Wednesday, June 12, 2013

weekend review {a day at the cabin}

Well, my weekend definitely didn't go as planned. As I said before, Eric ended up working the majority of Saturday :( But luckily for me, Laura's husband worked too, so she invited Mia and I to spend the day with her family at the cabin. It was so nice to go have some fun, introduce Mia to new scenery, and get my mind off of being husbandless :)

 That mean mom stuck Mia's toes in the ice cold creek water. You can't really tell but Mia screamed the first time I did it, but the second time she was totally fine :) I got payback when Mia spit up on me later and I had to rinse my hands in that freezing water, ha!
Mia could NOT tear her eyes away from the fire. She must have thought it was pretty great :)

We spent the day fishing (okay, I didn't fish. Can you believe I've NEVER fished before?) and enjoying the beauty of the mountains. We played games (which I was the biggest loser EVER) and roasted smores! My day started out as a bummer when I found out Eric had to work, but it ended up being such a fun day with my sweet Mia, and Laura! Thank you for having us, Laura!!


A said...

Looks beautiful! I "went fishing" once when I was about 7. As soon as I figured out that we were catching and gutting fish I was done. I don't know if I thought we'd just be standing around or throwing the fish back...either way, I had no interest in it! Haha

Care said... click on that and you won't want to ever fish.. my husband showed me that 2 seconds before I read this:) haha
Looks like a beautiful fun day for the girls!

Lauren said...

Great pics, looks like a fun time :-)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Can you believe I hate fishing?! LOL looks like fun though:) Mia is a lucky little girl to have such a fun mommy!

Allison said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend!! And you need to try fishing. I think you'd have fun with it. :)

Laura Dunford said...

I have never fished before either. I think it would be fun to try though, preferably sitting out on a boat in the middle of a lake. I think it looks funniest out there.

On a side note, you look great! I hope I have genetics like you post-baby someday.

Greta said...

Such a beautiful place - and so great that you are getting Mia out in the wilderness!!!! Start 'em young! :)

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww poor Mia! There is always some sort of payback! lol

We usually go 1x a year to a cabin as of recent years.... This year we'll be going in Oct. (: Love hiking!

17 Perth said...

That place is gorgeous! And it's making me think I want to move to the mountains! Lol. Glad you were able to spend some time there! Sounds like Mia liked it too!

Jessie said...

Nothing beats a gorgeous summer day in mountains like that. Your hair is so pretty too! Looks like fun, even without the hubs.

Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

What!? I absolutely love fishing. It's so relaxing, it would probably be hard with a sweet baby though! Looks gorgeous!

kandis lake said...

again, your daughter is so cute! i've noticed your hair always looks amazing, what is up with that!?


Fun times! You've never been fishing!?! Eric has to take the day off and take you! Seriously! Little Miss Mia def. got you back by spitting up on you! Oh the joys!

Dee Stephens said...


Amberly said...

So pretty! We stayed by a little river this weekend and it was freezing as well! what is it with babies and fires? There was a baby cousin up at our camp who was so intrigued by the fire as well!

Suget said...

It is so wonderful to run to the forest during a hot summer day.
Awe Mia is so cute. haha I love how she is curious about everything. Next thing you know she will be asking a lot of questions (:

Anonymous said...

Aww fun!!! :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

What a beautiful place!

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