Tuesday, July 3, 2012

my very own cake boss, ha!

Remember how I said Cake Boss is our newest addiction? Well ever since we've started watching this show ALL I've wanted is a cupcake! But of course we live in a crappy little town with zero cupcake shops :( And pregnancy was definitely not helping this craving to go away.... SO my loving husband drove his cute bum around town until he had everything he needed to bake me a cake!

Nothing from scratch...we were too impatient! Plus I LOVE me some rainbow chip frosting.
Sorry you're blurry babe... but Buddy's got nothin' on YOU!
This is as good as any cupcake from Buddy's bakery, right? RIGHT?!

Don't be alarmed if my butt appears to be twice it's size in my holiday pictures.... I'm probably going to eat the whole cake in 1 day. Oops!


Nikki said...

Not for nothing that looks delish!

Katie said...

And what was all the convincing I needed to give in to my craving to make a cake! That show is seriously such a tease...even the commercials make me want cake :)

Cindy P said...

haha so awesome! And rainbow chip frosting is most definitely my favorite! Good choice!!

tifsong said...

i love rainbow chip frosting. and i love how adorable your husband is to you!! :)

you're great court. i want to see your prego self soon.

Freya Lily said...

I love eating all the chips out of the icing :) It used to make my room mate so angry! That cake looks so good :)

Anonymous said...

Rainbow chip frosting is the best!! Now I want to go home and make a cake too =)

Unknown said...

oh man get in my belly!!! looks yummy!!! i want a cake now too.

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

no comment.

Chrissy + Nate said...

Yum!!!! That's my favorite frosting!

Makaila said...

RIIIIIGHHHT! Nothing beats festive sprinkles!

Alyx said...

That cake looks delicious!!!

Samantha said...

Yummy :) Looks delish...sometimes, you just need cake!

twiggy@thedirtlife said...

...i won't tell!!


Hailey said...

that cake looks tasty and i love that frosting too!!!!!

Katie Did What said...

ummmm that cake looks AMAZING!!! wish you could share via the internet, cus i could totes devour a piece of that!

jennifer blair said...

Such a cute cake! I never make cake! Ha! There is an awesome bakery here...that is my excuse! Ha! Happy fourth!

Lindsay said...

Rainbow chip frosting sounds heavenly! Such a cute cake. Aww. Loved this post!

Megan said...

YUM!! Looks delicious!!

Melanie said...

Yummmers... & what a sweet hubs you got there mama! Girl, sorry I've been a bad bloggy friend lately. Life's been crazzy on my end... Actually trying to start up my own little photography biz! SO excited.

Wishing the three of you the happiest 4th & sending big hugs....! Did you get my hug? Yep, good! XOXO

Shelley said...

I feel the same way when I watch Cake Boss. It makes me want to make cakes and cupcakes and EAT them. That cake looks delicious! What a sweet hubby!

dreaming en francais said...

That is beyond sweet of him to do for you! That cake looks amazingly yummy! xo


The Ferguson Family said...

There actually is a cupcake shop in Cedar next to Krave on Main street. I haven't actually tried it but I'm sure they are delish!

Kristin said...

AHHHHH rainbow chip is the besssssst!!!!!

Rolled Up Pretty said...

Oh man, that looks SO good! I seriously think cupcakes or cakes from boxes are amazing, ha! Yay for your cute husband to make this for you!!!

amber d* said...

Ahh I freaking love Cake Boss and Ace of Cakes!! Now I wanna go make some cupcakes or something lol

Suget said...

Ohhh cake cravings!!
Eric is so wonderful for baking you a cake. I would just inhale that... but right now I am craving more of creme brulee and cheescake haha

Chelsea said...

Woah. It's even layered!?? Holy gourmet. I am in serious need of a funfetti cake with sprinkles now. You've got yourself a keeper, for sure!!

That Girl said...

I don't think I've ever had rainbow chip frosting!

Unknown said...

Awe this is so sweet! I am going to make my husband take notes from Eric for when we start having babies!

chantal marie said...

mmm that looks SO good! send a piece out this way!!

Rebecca said...

Aww bless him, and what a cake, it looks yummy!!
My grandma is having a birthday party on Saturday I have to make 2 dozen cupcakes, I'm thinking I'm going to make chocolate orange ones.
Happy 4th July!

Antoinette Musik said...

Looks delish! Happy 4th of July!
I'm hanging out for an updated baby bump pic. Hope you're well xxxxx

Tamaras Blend said...

That looks like such a yummy cake! You've got a great husband! :)


Janna Renee said...

Umm....how have I never heard of Rainbow Chip Frosting!!!??? That sounds phenomenal!

Unknown said...

I LOVE rainbow chip frosting! I totally don't blame you - I would eat the whole thing in one day too!

Lin said...

Yum! Rainbow chip frosting has got to be my all time favorite frosting. Especially when it's slathered all over funfetti cupcakes.

Faith said...

and well, now i'm craving cake. and not just any cake. your cake.

RadiantKristen said...

That cake looks delish! PS, you can actually order online from their bakery now and have it shipped to you. I'm still trying to convince myself that it isn't worth it, but I secretly hope it is.

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