Sunday, September 2, 2012

we went to the county fair...

 Baby Leighton picked her own duck...
... and won a little turtle-wurtle!
Why do I think crying pictures are the cutest? Ha ha... clearly she didn't love the petting zoo!
Leighton loves Eric! Anytime we're both around she only has eyes for him. (Can't wait to see my man kissing our baby girl!)
She really does love it when I try to eat her face ;) HA!
Leighton is CRAZY about lettuce :)
This picture freaks me out... where did that belly come from? I'm definitely having one of those am I really pregnant moments!

Our weekend actually started out pretty rough. Eric and I received some news that definitely threw us for a loop and was a total let down. After a couple hours of crying (totally blaming that on the pregnancy hormones, ha ha!) I decided I wasn't going to let my weekend suck because of bad news. (Sorry, I know how annoying it is when mentioning something so vague, but it has nothing to do with me and my pregnancy! Baby girl is as good as ever!)
Saturday we spent our day furniture shopping for baby girl's room and then hit up the county fair with Kaden, Laura and baby Leighton. It was perfect weather, totally redneck, and SO FUN! We finished off the night with dinner at Wingers which totally hit the spot. Pregnancy cravings can be so weird sometimes :) Oh and I learned that the napkin in my lap is a total waste now.... my belly catches everything before it has a chance to hit the napkin!
I'm so grateful for the friendships we have made in this town! We laughed all night long (which is exactly what we needed) and got to snuggle sweet, baby Leighton! Nights like this are the BEST. Can't wait to enjoy the rest of our Labor Day Weekend!

P.S. I was so excited to get some deep fried dessert at the fair but when it was time for me to choose what I wanted... I wanted NOTHING! Such a let down. That's the main reason I wanted to go to the fair... ha ha!


Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Aww you look so cute! Sorry for the bad news :( Looks like you had a great weekend with your friends--baby Leighton is adorable! Happy furniture shopping :D

Unknown said...

oh that fair looks like so much fun! i love little fairs. your belly is adorbs. i seriously put my napkin tucked in my shirt when pregnant. its the only way to save my shirts from my messy eating and greasy cravings. haha. have a great weekend!

Eryka said...

Cute photos and cute baby bump! :)

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

You bump is SO CUTE!! The fair looked super fun! Love all the pictures! Have a great weekend!

Liesl said...

Good for you for not letting something ruin a weekend you had planned, but so sorry you got some tough news! Looks like you had a great time, and what cute pictures! Can't wait to see more of the baby room too...I'm sure the furniture you got is perfect! Yay for deep fried dessert too...always delish! :)

Amanda said...

You are looking ever so cute!! That belly of yours is adorbs :)

Kendra L. said...

I totally had the same moment. I saw a picture of me when I was 19 weeks, sitting down and I was like "WHAT!!! I'm PREGNANT!!!" My husband was like, "yeah, been that way for a few months now... hahah!" You look cute as ever.

Unknown said...

You look adorable! What a fun time! Leighton is a precious name, Love it!

Tiffany said...

I love the county fair! And look at your belly -- beautiful!

Deveny said...

You mean you didn't want deep fried snickers, deep fried cheesecake, deep fried butter or deep fried twinkies??? ;)
We went to the fair last week too, and while it was fun seeing all the food - my heart arteries clogged just thinking of eating any of it. LOL

Pamela said...

Awww look at that cute little belly!!! AH! I'm lovin it :) (that totally sounded like a McDonald's commercial, hah!)

m&msmommy said...

You look absolutely adorable!!!! SOOO cute! :)

Sorry to hear that you guys got bad news :( I'll be praying for you guys!

Alyx said...

Your bump has gotten so dang cute!!!

Brittany said...

You and your little bump are precious!! Glad you had such a great time at the fair but sorry about the bad news :(. Preggo hormones are no good!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh you made me so nervous by the bad news. I feel better that you are both okay!!! So sorry it was still upsetting... =/ Love the fair and you look great BTW!!! xoxo

Allison said...

Looks like fun! Glad you didn't let your news stop you from having a great weekend!

Rachel said...

County fairs are always so much fun!

Ashley said...

After watching a food network show featuring fried foods last night, I'm dying to get to a fair and eat some greasy foods. Looks like you had a great time at the fair.

Glad you ended up doing something fun this Labor Day weekend!

Amanda Wissmann said...

Great pics! Precious belly! Believe will feel that way your whole pregnancy :)

Kim Bird said...

so cute!

That Girl said...

Going to the fair was the best when pregnant! I didn't feel guilty at all about indulging!

Katie Did What said...

The fair looks like so much fun!! And that sweet little baby girl is too cute! And, girl, you look SO GOOD! I love that you said it freaked you out, though! You're so cute!

Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

sorry you had bad news, you look good & looks like you had a blast, hope your weekend ended better than the start :)


Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Okay, I'm officially jealous! You are the 2nd blog friend I've seen at a Fair this weekend!! Why have I not been to one yet this year!? This needs to change...pronto! ;) LOVE love love your good pictures!! And that sweet baby. AND the sweet baby bump of YOURS!! AWW!!!!

Sorry you had some bad news. :( Hope the rest of your weekend was SPECTACULAR!! Love!!! xoxo

Bethany G said...

So this is random.. but last night I definitely had a dream about you and your hubby!!! I just don't remember anything about it! ha

Sorry for the bad news :(
You're looking adorable!

Holly said...

Hehehe that crying photo is pretty cute! :P

Jenna Grace said...

Your baby bump Is so cute! I love the fair!

Janna Renee said...

You guys look so natural with a baby girl. I can't wait to see how sweet y'all are with YOUR baby!!

Suget said...

i honestly think your carnival has better rides than ours. haha Send it our way next year. And your belly is so cute!!!

Awe, I can't wait to see your photos of your baby.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

It looks like it was a fun time at the carnival!

Heather said...

You are so adorable. I love your bump and how much you can see it in your fair top. Super cute!

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