Friday, May 25, 2012

beach days

body surfin'
pure joy :)

The best part of our trip was parking my beach bum in the sand and enjoying the ocean! I relaxed while Eric got beat up by the waves :) But he enjoyed every second of it!
My client lent me her book that held the secrets of Maui and we found an amazing beach that the locals hangout on. (So bummed I can't remember the name of the beach. But it was in Wailea.) The beach was great, the waves were perfect, and there was awesome snorkeling! We saw more sea turtles. What an amazing experience!
We also spent a day at Big Beach, the last undeveloped beach in Maui. The sand is supposedly the best sand on the island. The waves were much bigger here so I didn't spend much time in the ocean but the boys enjoyed their boogie boarding :) Oh, we saw sea turtles at this beach, too!!

I am convinced that life would be much easier if I lived near the beach ;) ha ha! I love it!


Liz said...

So jealous!!!! It looks amazing!! Hubs & I were just talking about how we neeeeed a beach house!!

Anonymous said...

great pictures!

Gentri said...

I'm so glad you were able to finally go on this trip! Seriously. It looks like you had the time of your life!

Lauren said...

AH! Your pictures are amazing Courtney! Justin and I loved boogie boarding in Maui! Your pictures make me miss Hawaii SO BAD!

Have a great weekend!


Alyx said...

This looks like such a blast! I'm happy that you were able to get out of your little town for a while and enjoy the sand and sun!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

The Hurricane lakes are WAY better.

Can you believe I just said that? can you?

Melanie said...

Sighhhhh.....! This looks heavenly hon! Wish I was in your suitcase... that wouldn't be weird at all right?! Lol)

Kirsten Wiemer said...

gosh its so beatuiful. there was a girl visiting this week in my class trying to decide if she wanted to move here from hawaii. she is nuts the whole class i gave her a million reasons not to move here. am i a bad person? lol


Anonymous said...

What I would give to be at the beach right now!!

Jessi said...

I miss Maui so much! And I love Wailea--We stayed at the Grand Wailea beach houses when we went and it CHANGED. MY. LIFE. I had never been to Hawaii before and now I wish I could go back and never leave@!!

Amy said...

I need a beach vacation SO badly! Beautiful pictures!!

Kara said...

That picture of Eric body surfing, is like the definition of happiness! I couldn't help but smile :)

Great pictures!

Amy Shaughnessy said...

Love these beach pictures! I think life would be easier if you were near a beach... :)


Shonnie said...

I am seriously so jealous right now.

Elisha said...

the beachhhh. I miss it!! jealous!! p.s. you two are the cutestttt together!! (:


Laura Burtis said...

Oh my goodness! That looks like absolutely HEAVEN!!! So fun!! And that's totally how my hubby and I do it too, he plays in the water and I lay on the beach (usually reading :)).

lori said...

i agree... life would be better living by the beach! love the pictures!

Allison said...

This looks like so much fun! Glad you had a fabulous time! :)

Samantha said...

Looks like LOADS of fun! I'm seriously considering moving to the beach...I just think life would be better there in general :)

Mel said...

Oh I so want to go to the beach right now....we wont be able to do any sort of vacation until september....bummer.
Love how happy you two always look together. so sweet. :)

Mel said...

PS. I'm convinced that when I move to a always warm country and live by the ocean that all my problems (like ALL my problems) in life will disappear....that is basically my life goal..haha...and I'm not ashamed to admit it ^^ A girls got to dream, right?

Keri said...

So gorgeous! You, and the beach. :)

Amanda said...

So cute! How fun!!!! Wishing it were me and my hubs.

Rosalinda Tjioe said...

Amazing pictures! Looks like you had a great time =) X

Unknown said...

beach days are the absolute best! You look adorable in a bathing suit! xo

kim @ a positive peace said...

beauuutifulll!! ohmygosh, how can a beach that pretty be so near empty???

Megan said...

WOW!!!! That looks amazing...what pretty blue skies!!!! Y'all are too adorable.

Liesl said...

What a FUN dat at the beach! Glad you got some time to relax and just enjoy it! :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Oh it looks amazing! And what a great beach, it doesn't look crowded at all!

That Girl said...

I love Wailea

Holly said...

So jealous! I want to see more sea turtles!! I saw one when I was snorkeling in Hawaii a few years ago and it was awesome :)

Natalie said...

We stayed in Wailea when we went to Maui...I'm trying to remember the name of the beach!

Ash said...

this is makena state beach.. im almost positive based on the lifeguard towers and the hills (:

we went there to bodysurf in the shorebreak.. it was NUTS.. and the locals were doing backflips on their boogie boards..

dont you just LOVE maui?!?!

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