Tuesday, February 21, 2012

pasta carbonara {a recipe}

I'm finally sharing the recipe that my sweet hubs made for our Valentine dinner! All of the credit goes to my  mother in law, though. When we got married, she gave us a recipe book full of family recipes and everything in it is amazing! Ever since the dumb waffle incident, this pasta only gets cooked when Eric cooks it :) But he is sooo good at making it. This is the BEST pasta carbonara I've ever had (way better than any restaurant version).

Pasta Carbonara
4 eggs
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup whipping cream
1/2 pound (we use full pound) bacon
1 pound fettuccine or spaghetti
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon parsley

Let eggs, butter, and cream and stand at room temperature for 2 to 3 hours. Cook bacon (we lay it on a pan and cook it in oven at 375 for 20 minutes or 400 for 10). Drain grease from bacon.
Beat together eggs and cream just til combined.
Cook pasta. Turn hot pasta into serving dish (we use 9x13).
Toss pasta with butter. Pour egg mixture over and toss til pasta is well coated. Add bacon, cheese and parsley, toss to mix.
Season to taste with pepper.
Put in oven at 350 for about 10 minutes to cook eggs completely.

Enjoy :)


Unknown said...

Oh yum! I am SO making this on Thursday!

tinajo said...

Looks yummy! :-)

Courtney said...

Oh I must try this!

Pamela said...

Yum, yum, YUM!!!

Michelle said...

Yum I always love new recipes!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Ugh you are making me crave the cheese I am not allowing myself to have right now! And bacon... I could eat bacon all day long.

Emma said...

I loooove pasta carbonara, but I always make it on the stovetop. Will definitely have to try the oven version soon :)

Unknown said...

This looks good! I definitely want to try it!

Natalie said...

OooO! Yummy! =D

Alyx said...

Oh my gosh, that looks so yummy!!
Now I just have to figure out what the germans call parmesan cheese...

Amanda said...

You're making me hungry, Court!!!

Bree said...

That looks amazing :) I've never had it either, I will have to make it sooon!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh this looks so delicious!
I'm at work now (shame) and may have to make this tonight as I don't have anything taken out!

Thanks for this, and stopping by my blog :D

Much love, Kelly

Shannon Page said...

This looks delicious!! Thanks for posting the recipe:)

ashlyn | nicole said...

Is it lunch time yet? -- I think it is :) yummmmmy!

Chelsea said...

This looks amazing! Anything with bacon makes me swoon. You got a good man, girl.

Brianna said...

Sounds so good! I'm Italian, and anything pasta is the bees knees to me!!

GRACE said...

mmm, this looks DELISH! i'm drooling on my keyboard!~


The Presutti's said...

This looks soooo good :) I want to try this soon :)

Bree said...

Yeah, definitely making this for dinner this week!!! Do you mix the eggs, cream, and butter before you let them sit out? Or you just let them sit out? And that doesn't ruin the eggs and cream letting it sit out that long?!

Carlie said...

Totally making this! Thanks for sharing Court!

Stesha said...

looks super yummy!!!


Amanda said...

sounds yummy!!!!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Oh man, this looks so stinking good!! I am going to have to bookmark this one! Go Eric! And Eric's mom! :-)

BTW - To answer your question, I love Essie and OPI. I have not had any peeling with OPI polishes yet. Sorry that you have though! Boo!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Katy said...

This sounds delicious! I've made linguine carbonara before, and the hubs and I really liked it. I'll have to give this recipe a try too! Thanks for sharing :o)

Anonymous said...

this looks so yummy

jas said...

that looks incredible!


Alexis Kaye said...

yum! sounds easy and delicious!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

OH MY GOODNESSSSSSS! Drool! This looks so delicious!! I love all pasta so much...thanks for sharing this recipe, sweet friend! xo

Liesl said...

Could you please FedEx me overnight some of this yummy goodness! ;) Looks DELISH!!!

Leah said...

I am totally making this soon!! It looked great in your last post and I am so happy you shared the recipe. It sounds so easy! I've recently started baking bacon too, it cooks it to perfection!

Samantha said...

oooh my gosh that looks so freakin good! now i'm hungry!

Sue said...

This looks delish! I want to pin it but I can't :)

Lacey said...

that looks delish!!

That Girl said...

I'm loving a baked carbonara dish - makes making it sound so much easier.

Cami said...

You should have linked this up to my Tasty Tuesday linky yesterday silly! ;)

Asha said...

Thanks for the recipe! I love that it's so easy...my favorite kind :)

Amira said...

This looks DELICIOUS! Thank you for sharing, I love new recipes and this looks pretty easy :-)

Emily said...

i. need. this. now.

Holly said...

YUM! This photo and recipe has made me ridiculously hungry. :O

Alyx said...

Just felt the need to tell you that I am FINALLY getting around to making this! It's in my oven as I type!!

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