Tuesday, May 29, 2012

knocked up!

There's not much to see yet, but Eric and I are SO excited!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Congrats, congrats, congrats! So exciting! I can't wait to watch your journey!

Nikki said...

Congratulations! So exciting!

Kimberly said...

Happy news! Congratulations to you and your husband.

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

I just squealed out loud at work. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!

courtney said...

congrats court!!! that is sooo exciting! :D

Lauryn said...

Aww, congratulations my dear! Can't wait to hear more updates. I'm so happy for you two!

Savannah said...

How exciting!!! I totally just gasped out loud! You are going to be a fantastic Mom. Congrats, congrats, congrats!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Congratulations to you both!!

krystal said...

BABIES EVERYWHERE! Congrats! Blogger is blowing up with new babies. =] I'm due in Sept!

Nikki said...

Congratulations! What an exciting time for you and your husband.

Miss Jewells said...

Oh my gosh...congratulations!!! So exciting!

= said...

OMG!! congrats sweet girl!!! so excitedfor you!

LWLH said...

Congrats girl!!!
There is a huge baby boom in the blogs lately.

Joeylee said...

OMG congrats how exciting. It seems like a lot of ppl are announcing their pregnancies

Natalie said...

Congrats to you both! So exciting :)

Established: 2008 said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting!

Alana Christine said...

Yay congrats! My brother and his wife are due December 12th!

tinajo said...

Fun - congrats to you both! :-)

Erin said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sooo happy for you sweet girl! I've loved following your blog and getting to know you so I'm happy to feel "included" in this next chapter of your life!! ;) Congrats lil momma!!!!

stephanie said...

congrats!! that was my due date with my oldest and my mom's due date with me :)

Alyx said...

AHHHHHH COURTNEY!!!! I'm SO excited for you!!!! Congratulations, girly!!!

Cami said...

OHMYGOSH! COURTNEY!!! I am sooo sooo sooo excited for you. I cannot wait to watch you grow..yaaay!!

Amber said...

YAYYYYYY! Congrats!!!!

Anonymous said...


Leslee said...

YAY!!! Being a Mommy is the best thing in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! You will be such a good little mom! Congrats!

Ashlee @ ashleenikol.com said...

CONGRATS you two!!! I'm so excited for ya'll!!!!!! :) You're going to look so cute prego!

Chrissy + Nate said...

Congratulations!!!! :)

Cindy P said...

Oh Courtney! This is such big and exciting news!!! CONGRATULATIONS to you and Eric!! How wonderful!!! I look forward to seeing all about your pregnancy joruney on the blog these next months!

Sam said...

Congrats!! I can't wait to see all of your updates throughout the coming months!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! Is it weird that I was wondering about this when I was looking at your IG feed the other day. You don't even look preggo yet, but I just had a feeling! Congrats to you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! So exciting!

Elizabeth Justice said...

Courtney I am so excited for you and Eric! What a wonderful christmas present!

Lauren said...

CONGRATS!! I am so so excited for you two :-)

Kirsten Wiemer said...

so exciting. you are so freaking cute!


Amanda said...


Michelle @ The Vintage Apple said...

Congrats! I'm due the week after!!!!!!

brynn said...

yayayayay!!! congrats girl!!! :)

J and A said...

That is so awesome! Congrats. :) I am so happy for you both.

Samantha said...

Congratulations!!! Yay!!!! And just so you know, you're the second blogger that I've read today who just found out they were pregnant and due in December!

Emily said...

Congrats! Sooo exciting! Cant wait to find out if its a boy or girl.

Miranda said...

OMG...i literally have the tingly goosebumps ALL OVER right now. I wanna cry tears of happiness for you (and I don't even know you). SOOOOOOOO EXCITING!! Congratulations!!

jessica said...

congrats courtney! that is SO exciting!!

jes @ twosmuppies said...


Katrin said...

Great news!!! WOW! Congratulations! So happy for you guys!!!!!

Jessica said...

Courtney I'm SO excited for you and Eric! You are going to be amazing parents and I can't wait to read along with you as begin this new journey!!

courtney - larking. said...

Congrats on your very own DIY project ;) What happy news!

