Wednesday, March 11, 2015

the darndest things...

As much as I am LOVING this stage of Mia talking and actually being able to communicate with us, I continually find myself being blown away by the fact that she can talk and actually communicate with us! It's really the little things like when we were driving in the car and she dropped the lid to her water bottle. I told her we would find it when we got home. A few minutes later she cries out, "look! Mom, look! I found it!" Or another time when she was begging me for a treat, "please?! Mommy, please! I want a treat! PLEASE!" I mean, what happened to one worded demands?! She can talk in sentences now and it is SO fun! I've written down a few of her little comments that kill us dead, and make us laugh! Kids say the darndest things.... and this is only the beginning for us as Mia learns to say even more!

I was doing squats one morning while Mia was eating breakfast. She looked at my funny and said, "Mommy! Mommy, poopy?"
No, love. I'm just exercising, ha ha!

We were visiting family at their home when my cousin was flipping through channels on the TV. He stopped on one where motorcycles and ATV's kept crashing. Mia's reaction to the crashes cracked me up, "oh my gosh! GOSH! Oh gosh (she was so concerned!).... that's 'isgusting!"

We adore Mia's manners. She is the queen of saying "please" and "gank you!" She will be in the middle of a full blown tantrum (doesn't happen often, but Mia has been known to shed some tears!) but she will stop and say, "oh gank you!" in the sweetest voice when you give her water, a hug, etc, then go back to screaming :)

As I was putting Mia to bed for the night, I told her we were going to go to church the next day. The first thing she said to me when I pulled her out of bed the next morning was, "Mourney! Mourney! Church?!" (Mourney = Courtney)

I was singing, very obnoxiously I might add, while bathing Mia when she told me, "stop it, babe!"

Our favorite phrase that we love hearing out of Mia's mouth is, "I luh you much!" I can't wait to record more of the silly things she says in the coming months!

I forgot to share this photo last month and I thought it kind of went perfectly with this post, ha ha! Mia snuck into the huge, heart shaped Reeces I gave Eric for Valentine's and totally ate a good sized chunk out of it. Once we caught her she just laughed and dove under the sink in our bathroom (next to the toilet paper that hadn't found a place inside a cabinet yet, classy!) and kept eating while laughing at us! Sneaky, mischievous little girl :)

 photo Charlock-amp-Coleridge---600px-by-100px.png


Brittany said...

I can't deal with these. I absolutely love when you Instagram videos of her talking!

Jenn said...

As a speech therapist, I LOVE when kids start to communicate. It's so fun to see everything click, and have them be able to express themselves. And then the gems start rolling off their tongues and you have to document them to remember them all! Can't wait to hear more from your sweet girl!!

Kaleigh said...

isn't it amazing how fast they pick things up?!?!

Jamie @ The Jamie's + 1 said...

I am loving this stage with Nicklas also!! I love that I can say ' Do you want chicken or grilled cheese?' and he knows what I'm talking about!! I bet Mia has the sweetest little voice!! Happy Hump Day!

P!nky said...

Too funny, lady! These are soooo sweet and cute. The Mommy pooping comment reminded me of Despicable Me 2 haha.

tina bumblebee said...

Awww how cute. Lyla is 3 now so she speaks like any regular adult. She understands every single thing you say and can always speak back in full sentences. It's SO WEIRD. But this happens so fast so it's good you're writing things down. One minute you're blown away by how they always say please and thank you and then the next minute they have entire conversations with you!

Leslie @ This is For Keeps said...

I love this! "I luh you" is surely the best toddler phrase ever - I basically melted the first time I heard it.

I also love that she stole the Reeses heart. We have some mini Reeses eggs in a candy dish on our counter and we keep finding Mila standing below it saying, "Bite?" I'm sure it won't be long before she figures out that she can push a chair over, climb up, and get them herself!

Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

LOL at the poopy comment when you were doing squats!! Haha. She is the cutest!!

Janna Renee said...

Bahaha! I do feel like pooping when I squat! She's too funny!

Pamela said...

ahhh, PRECIOUS!!! I so wish we lived near each other!!! She's so stinking cute! I bet you are constrantly laughing!

Ashley Brickner said...

This age is the best, wish we could get our girls together! :)

Erin LFF said...

LOL! Kids definitely say the CUTEST things at this age! Keep 'em coming!! And that last photo/story?! How could you even be mad hehe!

Anonymous said...

She's at such a fun age! I love that she remembers her please's and thank you's, I hope my kids are that polite in the middle of a tantrum.

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

bahahahhahaha that's reese's heart is like the size of her. Girl after my own heart ;-)

Sarah said...

HAHA, I love when the kids start talking and communicating. It makes hanging out with them that much more fun! Now you don't totally feel like you're talking to yourself!

Ashley @ said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I think this definitely calls for an updated instagram video with Mia-vocab! How ADORABLE! "Mommy! Poopy?" Buahaha how fun. She really is just too precious.

And P.S. Can we talk about her please and thank you manners? I could only hope to one day have kids half as polite!

BLovedBoston said...

Stop it babe - that would have just made me melt! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

Jess Beer said...

So cute! Especially the thank yous. Abbie says thank you all the time too!

Anonymous said...

Her hair!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, I love this post!!! I love how she called you babe! And I thought my daughter was the only kid that called me by my real name!

Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate said...

Such sweetness!! Glad you're soaking it up! ;) She's a doll!!

Mandie said...

Very cute. & the giant Reese's, yea, can't blame her. I would have probably done the same. Tee hee!

Mandie ~

Lauren said...

I sing obnoxiously to Elyse frequently as well...and she apparently doesn't appreciate it! I am frequently told to "stop it mommy, don't sing!"

Rachel said...

I think when little ones begin to start talking and really expressing their thoughts and opinions--it's just the coolest thing! My youngest sister is now 8 and my mom still sends the older siblings texts about the stuff she says sometimes. Recently, they took her to a Haagen-Dazs place to spend some gift vouchers they'd been given for Christmas, and he response was, "Yes! Eating rich people ice cream has been on my bucket list for years!"

Courtney [Sweet Turtle Soup] said...

"Mommy! Mommy, poopy?" bahaha.
Love the last pic too. I literally just got a little notebook to sit out by the dining room table so I can remember to write down what Aria says. I'm terrible at remembering them and she is cracking us up on the daily.

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