends kids (end of rant). I guess I just love getting out of the house, being social, and showing Mia new things! I love having my little bestie as my sidekick everywhere I go! This summer is going to be such a blast, and a good workout for my arms ;) ha ha!


Marli said...

you are such a great mommy, courtney. i want to be like you one day... :)


Anonymous said...

No kidding, your arms are going to be like steel after carrying around all that gear! I'm hoping I can manage to still have a life when I have a baby. It's definitely a goal of mine.

Katie said...

you are both so cute! and i love hearing that you still do so many things with her! I want to do the same!

Jessie said...

You are an awesome mama! I've always enjoyed getting out with my babies in tow. It takes more effort, but is worth it!

Sue // As It Seems said...

I'm exactly the same. Anything I did without a baby I can do with one, it might just take me a little longer :)

Tiffany said...

I LOVE MIA!!! Imean seriously, i just do! She is too cute!!!

heydanixo said...

soo cute!
And OMG baby swim suits are the cutest(:

Nichole @ said...

Haha, love that you still bringlittleIa with you everywhere, she's too cute!

Alyx said...

Mike and I are the same way - we absolutely don't want to be "that" couple just bc we had a baby! Why become hermits when you have a cute little thing to show off?!

Ashley @TheCreamToMyCoffee said...

I feel the same way when our friends with kids don't want to hang out anymore. Obviously, having a baby is a big change, but your friends still want to see you!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog, Courtney! It's so nice to "meet" you :)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

she is so cute!!

so funny about the laundry. i loathe laundry. I went from 1 load a week to 1 load a day. i wish there was a laundry fairy. :)

I love how i don't have to work out anymore...playing with kids is a workout! and much more fun that the treadmill :)

super sweet comment about her being your cute!

Nicole@mamashiptips said...

so true I took Julian everywhere when he was Mia age .:O)

Anonymous said...

I feel like we'll lose friends when we DO have kids, b/c none of our friends have kids yet. Well 1.5 I guess do. (:

It does amaze me to see how much you go out and do with her. You really don't let anything stop you. I think it's awesome!

As far as laundry goes, I already do at least 3 loads with just 2 of us. I blame all of the running and outdoor crap that we do. I'll be in trouble if we have kids. lol

Greta said...

That is so awesome that you take her out so much and do fun things -- she will love and appreciate you endlessly for it! Laundry can always wait - live and love and do fun things!!!!

Heidi said...

I hope I am the same way and toting a little one everywhere! As long as she's happy, why not! And little Mia will be sociable!

Alexis Kaye said...

You're such a great mom!

I had SO many talks with Clint about this before Ainsley was born. It was at least a weekly discussion while I was pregnant that I didn't want to not go out and do stuff after Ainsley was born!

We've done so good so far! I go out with friends or by myself several times a week. We've already taken her on three trips. But, I admit that it is harder and I let it stress me out more than I should! Her sleep schedule also totally got messed up after Utah! Ah! But I'm determined to not let it stop me.

Libby said...

My friend has a 6 month old son and he is just soo happy go lucky and will let anybody hug him and smile ear to ear while they are doing so. I asked her why she thinks her son is SO social and she said "because we never let having a baby stop us. If we had a softball game, Jaxon came. If we were invited to dinner with friends, Jaxon came" and on and on. Made me realize I def will be doing what she AND you do, taking baby everywhere! It's soo much more appeasing when babies are friendly!

bandofbrothers said...

i LOVE your heart. so great that you are still treasuring your friends that don't have kids yet. before we had kids(and really wanted kids) it helped that our friends still included us. and now that i have a bunch of kids on my own, i'm super sensitive to befriend people of all types...and i try not to talk about my kids too much in that situation!

you guys are an adorable family!

LEIGH said...

When my little girl arrives, I want to be the same way! Social social with an adorable sidekick :)

alesha said...

LOVE this. It is so fun to get out and about with Lottie :) We just took her on her first hike and she loved it! It's so fun to have her experience new things. Next adventure - the waterpark! Where did you get her cute floaty? :)

alesha said...

Oh! I guess I commented from the wrong email address :) Oopsie!

Sarah said...

my husband and i are making it a huge goal of ours to not let baby slow us down! being a SAHM, me especially!
you are so good at what you do!
and i am SO jealous of the pool! love her floatie!

oomph. said...

you are an amazing mama, C!

i used to always be on time, and now i'm always late. drives me crazy. and, i'm so glad i'm beyond the diaper bag stage, lol! it's a lot to lug around! i still keep a bag of junk in the car, but at least now it's not crucial if i forget the diapers or milk bottles, haha!
Win a Summery Blue Satchel!

lori said...

i am so glad that mia hasn't slowed you down... it gives me hope that carter wont keep me cooped up in the house when he makes his appearance, too ;)

Jessica M. said...

I can't get over how adorable she is!! And in her hot pink floaty? To die for! :)

Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

You go mommy go!

Laura Joyce Leavitt said...

I am loving our girls days with our babies! Mia is the sweetest ever and i better start getting more and more use to a little one again ;)

p.s. how in the world have we not gotten a picture of Leighton and Mia together?

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

GREAT GREAT post! Why would you let having a baby slow you down?! Savanna has been out and about so much already and she's only 2 weeks old. My gramma says I shouldn't be doing so much but I've NEVER been the type of person who can just sit in the house all the time. PLUS truth be told, I love showing her off:) I have tons of fun summer trips planned and I don't think having a baby will slow me down at all. Just make things different. In a GOOD way!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

She is TOO cute in that float! I love that you take her with you on all of your excursions.

Hilary said...

I love your take on not letting Mia slow you down. Josh and I are constantly on the go and I know that OBVI things change with a baby, but I don't want to be that couple that doesn't get to do anything anymore because they have a baby. Thanks for pointing out that it can be done!

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