Unknown said...

Yay! Congratulations!!! That's SO exciting!!!

Kelsey Keller Weller said...

Well, that's exciting! Your baby will be so so cute!

Lauren said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) CONGRATS COURTNEY!!!!! <3 You're going to be the cutest mommy EVER!!!! So happy for you guys!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww congratulations!!! Super exciting!! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww congratulations!!! Super exciting!! :)

Janna Renee said...

CONGRATS BEAUTIFUL!!!! So exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie said...

Congrats!!! And what a cute way to show it in that picture :)

dottie said...

Congrats to you both! So exciting!!!

Ashley said...

So exciting!! Congrats!!

Mary said...

Seriously? OHMYGOSH! That is SO cool!!! Your gunna be such an awesome (and cute) mama!

Courtney Cakes said...

Congrats Momma!!!

Big XOXO's

Holly said...


Holly said...


Eryka said...

AHHH. Congrats Lady!!!

Jenna said...

Yay! Congrats!
I'm due 12.12.12!
How are you feeling?
I'm miserable. This nausea is getting WORSE this week (week 12) instead of better!!!! :(

Meghan said...

Congrats!! That's so exciting!

Jessica and Trent said...

Oh Courtney!! We are SO excited for you!! Congratulations!! We were wondering when you guys would get pregnant :) So I want to hear the whole story - when you found out, how you told your families, how you're feeling, etc.!!

Olga said...

Congrats! My mom gave birth 3 months ago to my baby sister (it was a shock to all of us) I think I was more excited than her about it, haha. You're going to love being a mommy :)

THE COOKS said...

congratulations!!! :))

Amanda said...

Yey!! Congrats mama :) so happy for you two! Can't wait to follow your pregnancy journey :)

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

I love you and that baby. *boy

Heather Marie said...

AHHHH! So happy for you two! That's so wonderful!

jess said...

Congratulations, although I have to say, there is NOTHING to see - haha I wish I was as slim now as you are pregnant lol :P

Bri Buzali said...

WHAT?!?! Congrats to the two of you! You're gonna make a great mama!

Antoinette Musik said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Amazing, amazing amazing!!! This news totally made my day and put a big smile on my face! A huge congratulations to you both. I am actually pregnant too but shhhh am not gonna blog about it till im 12 weeks. Our baby is due 2 weeks after yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe we will even have our babies on the same days. That wouldn't suprise me seem our husbands birthdays are the same day!

Christianna said...

Congrats!!!!! This is possibly the cutest blog announcement I've ever seen!

Julie said...

Yay yay yay!!! Congratulations Courtney!! How exciting for you two...here comes your next chapter!!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!!!! And that might just be the best day of the year ;) It's our anniversary! ;) So happy for you guys!!

Caitlin said...


Carlie said...

That is amazing! Congrats!

Natalie said...


Jessi said...



Evelien said...

woohoow!! Congratulations you both!!
So exciting :)

Mel said...

uuuuuuh!!!!! *squeel*

Congradulations!!!!! :-D

I'm so excited for you guys!!!!

Alyssa said...

OH MY GOSH, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Eric and Courtney!

Tiffany said...

*GASP* No freakin' way!! I'm so super excited for you, my cute little friend. You're going to be one heck of an amazing momma!! Congratulations!

Emma Frances said...

You are gorgeous and are going to be so cute pregnant!! :] Congratulations to you and Eric!!!

Sami said...

Congratulations!! There is so much baby making going around blog land ;) So happy for you!

kyna... said...

OMG Courtney!!! Congratulations!!! I am SOOOOOOOOO happy for you guys! You are going to make the best parents ever!!!! Woo hoo!! This post seriously made my day girl!

Love ya lots! Hope you are feeling well....oh yeah, btw...HOORAY!! I am SOOOOOO excited! (can you tell how excited I am? lol!)
♥ Kyna

m&msmommy said...

Now I can give you an "official" blogland congrats! ;)

I am beyond words excited for you and Eric! You are going to be an adorable prego lady! :)

Praying for everything to continue to go smoothly for ya! :)

Brandy said...

Congratulations!!! That is awesome!

