Wednesday, March 13, 2013

weekend review {Colorado}

4 generations
Mia and her great grandma
Mia is carrying on the tradition of playing canasta! And she doesn't seem very satisfied with her hand... ;)
Beautiful sunset in Colorado.
 Beautiful baby sleeping on the drive home. Those lips....

Eric and I have been planning a trip to Colorado so that Mia and my grandma could meet! But with his work schedule the way it is right now, we just can't make a trip out for another month or two. So when my parents told me they were going to visit, Mia and I hitched a ride! (My grandma is 97 years old! It has been so important to me that Mia got to meet her, because grandma thought she'd never live to see my dad have kids, let alone see him become a grandad! I wish my grandad could have been here to hold her, but I know he was there in spirit!)
When I first walked into my grandma's home, I set Mia's car seat on the counter and lifted up the cover. Grandma started talking to Mia and both of their faces lit up :) It was love at first sight, such a sweet moment!!
Despite spending 7 hours in the car both ways, missing daddy, and not really sleeping through the night... Mia had a great trip! She was SO good in the car and slept for most of the drive. She usually sleeps from 9-5 and we both neeeeeed that sleep, but she was up every couple hours. I'm just hoping it was a growth spurt, not a new habit :) And Mia LOVED all the attention she got from my parents (who wouldn't stop fighting over who got to hold her longer, ha ha!) and her great grandma. It was a quick trip but I'm so grateful we were able to go!


Emily said...

Aw, yay!

Lindsay said...

What a special trip, and such special photos to always have! <3

Katie said...

Oh my, such sweet photos!! I love Mia's name too. So adorable.

Meesh said...

AWESOME!! So glad you got the joy of being able to do this!! P.S. You and your don't look like alike or anything! lol :)
-Meesh :)

Madeline said...

So happy your daughter got to meet your grandma. My great grandma died the day before my daughter was born. I was really close to this great grandma too. My daughter was her first great great grandchild so it was an emotional week to say the least. Glad you brought Mia to her in time. Although it's such a blessing to have the Plan of Salvation to fall back on no matter what.

Katherine said...

Oh, how sweet!

Health food giveaway on my blog :)

Liz said...

I seriously can't wait to take a four generations picture with my grandparents this summer!! It's one of those things I have always wanted.

Jen Mc said...

What a wonderful trip! Great photos

Chelsea said...

This is so sweet! What a fun memory for your family. I am way impressed that you guys drove, too! Ironically enough, I am in CO right now!!

Jen @ Love, the Arthurs said...

How sweet! I love seeing elderly family with new babies...there is just something so precious about connecting the generations. I'm glad you guys were able to go. And yes, let's hope that was just a fluke or a growth spurt!

Whim Wham Life said...

Oh that just gets me good! I LOVE the great-grandparent relationship! Such sweet moments. xoxo

Unknown said...

Mia makes the CUTEST faces! I love her!

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

So adorable!!

Dee Stephens said...

So special!

Suget said...

What a nice and fun trip. Priceless memories. I get so emotional when you see family after so long. So happy Mia got to meet new family.

lori said...

so special for your grandma to meet little mia! i know it melted her heart!

Anonymous said...

4 generations - now that is very special.

And that sunset! Unbelievable. I've never been to Colorado but I definitely want to go there one day.

Jamie said...

I'm totally convinced babies have sense we can't even comprehend! Love that last photo of your baby girl.

Shio Waline said...

WOW! You look amazing!! And your sweet little girl is soooo CUTE!! I seriously just got baby hungry! (that sounds weirder typing it than if I were to actually say it) lol! Anywho, your grandma is so cute & how great your daughter got to meet her!


Mrs. Pancakes said...

I love when grannies meet their little's such an awesome time!!

Janna Renee said...

You were in Colorado and didn't tell me?? You better have been on the other side of the state or you are in trouble ;)

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