Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I'm pretty sure that there's an unwritten rule somewhere stating that once your babe turns 2, you no longer refer to their age in months. So I'll stop doing that, but you can bet I won't ever stop calling Mia my baby ;) But I can't bring myself to give up these monthly updates. No one cares about them like I do, and that's okay, but this is as good as it gets with my "journaling" and there's so much change happening from month to month; I gotta record this stuff! So here's the monthly update on my love bug!
This is Mia's mischevious laugh face... can you imagine the sound coming out of her?! It's our favorite laugh, ha ha!
- Mia's vocabulary continues to explode as she tries to copy almost everything we say, and is adding more and more words in her sentences. Just yesterday I exclaimed, "Oh my gosh!" and Mia instantly copied, "ohmGOSH!" ha ha. It sounds so funny hearing that come out of her little mouth! At least it's not profanity! Yet. It's bound to happen at some point, right? Probably during a silent moment at church... ha ha!
- The new words I remembered to record this month are: "catch", "elphant" (elephant), "church", "apart", "fast", "Elmo", "Amememe" (Amy), "wa-yet" (wallet), "money?", "pa-pas" (pasta), "panpake" (pancake), "pink", "orange", "'ot chocite" (hot chocolate), "ganket" (blanket), "strawberry", "syrp" (syrup), "paper", "po-porn" (popcorn), "fish", "prayer". As you can see, we've been learning lots of food and names :)
- Mia can officially open all the doors in our house, except for the front door and the back door leading to the "yard" Thank heavens she hasn't mastered those yet because she can turn the locks, including the dead bolts!
- She now calls me "mommy" instead of "momma" as well as the occasional "Mourney" ha ha! I think she calls me mommy because momma is so similar to how she says grandma- "mramma". I love hearing her little voice call for mommy :)
- Mia has climbed out of her crib once. Goodness, that was quite the shock when I heard her trying to twist her doorknob (before she mastered opening the doors)... I didn't even hear a thump beforehand! Luckily she hasn't tried climbing out since, phew! But she has climbed out of the pack n play multiple times are my parents house... nap time sure is an adventure for them when I work, ha ha! 
- She can make the animal sounds for a cow, dog, cat, owl, horse, monkey, lion/tiger/bear and snake. Eric taught her to scrunch her little nose to look like a bunny, ha ha.
- My favorite thing is Mia's new bedtime routine now that think binky is gone. She loves sit on my lap in the rocking chair, with a blanket over her! She picks one book to read, asks for a "song?", then a second song, then "prayer".... then I lay her in bed and she asks for "doggie" and "bear" to cuddle with, "ganget" and I layer two blankets on top, and last her "taggie" snuggled against her face. For the last week she's been telling me, "I luh 'ou much! Door?" as I close the door. Melt my momma heart!
- Mia goes pee in the potty every single night before bath, but other than that, we don't put her on the potty unless she asks for it. Some days she doesn't ask at all, other days she asks every 10 minutes. I thought about pushing potty training this month until I found out we were moving. I think I'll wait until we are settled in Arizona so that she doesn't regress... just in case!
- She still wears all sizes of clothes. 6-9 month, 12 month, 18 month and 2T. Size 5 shoes.
- Even though she still totally fits in size 4 diapers, we put her in size 5 because she drinks so much.  

Mia is so much fun and the sweetest little thing! Just yesterday Eric and I listened as Mia laid in bed for her nap, cuddling her doggie, bear and baby (doll) and sang to them until she fell asleep. Does it get any sweeter?! We think not! 


Kelly Mock said...

Aww! What a big beautiful sweet girl! I LOVE your updates! NEVER stop!

Sydney @ Raising Southern Grace said...

Yes, keep doing the updates! I love them.

P!nky said...

Oh my goodness, that face. I can JUST imagine the laugh!!!!

I love your updates, I feel like I get such a great picture of lil Mia!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm already worried about the crawling out of the crib business! And that face <3

Jenn said...

What a fun way to capture each phase of your baby's life (and of course, she will ALWAYS be your baby!!) Super cute pic of her!!

Laura Marie Keenan said...

Adorable! I had such a hard time with the "mama" to "mommy" transition! I won't be able to handle going to just "mom"!

Unknown said...

Awe, this is so cute! I love that you do a monthly update. She's growing up so fast!

Brittany said...

I love her little voice! It's my favorite thing when you post Instagram videos of her talking or laughing. So, so sweet!

Alisha said...

Love that picture, so sweet!! Monthly updates are always fun!

tina bumblebee said...

That smile is SO cute and beautiful! And yay for no more binkies!

Jaclyn said...

Babies are like sponges! They soak everything up and will constantly surprise you. Yesterday I said to my little mushy "Where's Daddy?" and I was shocked when my 1 year old responded with "Work". hahaha

Erin LFF said...

What a doll :) I love when I see Mia videos on Instagram too! Her little voice is so sweet! I think she wants to be a big sister... just saying ;)

hello erin said...

2.1 i love it. and i LOVE HER. her face is the sweetest and cutest and the best!

Chrissy@SimpleJoysBlog said...

I can't believe she still fits in a 6-9 months! Love her smile!

~Dawn~ said...

What a peanut. That smile just kills me. I agree with Erin....just sayin' ;)

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

I hear you!!! I tried to stop with Evie but i just can't! lol

Caitlin said...

She is my favorite online baby!

Jessie said...

I'd LOVE to meet her! She's so petite compared to my boys. Levi is just four months or so older than Mia and wears size 8 shoes! Levi also just switched from calling me mommy to mama. I kind of like it! Totally agree with the idea to hit potty training after your big move. But wow! I hope she's as easy to train as she seems she will be.

Katie Elizabeth said...

That smile! She is SO adorable! Love all of her words :)

Anonymous said...

eeeek. still so excited for your move! I love the updates, keep 'em coming!! said...

Okay, this is just the cutest picture ever!
Melanie @

Ashley Brickner said...

Love the updates, keep them coming!! And Waverly & Mia sound so much alike, wish we could get them together! ;)

A Thousand Words said...

She is just too cute!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

She's so so cute!

Running With Infertility

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

She just gets cuter each day! I LOVE hearing toddler talk. They have the cutest sayings for things. Even though they are trying to use the right word, it comes out wrong, and is adorable! I can just imagine her saying "po-porn" in the grocery store or somewhere in public and you getting some strange looks ;) lol

Ashleigh said...

Love this.. She is getting so big! I think after the first time climbing out of the crib would have done it for me, I would have caved & said big girl bed here we come just to give me piece of mind ...

Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

Haha I always wondered when you stop referring to a child in months! I feel like years is easier... probably because I'm not a mom yet! I can't believe the range of clothes she's still able to fit in! Crazy! But lucky for you! :)

Unknown said...

This age sounds so much fun. I can't wait to hear my baby start calling me "mommy" =)


Keri said...

I've been out of the blogging loop for a long time....I can't believe how big she is!! She's beautiful!

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i admit it. i LOVE hearing from you!