Melanie said...

REASON #12738 why I heart YOU.... your post tittle is KNOCKED UP! Lol.)

YAYAYYYY.... You know how beyond happy I am for you two... THREE! I know you guys are going to be the best parents, & truly love & appreciate what a special gift from God it is. Plus... dang mama is HOT! You are crazy beautiful as it is... you are going to be the pretties preggers mama, EVER! Can't wait to see that flat lil tummy get all cute & round! Lol)

Hey Court... if you want to have sweet baby girl 2 days early... on my b-day... that's A=ok w/ me!)

LOVEv ya's!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh congratulations!!!!! xoxo A-

Tiffany said...

Super Congrats! How exciting for you guys!!!

Deveny said...

That's great!! Congrats to the two of you!! Pregnancy is awesome and babies are the best. :)

Nicole said...

congratulations! What cute pictures, too:)

Courtney said...

Holy moly I am SO excited for you!!!!


That's great news! I can't wait to watch you and your family grow! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Aw just clicked on this page so haven't had a good look around yet but wow congrats guys .. your friends with Mel and Kyna so you must be cool xx xx

Unknown said...


I'm so so so so so excited to hear this AWESOME news! It's SO fun having a bunch of pregnant bloggy friends,and now I can add you to the list!!! Can't wait to hear all your stories and expiriences!

P.S. I'm due end of August!!!

Jessica M. said...

Congratulations, Courtney!!

Erin said...

Oh boy! I just started following you're fantabulous blog and now I get a whole new chapter of life to stalk. How exciting! Congratulations Courtney!

Nicole said...

Oh how exciting! Congrats!

dreaming en francais said...

How exciting -- and what a cute way to announce the great news!!! Congrats lady!! xo


Randi said...

WHAT?! YAY!!!!! congrats!!! so excited for you!

lori said...

andddd i just squealed. OUT LOUD. you'd think i just found out that i was expecting...

i am SOOOO freaking happy for you! i can't wait to see that bump grow. congrats to you and eric!!

jessica said...

WooHoo!!!! Congrats girl!! :D

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH! You KNOW that I am SO excited. ;)

You look BEAUTIFUL little Mama...can't wait to watch this baby grow. Love you!! xoxoxo

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH! You KNOW that I am SO excited. ;)

You look BEAUTIFUL little Mama...can't wait to watch this baby grow. Love you!! xoxoxo

Michelle said...

YAYYYYY!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! And I will totally be living vicariously through you :)

Megan said...

WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! So glad the announcement is made!! Love you, friend!

Alex said...

Big congratulations to you both!!!

Suget said...

whooo hooo! Congrats! I am super excited for you! I knew you would be a momma this year (:. Congrats to Eric too!! You both are so blessed!

Allison said...

How exciting! Congrats. :)

Amy said...

Congratulations sweet girl! So exciting!!

Amy said...

Congratulations sweet girl! So exciting!!

Jamie Danielle said...

OMGosh CONGRATS!!!! :)

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

"Knocked up" is usually only used when the pregnancy is accidental :) and I know this baby had some planning... very excited for you two! or should I say three?! YAYY!

Meghan said...

Aww! Congrats! Amazing news!

Laynah said...

Okay, I have the HUGEST smile on my face right now! This is wonderful news. You are so dang pretty and this is so cute and I am so happy for you guys.

Heather said...

Awwww I'm SO SO SO excited for the both of you!!! Congratulations!!!

tara said...

awww!! congrats!!

Shea D. said...

SO thrilling! :D

Anonymous said...

oh YAY! congrats!

Ashley said...

OH my goodness!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic news. Congratulations!!

Nicole Rene said...

Omgosh congratulations!!! That's really exciting!! :)

Katy said...

Many many congratulations to you and your husband! That is so exciting!!!

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

Congratu-freakin'-lations, C & E!

P.S. How was I NOT following you on GFC before? I'm lame. But I fixed that! I'm lucky #747!

Sam said...

Congrats girl!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Congrats girl!!!

Elizabeth | The Blush Magnolia said...

Yay!!! Congratulations! So so so exciting!

Tabitha said...

