Tuesday, March 12, 2013

my trendy baby

headband: gift from Alison/dress and cardigan: gift from grandma and grandpa Brinkerhoff/boots: gift from Pamela

When we found out we were having a girl I could NOT wait to dress her up! But when Mia was born I realized how much work it was to take care of this baby. She'd pee or poop on her outfit at least once a day those first couple of weeks :) And it was so much work to take off little pants to change her diaper! And you could just forget about bows or flowers on her sweet head.... and I was SO SAD! I wanted to dress her to the nines, but it was so much easier to just throw on a night gown and stay as cozy as possible. Soon enough it got easier to change her diapers, she stopped peeing each time a diaper came off, and it wasn't a pain to dress her in darling little outfits.
Now Mia has finally grown out of the newborn size and we are starting to get into the fun outfits! We haven't had to buy any clothes for her yet, but it's so fun to pick through the clothes and accessories we were gifted and put together cute outfits for her! This girl is definitely going to be the one that is best dressed in our family (obviously, since I'm looking so put together in these pictures, ha ha!) I'm so excited to shop and play dress up with my baby girl! And you better believe there will be some mommy/daughter matching outfits in the future, ha ha!

P.S. My father in law picked out this dress and cardigan, isn't that the cutest?!

Linking up with Megan


Shelley said...

I love having a girl! Emily finally lets me do her hair now too!

Dee Stephens said...

I love dressing Miss Shelby too! Mia looks adorable!

Adrienne said...

Mia is the cutest thing ever, I swear!!!

She looks adorable here! As do you, Mama ;)

Christy said...

So cute! And she look so much like Eric in that last picture (minus the dress, of course!). :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love the little boots!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

I don't have ANY outfits in newborn sizes besides sleepers and gowns. I know how babies are! I do have tons of 0-3 months though:) I was SO excited when I found out we were having a girl.. little boys clothes are cute but my goodness the stuff they have for little girls makes my heart do flips!

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh are those baby Uggs?! She is adorable Courtney! I agree, I didn't start dressing up Everdeen until she was a few months old because it was too much work...even now we spend a lot of time in jammies haha!

J and A said...

Oh my gosh - she is adorable. LOVE the outfit!! Those boots! ah!

Amy G said...

She is such a doll! Loving her outfit! Pink and bows and all things girly :) I'll definitely be so excited to dress my baby girl up when that day comes!

Kelly Slater said...

She is so cute! You will have a ball dressing her up in bows and tutus.... and shoes! I love the boots!

Megan said...

Oh my gosh! She is adorable! And those boots are so cute!! I can't wait to have a little girl to dress up!

Katherine said...

so cute, girl!


Jessie said...

Those little pink boots kill me! Now that I'm a mother I would much rather go shopping for my kids than myself!

Amanda Schroeder said...

Your father in law has wonderful taste! She is seriously the cutest! That's what I think would be SO FUN about having a little girl! Boys are fun, too! But not as much...to dress :)


Maria said...

What an awesome father in law! I love her outfit and her sweet boots!! She is a supermodel! :)

Miranda said...

Girls are so fun to dress up. I wish I had the wardrobe my 6 year old has...I spend so much more money on her clothes than mine! So fun!!

The Stylers said...

Love playing dress up!!! Its so hard for me to buy clothes for myself because I would much rather spend the money on my babes! This is such a cute outift!!!

Emily said...

Love the outfit. You can never go wrong with pink!

Emily said...

Love the outfit. You can never go wrong with pink!

Whim Wham Life said...

ok, you're father in law is the cutest! such a sweet outfit for a sweet girl! xoxo

lori said...

she is so precious! little girls are so much fun to dress... i love buying my nieces cute little outfits :)

Erin said...

Oooh my goodness, she is just a doll! Changing every time you post, it seems!! :) Girls are WAY too fun to shop for... your FIL did a great job!


Pamela did a fabulous job picking out those boots! ;) Baby Mia is rockin them!

Shawna said...

Stopping by from the link up! She's adorable and I love those skinny little baby legs! :-)

Lauren said...

She's the cutest!

alesha said...

It is so fun! My babe is definitely better dressed than I am ;)
She is such a doll, and your father in law picked such an adorable outfit! Go him!

Amy Harris said...

so i'm having a baby boy and i was way sad that i wouldn't get to dress him up in all the little girly clothes, but turns out they have some pretty stinkin' cute boy clothes too!! i can't wait to play dress up with baby B

Laura Darling said...

I haven't commented here in a while but I've been keeping up -- and Mia is seriously the cutest baby I've ever seen. You guys are such an adorable little family! So glad you're all so happy, and so fashionably dressed! :)

Kym said...

She is just adorable!! :)

Anonymous said...

She's such a little sweetheart!

Jen @ Love, the Arthurs said...

I loooove dressing my kids. I have looked horrible ever since I've had kids cause I spend all my money on cute outfits for them! I love Mia's little boots. Tae has always had Ugg boots since she was born, I can't help it!

Chelsea said...

CUTE! I just wrote about little girl clothes today too! I loooove that outfit!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

yep. hands down dressing little girls is the best. just wait until she has hair that you can actually do.lol.that is sooooooooooo fun!

Megan said...

Wow, your FIL has good taste!!!! She looks SO cute!! AND I DIE over those cute little boots!!!!

Thanks so much for linking up with us!! I hope you will again next tuesday!! :) Would you ever be interested in co-hosting?

oomph. said...

haha, oh yeah...it was all about tees and diapers at one point! there were times i'd put on a onesie and not even a minute later, throwup or a doo doo dilemma (as i called it!). it was useless to get dressed up!

Firmoo Video Review + GIVEAWAY

Anonymous said...

Your father in law has good taste!

That is the cutest baby girl! I am a new follower and I know your blog is going to give me MAJOR baby fever! My goodness!

Janna Renee said...

Um...we all knew she was going to be the cutest baby ever! Best dressed too.

Hannah said...

too cute! I love that your father-in-law picked the outfit out, I feel like mine would do something similar :)

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