Tuesday, July 31, 2012

weekend review {Aladdin}

This weekend was a good weekend. And one of our most exciting ones to date! I have some fun news to share.... tomorrow ;) One of my friends from northern Utah came and stayed with us Friday and Saturday which was SO nice of her! I loved hanging out with Kyndra and her 3 year old so much that I totally forgot to take one picture together, sad! But she definitely made my weekend happier!
I'd been looking forward to Monday for awhile because we were finally going to see Aladdin at Tuacahn! I love to see these shows each summer and had been hearing great things about Aladdin! And there's just something about sitting in an outdoor amphitheater, surrounded by the gorgeous red rocks of St. George that makes life seem simpler and happier for a few hours! I love Tuacahn!

We bought all of that junk food during intermission, which oddly hit the spot big time at 11pm ;) And do you know what happened next? It started RAINING! It was coming down hard enough that they had to cancel the show. So we didn't even get to finish the last half of Aladdin! What a bummer. So! If you find yourself wanting a get away.... go to St. George, Utah.... and go see Aladdin! Then tell me how it ended :) And if you sleep in until 10am the next morning to recover from the late night, that will make me feel better about my sleeping in ;) ha ha!


Katie said...

Oh my goodness...that place looks gorgeous!!!

m&msmommy said...

Wow,that is SOOO neat! What a beautiful backdrop!

Did you find out yet about the baby!??!?!?!?!?! You better spill the beans ASAP! ;) I'm dying to know!!! :)

Suget said...

Sleeping in is OKAY!!
And I have never been to a musical... but it looks interesting. You 2 are so cute.

Brittany said...

Looks so beautiful! Stinks that it got rained out...but you definitely deserved to sleep in little momma!!

monster cakes said...

I'm all about the junk food at intermissions and half times. Bring it on! And I can't wait to find out what gender your baby is! : )

Anonymous said...

Did you at least get refunded! I would be so upset!

Ash said...

i LOVE these photos! we jsut got back from my husband's family reunion in the wilderness near Provo... SO GORGEOUS! I LOVE UTAH!

and his grandfather lives in St. George- we get to go back pretty soon which makes me EXCITED! maybe we will check out aladdin (:

Chrissy + Nate said...

How awesome! I love Aladdin so I know I would enjoy this show!

chantal marie said...

aw that's too bad you got rained out! that stage set in the rocks like that is amazing tho!!

Melissa said...

That sounds so awesome! It sucks that Aladdin got rained out though!

Janette said...

Oh my gosh! I would've been superrrr sad to not have seen the whole thing! That stinks! Did they issue refunds??? I hope so!


Janette said...

Oh my gosh! I would've been superrrr sad to not have seen the whole thing! That stinks! Did they issue refunds??? I hope so!


Lindsay said...

Hi! Visiting your blog via a comment you left on mine! (thanks!)
This is gorgeous!! What an awesome way to watch a show! I was in St. George in May but didnt get much of a chance to check out the sights. :( *And congrats on expecting!

Vivi K said...

I can see you cute baby bump! :) Looks like such a fun weekend!

Dee Stephens said...

Love junk food! ;)

Mandy said...

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful background! Wow!

Super bummer about the rain! Why is raining ruining everything for you and I? ;-)

Julie said...

We saw the exact same one here in St. Louis at our outdoor theatre. I don't know how they normally end it but ours ended with a lightning storm and the Genie popping out to commentator it. It was fun!

Alyx said...

That looks like such a blast, so sad that you didn't get to see the end of the show!! so... is it a girl or a boy?? lol

Carlie said...

That's a bummer you got rained out! Luckily, you know how it is supposed to end from the Disney show growing up, right? haha =)

Megan said...

That stinks that you didn't get to see the end. That looks like so much fun!

Kim Bird said...

I LOVE the Tuacahn! I saw "Singing in the Rain" there a while back! Love St. George too. I miss my home there!

Anonymous said...

I just started following your blog & I adore it.
This year i am trying to make my dreams come true.

follow back please & thank you!
<3 :)

Sam said...

That has to be the best place to watch a show EVER!


Amanda said...

How fun!! I want to do this :) and I can't wait for your news.. You're killin me!!!

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

I LOVE Aladdin! Scott and I danced to A Whole New World at our wedding! (it's a super long song! we found out half way through the dance! haha) Those rocks are super gorgeous! Boo for missing the end! Cute pictures of you two! Have a lovely week!

Aimee L said...

Wow - what an amazing backdrop for the show!! I'm so sorry you didn't get to see the end of it, though :(

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

St. George is gorgeous! And I'm pretty sure Jef from Bachelorette is from there :) sorry the show got rained out!

Melanie said...

Awww... man. I thought youe were going to tell us boy or girl, & that his(?) name was Aladin. BAHAAAha)

Darn rain! That is the coolest outdoor theater I've ever seen.

I CAN"T WAIT TO HEAR what sweet baby is............!!!!!!!!! XO

Miranda said...

oh so sad you didn't get to finish the show...hubby should take you back...but you've seen the movie-right? LOL

Chelsea said...

Sorry to hear that it rained. Sounds like you guys still had fun though.

That Girl said...

What a gorgeous set!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Aw, that sucks you didn't get to see the second half but what a cool stage!

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