Tuesday, May 28, 2013

weekend review {Memorial Day}

I know, I know, I'm 100% biased. But seriously. We have the cutest baby everrrr! We are so blessed!

Eric worked on Memorial Day but I'm not complaining because we were actually in northern Utah all of last week! Eric had education/training so Mia and I tagged along and we had so much fun! We got to see more of our favorite guy in the last week than we have in the past couple of months, and we soaked it up as much as possible! I really did my best to enjoy each moment, which means no pictures because that always "ruins" the moment (silly hubs, doesn't he know how important pictures are for the blog, instagram, and oooooh yeah... posterity?! Ha!) Am I the only one who's married to a camera hater?
On our way home we stopped at the Seven Peaks water park. I was kind of worried Mia would hate it because she didn't enjoy her last dip in the pool, but she LOVED it! She was even good natured about the ice cold water in the kid section! I can't tell you what a relief that is, because I plan on spending lots of time in the pool this summer! It was so fun to watch Mia... she loved watching all the kids play, and she especially loved learning how to splash her hand in the water! It is crazy how much joy I feel watching my baby learn, grow and play :)
While my hubs worked on Monday, my parents came up to hangout with me and Mia (because we all know it's all about the babe)! We went hiking in Kolob and it was beautiful! I'm tellin' you guys... you all need to come visit! I have the world's cutest baby and am surrounded by incredibly gorgeous scenery! People travel from all over the world to visit my "backyard"! I'm so lucky I get to enjoy days like these with people I love! And I'm forever grateful to the brave men and women who have (and still do) fight for our freedom. I love this country and those who sacrifice so much to make it a better place! And I'm grateful for week (ends) like these to soak up time with my little family!


Ashley @ ladyacray.blogspot.com said...

Ahh I'm not sure how I didn't know you lived in UTAH! So jealous but I cannot wait to be there soon!! And not only do you have the worlds cutest baby, but I've never seen a baby smile as much as yours either. So cute!

Nic at Haus of Harnois said...

She's so happy!!! :)

Julie said...

I'm not married to a camera hater but every time I take a picture, he asks to see it and if he doesn't like the way it looks (after he analyzes it for a long time) I'll have to take another one. I almost wish print film was still popular then he couldn't view it, ha!

Sue // As It Seems said...

I'm married to a camera hater... he's getting better though! I love the view of your hike. So beautiful!

Hall Around Texas said...

Absolutely precious!! My little Mason is a camera hater. I guess I wore him out too quick!

Anonymous said...

awwww looks like you had a fun weekend. baby mia is so cute!!!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

How fun! Sounds like some great family time. And I have to agree, Mia is the cutest!!

Suget said...

That is a beautiful backyard. The boys and I really do need to come up and visit with you guys. We can knock Utah off our out of state trip for our summer (:

Carla said...

Mia is such an adorable little bit of sweetness! Glad you all enjoyed yourselves. (:

Shelley said...

Come visit us!!! Oh wait, you are!!! ;)

Rachel Sedaker said...

First, Mia looks like she's having an absolute blast at the water park. So cute!

Second, wow, that scenery is beautiful. Wow.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the follow Courtney! Your baby is adorable! How old is she? And the photo of you and her as a ballerina is definitely baby calendar material!

Grace www.ouihui.blogspot.com

Kelly said...

Such a happy girl! What a smile!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

so funny about your parents wanting to hang out with the baby.lol. my mom doesn't even say hi to me she just rushes to my kiddos.i tease her about it all the time :)

lori said...

greg doesnt like the camera very much, either. but he's going to have to get over it by the time carter gets here because i am totally going to be going crazy with the camera.

so glad miss mia liked the water park this time... she will be so much fun this summer!! and i wish we were closer, i would totally come visit!

henning love said...

what a fun memorial day! your baby girl is so incredibly precious, love her smile!

Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

That last pic of you and Mia. Too much beauty and cuteness for words!

Lauren said...

Looks like a great weekend! My husband hates the camera too, but for some reason since I started blogging, he has been better. I'll take what I can get!

Jessie said...

It is physically painful for my husband to have his picture taken. :) What a wonderful weekend! I took Levi to the zoo for the first time and felt the same way, watching his reaction to all the animals. Best part of motherhood! And I absolutely love that red rock. If I had to live in Utah, I'd pick the southern bits for sure!

LEIGH said...

That smile! She is seriously so cute! Looks like she really is loving that pool. I can see how everything is all about her ;)

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Mia really is so sweet :) so happy she enjoyed the pool this time.

Ashley said...

Your little girl is so stinkin cute! Was seven peaks packed over the weekend? We were going to hit it up, but I was worried it would be crowded.

Ashley said...

Your little girl is so stinkin cute! Was seven peaks packed over the weekend? We were going to hit it up, but I was worried it would be crowded.

Ashley said...

Your little girl is so stinkin cute! Was seven peaks packed over the weekend? We were going to hit it up, but I was worried it would be crowded.

Anonymous said...

Mia's so smiley! It gets me every time!!! =)

House of Tong said...

i have in-laws in utah and i have to admit, we rarely do anything other than visit with them. now i realize we need to make the time and see beautiful utah!

Shio Waline said...

I would have to agree, Mia is DEF a cutie!! Thanks for sharing your Memorial Day weekend pics! Glad she is liking the water more!! :)


eliz said...

You are very lucky you have such a super happy baby! Her smile is adorable!!

Kendra L. said...

My husband is a camera hater, too. It's rough. :) Awe, I love 7 peaks. The summer before I got pregnant with my son, we went to 7 peaks like every single day. :)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

What a great little family get away! You ALL look adorable, what a beautiful family you have lady! I'm kinda bummed Savanna will be too little to enjoy the pool this summer, but that doesn't mean we can't lounge and relax beside one, right?!

Jennifer said...

OMG I love these photos!

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