Tuesday, September 18, 2012

technical problems {HELP!}

My blog seems to have problems loading for a lot of people. It freezes up their internet and won't work for reasons unknown. But it will totally load up with no problems on mobile devices. I am so computer unsavvy, it's ridiculous! I am wondering if my blog could have a virus (that doesn't affect my computer, because I haven't had one problem accessing blogger or having my blog load on my computer) or what?! Does anyone know how I could go about fixing this problem? Or better yet... how do I figure out what the problem is in the first place?! HELP!!


Amanda Schroeder said...

I've never heard of a blog virus! But it won't load on my computer either. You know I love you when I have to separately load your page because of your cute blog! I have no guesses. I'd say maybe the header, but you've had that header and it's always worked until now. What have you added recently that could have made your page wacky? Because gadgets don't show on mobile version. So it could easily be one of your gadgets.

Jamie said...

I would suggest saving your photos as smaller files to begin with. A good way to make them ultra compatible with Blogger is to run them through Picasa and save them that way. Then upload from your Picasa file.

It won't load on mine either and a problem with another friend of mine was her photos. Good luck.

Deveny said...

I agree it might be a picture issue (pixel size/loading time). Your blog comes up but it's extremely SLOW and doesn't seem to ever end loading.
So weird since this only happened recently..

Anonymous said...

ok well My old blog did have a virus! and it couldn't be fixed :( so that may be the issue but it won't let me load it either...

Holly said...

Hmm...this post loaded just fine for me, but maybe it could be pictures or ads on here?! Who knows!

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

You loaded aok for me :) And our internet is s.l.o.w.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

So odd! I haven't noticed any loading problems at all?! Maybe send a help ticket thing to blogger! They could help you!

Amanda said...

Weird.. It loads just fine on my AppLe products :)

Amanda said...
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Liesl said...

Hmmm...it is loading okay for me! :) I'm using a mac book pro via Safari and the newest system...hope it fixes itself soon if there is a problem!

Anonymous said...

I found issues with Internet Explorer and blogger a long time ago. Google Chrome obviously works fine as BLogger is a google product.

Christy said...

Everything loaded fine for me except your header...so maybe it has to do with that? Not sure why though!

My Happily Ever After said...

Mine won't load your blog either! :( maybe it was something you added recently.

NICOLE said...

The last few times I have loaded your page, it loads....the scrolling down it is s....u....p....e....r s....lllllooooow though =). And it took a pretty minute for the comments to pop up for me to leave one.

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

i blame the baby.

Alyx said...

I'm not having any problems with your bloggy...

Laura Joyce Leavitt said...

I guess the large foe size of the pictures too. Especially since your using your rebel alot more now. Its not as bad on my comp if I look at 1 post link rather than the entire blog. Sorry your having this problem.

Unknown said...

Hmmm....I've never had a problem loading your blog. Maybe your picture files are too large. You could start by saving those as smaller files. I've had problems with my blog in the past depending on which browser I was using, so that could be the problem.

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Courtney! My blog did this once! Are you using custom fonts for your post headers/dates? If so, delete them!! When my blog had a problem, the custom fonts I was using had messed up. Hope that helps!! xoxo

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Courtney! My blog did this once! Are you using custom fonts for your post headers/dates? If so, delete them!! When my blog had a problem, the custom fonts I was using had messed up. Hope that helps!! xoxo

Kimberly said...

I finally got to read your blog again after about two weeks. I couldn't get on. I am glad you fixed the problem is there was one.

Ashley said...

Courtney!! I just tried visiting your blog since I've been having problems loading your page.... and I can see you! Yesssss (:

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i admit it. i LOVE hearing from you!