Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mia's 3 month photos

I know this is like a month and a half overdue... but here are some shots from Mia's 3 month photo shoot! I can't believe how much my baby has grown! I may be biased, but I think she's so beautiful and perfect in EVERY way :)

all photos by: Sweet Wishes Photography

I can't wait to share the rest!


Jenna said...

She's absolutely beautiful!

P!nky said...


Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Oh my she is just too precious!!! <333 I love all her accessories!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Of course you're biased! You're her mother! That being said.. she IS gorgeous and perfect in every way:) Love the little bracelet.

Pamela said...

She is the cutest!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, she's so sweet. =)

Christy said...

She is SO beautiful! And it's crazy how much the grow and change in just a few short months! She looks so much older now! :)

Heidi said...

so precious!!

Dee Stephens said...


Carrie said...

Beautiful pictures. Love her little toes and the one of her with the tiny and delicate bracelet. :)

Anonymous said...

I love her little feet:) and with how much babies grow I'm sure she looks completely different crazy!

Megan said...

They are adorable! I can't believe how fast she is growing!

Jessie said...

What a baby doll! Three months is such a fun age.

Jennifer said...

OMG I love these!

Erin said...

SUCH a doll baby!!!! :)

Jessica Horton said...

Oh my gosh your daughter is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! You have such a cute little family!



Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

Cutie pie!!! I can't believe how quickly they grow, and how at each stage I think "he's so big" and then a month later realize he was still SO SMALL!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh she is STUNNING.

elle rae-marie said...

oh hello cute baby!

Pamela said...

Mia is SOOOOO precious! What a gorgeous little girl!!

Tatiana said...

You have an incredibly beautiful baby! All of you look delirious with happiness.

Ashley said...

i'm sure people have told you but she is such a pretty baby - not just cute but truly pretty! love the feet pic - love love love baby feet!

Unknown said...

wow.. so cute... you are lucky to have such a cute baby...
I so love the eyes.. :)

Erika said...

You may be biased - but she totally is perfect!! These pictures are so adorable:)

Midnight And Dawn said...

She really IS beautiful in every way!

Becky Borgman said...

Oh I am so happy I found your blog! We are about to have my daughter's pictures taken and I love these ideas!

Karina Marie Powell said...

She is perfect! I seriously could just squeeze her!

Kiah † said...

Oh my goodness how precious!! I think your daughter is pretty beautiful and perfect too! :) Love her name too! Mia is so cute and girly!

Kaylie and Cody said...

Courtney, she is such an angel :)

Jamie Sefcik || Hello Little Scout said...

Oh my! How CUTE! Love each and every one of these :)

xoxo Jamie

Hall Around Texas said...

Beautiful pictures! I love every single one of them. You will cherish these as Mia gets older. I wish we had more family pictures done!

eliz said...

what an angel!!! Just took our baby for her newborn are addicting!

Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

The one of her curled up with the hat on?!?!! O. M. G.

Leslie said...

She is so beatutiful!!!!

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

OMG! These are all beautiful! Love the one where the bracelet dangles down. Mia is the cutest!

Janna Renee said...

She's so cute it hurts! She could totally be in a magazine ;O)

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