Wednesday, May 22, 2013

hair crisis

When I was pregnant, Eric sweetly told me that if I wanted to cut my hair off, it would be alright with him. Oh thanks baby. He really loves my long hair but you hear about all these pregnant women chopping their hair, so I suspect he thought he was being a good husband by giving me his permission :) ha ha! I told myself that I would wait until my baby was 6 months old before doing anything drastic with my hair.... that way my hormones wouldn't be making any irrational decisions ;) But you guysssssss, I'm about to shave. it. off.
My hair isn't falling out, yet (hair can fall out anytime in the first year after labor.... the things we go through for our babies). My hormones are pretty much in order (just don't ask my husband if he agrees on a bad day, ha). I love the length (I've been growing it for years to get to this point). Mia only pulls it a little bit (she'd get a handful even if it was short, just ask her daddy). But I'm so annoyed that my shedding hair is all over the house. We are constantly pulling it out of our clothes, sweeping it off the floors and cleaning it out of our vacuum. We have even pulled it out of Mia's little bum while changing her diaper... I mean seriously! I spend the time each morning to make it look "pretty" and then I spend the rest of the day daydreaming about shaving it off. It's a problem!
 My legs look weird in this picture... good grief! I'm just one big hot mess right now! Heaven help me and everyone who has to put up with me!
I know what I'd tell me clients in this situation.... but I can't seem to give myself the same advice. Someone please, please talk some sense into me before I pull a Britney Spears (she's the first one that shaved her head out of desperation, right?) and I shamefully upload pictures onto all social media sites, ha ha! But seriously....


Cayla said...

Don't shave it!! You'll regret that more then you think. What about a few inches? Would that help any? And isn't it great when husbands suggest something, haha. My husband has kindly told me a few times, "I'd be okay with you going back to blonde." Hmmmmm ;)

Jessica said...

Oh Courtney! Your hair is SO beautiful! :) My hair started falling out as soon as I stopped breast feeding :( I think I almost shaved it a few times too haha :)

The Stylers said...

Chop it! :)

Cindy said...

Are you taking vitamins? I have the same problem but when I take vitamins regularly it really helps. Also, I've been wanting to try the new Garnier shampoo Fall Fight (Fight Fall?) that's supposed to help with that. I think it could be as simple as taking another vitamin (like zinc or a b-complex). I remember after I had my son my hair fell out for at least the first 6 months, but I think it went even longer than that. It will get better!

Ashley Brickner said...

Haha - my hair is about the same length as yours, and I almost did the same thing about 100 times! I haven't yet ... but I am in same boat as you. Yours is beautiful. :)

Ashley @ said...

I feel ya! My hair is everywhere. The bathroom is the worst. I hate when you go to someone's house and you find your hair ends up on their shirt/floor/anywhere-it-shouldn't-be. Since mine's red it's a little obvious who it came from :-)

Sue // As It Seems said...

I just started to love my length and now want to chop it all off too. Although mine is mostly because I don't know what to do with long hair except leave it down and wavy. Boring? Also, my baby loves to grab it and pull as hard as she can. I'm done. :)

Christelle said...

Awww, dont chop it! It's so beautiful!! I'm so envious of it! :) What about doing an up-do/bun or pulling it back for a few days, would that help?

I definitely understand your frustration with it shedding everywhere, though. I often say I must be related to a cat, because mine is all over the place, too!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

The hair falling out thing will pass girl, It might be a few months but I promise. IT PASSES. at least it did for me. You'll totally regret cutting it. I did after I had Nick, I've always had long hair and I cut it to my shoulders. I hated it. HATED. IT and about it almost every day! DON'T CUT IT!!!

-Danica- said...

I totally get it. I want to chop mine most days! I cant bring myself to do it, but I'm thiiiiiiiis close. I mean, its just hair, right? It can always grow back when I regret my decision 2 days later haha

Pamela said...

Because I love long hair, nooooooo don't cut it! When I first read the title of this post, I was like 'what? Courtney have hair problems? No. Never!' You will look beautiful no matter what!

The Heart Of A Woman said...

