Thursday, October 11, 2012

30 weeks {aaaaahh!}

 Well... sorry the chalkboard is ugly this week :)

- I start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks now. Crazy! (Speaking of doc appointments... why didn't anyone warn me about the strep-something-or-other test? You people are supposed to warn me about these awkward, horrifying tests! In case you forgot, I get no support from my husband. And my Dr. thinks Eric is hilarious for loving those awkward situations!)

- Hot chocolate is my latest craving! Totally hits the spot :)

- My baby bump is growing like crazy! Eric and I didn't see each other for 1 week and the first thing Eric said to me was how much my belly grew! He was sad he missed a whole week of it :)

- My first baby shower is the weekend and I'm so excited!! (I hope people come... ha ha!)

- Strangers are constantly commenting about my belly or asking me when I'm due... finally! It's taken forever for my body to actually look pregnant.

- Baby girl's movements have changed in the past week. Instead of being sporadic and all over the place all the time, I feel most of the movement down against my bladder, and up in my ribs. She's running out of room inside! But she still has her moments where I feel explosions across my whole belly :)

- We are still crazy excited about meeting baby girl! I'm so happy time is flying! (Just wish us luck that we get everything we need before she makes her arrival... I haven't bought one thing since I said I was going to last week. Oops!)


Joeylee said...

wow I cant believe that your 30 weeks already. Your pregnancy has just flown by. You look great!

Tiffany said...

Ok I had to go back and re-read the inappropriate story and again I laughed out loud!!! Hilarious!!! Although I would have slapped him...hard!
You are looking so cute...woohoo 10 more weeks!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

It does look like you've grown, and I love the chalkboard;)

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

You look super cute!

Denise said...

Was it the Strep B test? (I think that rings a bell?) I remember the name but I don't remember the test. Remind me which one it is? Anyways!! Court you look great and your belly is getting so big :) YAY! Your blanket has been sitting, finished in my closet for a few weeks just ready to ship. I just keep forgetting to ship it! Don't hate me :)

Pamela said...

Love your hair & your cute belly!! :)

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

So in 10 weeks, I get to snuggle a tiny girl.

Oh, excited.

Ashley said...

30 weeks! Yay, you look wonderful. I'd go to your baby shower if I lived closer. ;) I just love baby showers.

I'm getting excited for you guys!

m&msmommy said...

30 weeks already!?!?!? That is SOOO exciting! Your pregnancy is flying by! Do you feel like it is?

Oh, the good ol' group B strep test, UGH!!!!! :) I was positive both pregnancies but it's not a big deal, they just have to give you antibiotics during delivery to make sure the baby isn't exposed to it. I think the means by which they have to test you for it is the worst part! ;)

Have a great rest of the week and weekend friend! :)

from head 2 toe said...

Super cute! Wait, this means like 10ish weeks until Christmas?!? YIIKES!

Megan said...

I feel like you've finally popped!! Love your belly!!!! And hooray for only 10 weeks left!!

Jennifer said...

I can't believe how good you look at 30 weeks. It makes me feel like I was a whale.

Cami said...

Aww you look beautiful!!!!!! oxoxoxo

Deveny said...

Girl, just wait until you're going every week & you get your doc's hand up your business. You get used to it.... haha
I was the most modest person until I had my son. My son's pediatrician came to the hospital to see him and my boobs were totally out since I was learning to nurse. More awkward that he was LDS? haha

Jenna Grace said...

GBS test.... Oh boy, this is just the beginning! ;) PS-You look amazing!

J and A said...

10 weeks!! So exciting!! Your hair is so pretty. And you know I love that belly. ;)

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

You are so cute! And yeah, the group B strep test is awkward. lol

lori said...

what was the strep whatever test? you gotta tell me about the awkward stuff so i'm prepared later lol.

you are going to be the sweetest little mama. i can't wait to see it :)

Stephanie said...

I feel like you're still SO tiny to be 30 weeks!! My how time is FLYING!

Jessie said...

yay! You've made it to the home stretch! (No pun intended. haha) No worries about buying stuff just yet. You'll be surprised by how generous folks can be at baby showers.

Kelsi Strong said...

Ahh! Yay! umm I totally feel like we are pregnancy blog friends because I just love to keep up with your pregnancy. It's like seeing what's going to happen to me in a month! Speaking of... Strep test?? What?? Great.. something else I have to call my mom about and get grossed out from. lol You're looking great!

A Brew of Blessings said...

1. You are adorable. 2. I hope your shower is a success & you get lots of goodies! AND 3. I crave hot chocolate and I'm not preggo ha.

Enjoy this time pretty lady!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

I have decided that baby girls are simply the best. One of my really good friends had a baby girl this week and she was just too amazing. I wanted to steal her!

Unknown said...

You look awesome. And you're getting so close!!

I am at 40 weeks 1 day and am MORE than willing to share the dirty details, if you are willing to hear 'em. Pregnancy is not glamorous, but the prize is worth it. =)

Anonymous said...

Eeeeek! You look fantastic!!!

Dee Stephens said...

Isn't it funny on how people think the time has flown by. I want to say.. maybe for you!!
Actually, it hasn't been that bad. I will just be glad to be able to throw back a few cocktails this holiday season :)

Chelsea said...

You are so close!!! Ahhh I'm so happy for you!

Cara said...

So cute! Can't wait to see pictures from the baby shower!

Julie said...

You'll get everything done before she comes PLUS that nesting period. Have fun!

Shannon said...

I didn't think the Strep B test was that bad, what sucks is when they do cervical checks as you get closer to your due date, those HURT. Just warning you now. But it's all worth it in the end. You look great!

Marli said...

Ok, so this is just to exciting! And that post about the Disney movies down below was just great. ;)


That Girl said...

Wait, I'm confused, what's awkward about the Group B Strep test?

Janna Renee said...

You haven't looked pregnant because you are so tiny! Now you officially look pregnant ;) It only took 30 weeks. Haha.

Shay said...

I was so excited when people finally started commenting on my belly- it makes it so much more real! You look adorable!

Anne said...

Not long to go!

Liesl said...

30 weeks and looking beautiful! I am so excited to meet your baby girl, via blogland, too! :) My best friend just had her 2nd baby, a girl, 2 days is baby season! :)

Kelly said...

I've been disconnected and Just realized yore pregnant - congratulations!! What fantastic news. You are too cute!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I think you are looking FABULOUS!

Colleen Brynn said...

I always find it fascinating to see women change and grow throughout their pregnancies. You look radiant!

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