Sunday, May 6, 2012

our anniversary celebration

Let me just tell you something.... Eric and I live an exciting life! Not! I was going to make up some dreamy story of how Eric and I spent May 3rd, celebrating us, but my imagination isn't working with me today. Ha ha. To tell the truth, we didn't even see each other until 8:00pm on May 3rd! I only wish that real life could just be put on hold while we celebrate those special moments in life, guilt free, but the world doesn't revolve around me. Darn it! So life went on as usual.... but in a week or so real life will be put on hold while we enjoy each other in Hawaii!
Back to our anniversary.... Eric got home from work at 8 (he is finally done working nights... woo hoo!) and hurried through his shower and got ready. He was even going to shave for me (it's the thought that counts) but we were starving so I told him to skip it. We were planning to go to a cute little restaurant that is perfect to celebrate your anniversary, but then we couldn't find it! Not that it was hard to find, but it was almost 9pm and we were tired and hungry. Not a good combination! By the time we found it they were closed. CLOSED! Didn't they know we were trying to eat a special dinner for our anniversary?? We were so ornery at this point that I was ready to just go home and go to bed :) Such a glamorous way to celebrate 4 years of marriage! Instead, we agreed that Chili's had to be open later than 9 in this small town. Luckily for us, we were right! We rushed through our meal, skipped dessert, took a pretty crappy picture together in the car, went home and passed out.
Happy four years to us :)
But honestly? There is no one I'd rather share these less than glamorous moments with than Eric. I love him!


Cortney said...

Happy Anniversary!

Meesh said...

Happy Anniversary!!
It sounds like it worked out perfectly!!
And the pic is totally not crappy!!
-Meesh :)

Liz said...

Aww Happy anniversary!! Glad it all worked out!!

Deveny said...

I'd say Hawaii is a nice trade-off for a Chili's dinner. ;)
Can't wait to see pictures!

lori said...

aww i know how those nights are... i know you are so glad he is off night shift!!! my hubs changes back to days in a few weeks, can't wait :)

Megan said...

Awwww!! Happy Anniversary!! I agree with you, it's about being together and doesn't matter what you are doing :)

Katrin said...

Happy 4 years! :)
And I have to say: that's what I love about marriage! :)) And you can see in the picture how happy you guys are!

Amanda said...

Happy Anniversary :) how exciting for your trip to Hawaii!! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it, :)

Established: 2008 said...

What a sweet sentiment. Happy four years! Here's to many more!

Michelle said...

awww cute! Love your picture.

Danavee said...

Happy 4 Years to you!

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary you two!! Isn't it great to have someone to be cranky and sleepy with? :)

Keri said...

I love your awesome attitude about it! Happy Anniversary!

Alyx said...

Awww, I love this!
If it makes you feel any better, mike and I got into a fight on our 1-year anniversary, missed dinner, and then ended up making up, then going to a Mexican fast food place that was open late. Nice, right?

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Happy anniversary, lady! Hope it was wonderful.

Chrissy + Nate said...

Don't you just love those "little moments"? Ha- it seems to happen on special events like anniversaries! Nate chipped a tooth while we were on our 1st anniversary trip to San Antonio, so we spent part of our time in an unknown dentist office... sketchy! But it all worked out! Have fun in Hawaii!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, well you made the best of it! Happy Anniversary girl! xoxo A-

amber d* said...

Happy Anniversary! Just think in like 10 years you'll look back saying: Hey, remember that one time we ended up at Chili's for our anniversary?!

Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

That is so cute. Sometimes things just don't work out perfectly. I can't count how many times that has happened to Jared and I. It is awesome that you both put aside everything to hang together for a bit :) Have fun in Hawaii - I am ooober jealous!

bridget anne said...

four years! woohoo! congratulations. it's always lovely to see people in love. one of my favorite parts of blogging. you two make a gorgeous couple. xo.

Kimberly said...

I guess it really doesn't matter waht you did as long as you were together.

Sam said...

So sweet!

Grace Wainwright said...

Congrats! One time I made my boyfriend cancel dinner reservations on valentine's day and take me to penn station instead. But the penn station was right by an ice cream shoppe...if that's any excuse for my strange behavior and food cravings!

A Southern Drawl

That Girl said...

We've had those anniversaries where we can't celebrate till later and they're just as special.

Mrs Guenther said...

Awww happy anniversary.

RadiantKristen said...

You know that you have a keeper when you don't mind having to change plans last minute, and that the most important part is seeing each other. Happy Anniversary!

Carlie said...

Yay for Eric not having to work nights anymore! I'm glad you all found somewhere to eat finally! Happy Anni!

Whitney Leigh said...

happy four years! it's cool that you didn't have that glamorous of an evening. the same thing is probably going to happen with Landon and me with how our summer schedule is looking.

Kell said...

Happy anniversary! Sometimes the 'day of' doesn't get to be as special as we'd hope but I'm sure you'll have tons and tons of fun in Hawaii! (Still jealous here!)

Contemplating Beauty said...

that is so so right ON. It's being together and building the no so planned imperfect moments that make your memories...

happy anni!!!

Niken said...

happy anniversary for both of you!!!

Mel said...

Happy Anniversary you two! :)

stephanie said...

happy anniversary!

Holly said...

Happy anniversary! At least you have a memorable story now, lol! :)

Tiff For Tat said...

those not so glamourous nights often are some of the best time spent!! Happy 4 years!!!

Janna Renee said...

Crappy picture? Y'all look amazing as always!! PS. I just went to Chili's with my friend on MY anniversary ;) Coincidence!

andrea m. said...

happy anniversary you two! just came across your blog and it's so cute! i'm getting ready to be married this summer!

andrea brionne

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

At least you got to see each other! Happy Anniversary!

Amber said...

Im So behind! Happy Anniversary!!!

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