Your hair really is so pretty! I am sure it would look great either way!

Jennifer said...

Same here, except I don't take the time to make it pretty everyday. It's in a ponytail almost everyday yet is EVERYWHERE. It was so bad when I was losing it a couple of months ago! I was in the shower, like WTF?!

Katie said...

Your hair is sooo gorgeous! So my plan after I have the baby is to cute it to a reasonable length that is more manageable to fix in the mornings. Maybe an inch or two past my shoulders. And then when I want long hair on the weekends or whatever, just rock my extensions!

Jenna said...

OMG, I feel your pain. I'm constantly pulling my hair out of Lincoln's fingers and toes. Usually the hair isn't attached to me anymore...he just collected it from the carpet and other places. Unlike Mia, though, he grabs my hair a lot more than occasionally! I pretty much have to have it constantly tied back. I don't know what the solution is! I thought vaccuuming more often would at least keep it out of his hands/feet/diapers, but I haven't seen an improvement!

If you find one, help a Momma out! :)

KRISTIN said...

I am right there with you BUT my hair HAS started to fall out and it sucks SO bad! It's literally EVERYWHERE! But, every damn time I cut my hair I regret it! So I say....DON'T DO IT!

Amanda said...

Your hair is beautiful! Usually I let mine grow and then I cut it all off. When I do that I usually regret it and hate my short hair, but this time I LOVE it :) your hair will be beautiful either way, I'm sure of it :)

Dee Stephens said...

I would take several inches off of it but not drastic short. Inches and layers.
I too, am waiting for mine to start falling out but it's okay for now. I wanted to chop all of mine off after Shelby and my Mom begged me to wait. She said shorter hair is actually harder to do and you have to wash and do it everyday.
She's right. Right now, I'm able to go with washing my hair 2xs a week which has been a HUGE time saver. I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to write that but I am.
Brad actually likes shorter hair so he would like for me to chop it.
Again, I'm waiting. I'm in a good routine right now.

Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

Your hair looks gorgeous! Hang in there!

Whim Wham Life said...

hahaha! classic:-) I have tons and tons of hair to begin with, so the shedding process was a bit crazy for me: We'd get it all wrapped around our feet if we were barefoot on the carpet! Blah! I kept it though, didn't cut it, and it grew grew grew (a little more slowly in some patches: those by hairs are stubborn!)
I just chopped mine off a few weeks ago, and Mom Hair kinda rules:-) hehe. I never had any time to really do my hair in the morning, once the Bean became an active toddler, so off it went. For me, I can actually do both my makeup/hair routine now in the morning and feel pulled together. So, maybe just wait until Mia gets a little older/more active and then see if having longer hair still works for you? xoxo

Anonymous said...

I love your hair! Don't shave it!
I think you will regret it after spending so many years growing it out. My hair is finally long too, down to the middle of my back and I lose tonz of hair as well. My baby was born 4 years ago too. Ha, what's up with that. Anyways, I agree don't do it!!!!!! :) That's the only advice I have. It's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Your hair is absolutely amazing! Don't cut it!! I have long hair (never had kids) and I still shed like crazy. I think sometimes it's just the way of the land with long hair. ha I think that if you cut it, you will look back at pictures or see someone with ubber long hair and then want to cry. Yes, hair does grow back, but trust me... I had hair as long as yours and then lopped it off. By lopping I mean PIXIE lopping (2003) - also like that in 2000. Like GONE!!! It took me about 5+ years to get it back that length (2008)and I remember crying for days / weeks about it. At least the 2nd go around....


Amberly said...

Ah, my hair has the same problem!!! I started taking my hair, skin and nails more regularly and it sort of helped and then it wasn't driving me insane :P But I trimmed a few inches off back in December and that seemed to help a lot too! I think your hair is gorgeous, I'd have a hard time chopping it if I were you! :) Don't go too short, I did that once and totally regretted it haha

Marli said...

you hair is so gorgeous, courtney, and i would hate to see it go. maybe, if you wanted something shorter, you could just go to medium length instead of chopping it off...just a thought. :)

i hope you have a happy day!


Lauren said...