Oh my! So exciting!!!!!! Congratulations!!! And such a cute way to announce it!

Unknown said...

So excited for you two!!!!!

Amber said...

This is so exciting... Congratulations, Courtney & Eric! And I LOVE your due date... Dec 16 is my dating anniversary, and after 11yrs, I still make sure we celebrate :)

Marz said...

Ahhhhh!!! Congratulations!! What a very special Christmas you'll have this year ;) I can't think of a more perfect gift to give your Eric :)

RadiantKristen said...

Congratulations! That is great news.

Kylie said...

Congrats!! It's so fun reading about people in your same situation :) Hope you enjoy your pregnancy!

Cara said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see some bump pictures! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! This is adorable! I'm your newest follower...can't wait to see your belly grow :)

twiggy@thedirtlife said...


seriously!! ahhhh!!!

you should send me your address...

Meg Arnold said...

goodness! congratulations! super excited for you!
xo Meg

Haley said...

yay yay YAY!!!! I'm BEYOND happy for you courtney! you & eric are in for the most incredible time of your lives :) Hope you're feeling okay! you sure look GREAT! keep posting those baby bump photos :)

and december 16th is SUCH a good day, my best friend and old college roommate has that birthday :) woohoo! :)

Tim and Tric said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting!! You will be a great mom! and I mean that. You just have a fun and energetic personality that any kid would love to have in a mom!

Unknown said...

Oooh congratulations! I'm so happy for you two, I actually squealed aloud when I read the post title!

Sue // As It Seems said...

Congrats lady, you'll make such a cute mama!

Liz said...

CONGRATS!!!! So excited for you!!!!!

Pamela said...

Love the title for your post, hah! I already told you but congratulations!! You are going to be SO cute pregnant!! Even more than that, you are going to be a wonderful mother! You are such a sweet & caring person! I know Eric will be SUCH a fun dad!!

Diane Writes said...

Congratulations to you and Eric! I will surely remember your baby because he/she will be born the day after my birthday :) enjoy the journey mommy courtney!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Courtney!!! A huge congratulations to you and Eric!! That is SO exciting. My best friend is due at the end of October and one of my sisters is due in the middle of November. It's a baby kinda year :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Courtney!!! A huge congratulations to you and Eric!! That is SO exciting. My best friend is due at the end of October and one of my sisters is due in the middle of November. It's a baby kinda year :)

Bethany said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Eric!!

Chris and Sarah said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!
I'm with everyone else - we want to hear how you told Eric, your parents, his parents, etc!!!

Natalie said...

Congrats girl...that is soooo exciting!

Jamie said...

Did you know we are due on the exact same day?? Holy cow. Fate. We need to meet, clearly.

Ben & Cassie said...

A huge congrats! A little jealous but how exciting, ps your due date is my bday!

Anna & Kirby said...

Congrats :) It's an amazing process to go through. Stay positive and enjoy it!

That Girl said...

Congratulations! A very happy and healthy 9 months to you!

Whitney Leigh said...

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura said...

congrats! what a wonderful adventure! xoxo

Amy said...

congrats girlfriend :) you look beautiful!! and i'm pretty sure I have the same pencil skirt!

Kasey Lynne said...


The Hopewell House said...

What a fun time to have a baby! :)

Anonymous said...

wooooo! you are going to be such a cute mommy!

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

ahhhhh. this is such a cute picture. and post. and surprise. and everything! where the heck have I been??? so excited for you sweetie! congrats!

BF said...

Your baby is due on my birthday : )

Katie said...

Gah!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!! I'm so happy for you, Courtney! :)

And, I do believe I called this a little while ago..

just sayin. :D

Katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brittany said...

YAYYYY!! You are SO cute!

Holly said...

Congratulations!! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How exciting :)


Ashley Slater said...

congrats girl!!!!!

Tiffany said...

I am beyond excited for you! Congrats again!!

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

Ahhh, I'm so late, but congratulations!! You guys are going to be a cute family : )

Alexa Zurcher said...

congrats cute girl!! so excited for you guys! :)

Hilary said...

I'm way behind, but congratulations!!!!!

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i admit it. i LOVE hearing from you!