I don't have a child but I have been growing my hair out and it is everywhere! My hairdresser said it was natural to notice it more the longer it gets but whoa. I think it's just hair. You have your husband's "blessing" and it will always grow back!

Ashley said...

ohhhhh you won't "shave" your hair off... just chop chop it a little :) and i say go for it... you know your hair will grow back... and... an a-line would be so so cute on you!

Dinah Gacon said...

I don't think you would ever shave your head my dear! You have beautiful hair! I am sure it will get better soon!!!!

xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

Alexis Kaye said...

I think you look amazing! Hair and legs! :)

Becky Borgman said...

You're hair is GORGEOUS!!! I wouldn't touch it if I were you. But you have to do what YOU feel like. When I was pregnant I got side bangs. Bad idea. Hormonally charged idea. Love the on others, but not so much on me. Ha!

Sarah said...

i am no help because i am currently obsessing over the long bobs! ah! your hair is lovely tho!

Shelley said...

If I had hair like yours I would keep it long!! It's beautiful!

ajs {of MN} said...

dont so it it gets better! i honest to goodness wrote this SAME post about 4 months after my baby. its the ONLY thing i know i wont be looking forward to after another baby someday.

its gets better like i said, hang in there- just were lots of ponies and hats to hide thin spots :)

Emily said...

LEAVE IT ALONE. If anything only cut off a few inches at most.

eray said...

Girl, my. Thoughts. Exactly! Except I don't even have kids, I am just totally fed up with maintaining long hair. But my fiancé loves it so I'm reluctant.

eliz said...

I told my husband it was time for me to get a "mom" haircut...long hair is a lot of work and right now I don't have time to fix it like ever!

sandi said...

your hair is gorgeous! i have long hair also and think it only looks good when it is *done*. i'm definitely not a pony-tail in public type of girl. give yourself another six months before doing something you might regret.

Anonymous said...

Ok so maybe don't shave it:) but pull an Emma Watson! You'd look adorable with it short

Anonymous said...

Your hair is beautiful! And so is that sweet baby of yours :)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

oh. my. your read my mind. i love long hair but i am about DONE with the maintenance.

I always do locks for love that way i dont feel so guilty about cutting it all off :)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

oh. my. your read my mind. i love long hair but i am about DONE with the maintenance.

I always do locks for love that way i dont feel so guilty about cutting it all off :)

Lindsay said...

I always had long hair but whacked it off when I was pregnant. Something about being 9 months pregnant in 104 degree Florida heat with preeclampsia. Yeah. I actually never had short hair before, so I was surprised how much I freaking loved it. Granted, it's not that short -- just short for me. The shortest layers start at my chin and the back is to my bra strap, so it's not THAT short -- but, again, for me, haha. Now I have to get it layered and thinned out every 3 months or I threaten to shave it all off, too. Haha.

Deveny said...

That's me regardless if I'm pregnant or not - I shed like a dog! No joke. I'm surprised I'm not bald by now. Our vacuum has to be de-tangled of hair every now and then.

I feel your pain!

Annette said...

I had the same problem with losing hair, but I promise it'll get better. It's beautiful, and it will come back stronger, I promise.

Lisa said...

aww!! i'm having the same hair dilemma!! i've had uber long hair for 15+ years.. haven't had it short since i was a child but lately i've been wanting a change and have debated cutting it off!! argh! it's so hard!! but your hair is GORGEOUS i mean it seriously looks like fairy tale golden spun silk hahaha!! you and your baby girl look beautiful!!

Jamie Hart said...

I cut my hair SHORT SHORT while pregnant-- it was great then but looking back, ick! After having 80% of my stomach removed (story can be found at, my body just doesn't absorb vitamins.. so my hair seems to always fall out. I do take B12 shots every month and sometimes I fall behind. I have often thought of taking prenatal vitamins for an extra boost but then again-- I'm not supposed to absorb vitamins. My hair used to be sooooo thick-- it upsets me that it isn't that thick anymore but being that I live in such a humid area, you'd think that I would be ok with it. All in all, I would totally tell pregnant women to NOT cut their hair while pregnant.. at least not short.

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