Friday, March 6, 2015

spring accessory {Love Blooms Here}

It's no secret that Mia is quite the girly girl (she's actually a really great mix! Each night we take a walk to the mail box and she brings her baby in the stroller and pushes her on the way down, then I take over while she gets down on her hands and knees and drives her cars that she stashes in the stroller on the ground the way back home! HA!) Anyway, Mia has really been into accessories lately and it's the cutest thing! Love Blooms Here sent us this adorable necklace just in time to celebrate the most perfect, gorgeous Spring weather here in Arizona! Mia's face lights up every morning when we put on her "'eckslace!" and she loves to show it off to anyone with eyes :) I can't wait to add to her collection of accessories... obviously 'eckslaces are a necessity around here now! Love Blooms Here has the cutest necklaces to choose from! It's so fun dressing my girly girl!

Necklace c/o Love Blooms Here

 photo Charlock-amp-Coleridge---600px-by-100px.png


Kelly Mock said...

Precious! Hallie was waving at Mia while I read this!

P!nky said...

Oh my goodness, she is so stinking cute and girlie! Love it!

Jenn said...

She is just adorable, and you two together is beautiful! :)
Have a great weekend, friend!!

tina bumblebee said...

That last photo is the CUTEST

~Dawn~ said...

My girls love those big bubble necklaces, too. So precious!

BLovedBoston said...

Her pose is just too sweet!! She's so beautiful girl!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

Ashley Brickner said...

Such sweet pictures! We say the same about Waverly - such a mix of girly & a little tomboy, I love it! Happy weekend, friend!

Erin LFF said...

Such a little cutie! She's so photogenic, you always capture so much of her lil' personality! :)

Pamela said...


Hannah said...

She is too cute! And that necklace is adorable! said...

That necklace on her is too cute!
Melanie @

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

Oh my gosh, I DIE with that sweet little toothy smile! She looks adorable in that necklace!

Tawnya Faust said...

I die! They are SO cute and her little smile is just adorable!! :) I wish Scarlett was more into accessories, but she's not much of a girly girl haha She does love bows though!

Shaunacey Bonneville said...

seriously, she's gotten so big! that necklace is the sweetest and so is that last pic of you two

Faith said...

She is a beauty!

sara [at] journey of doing said...

Goodness! Mia's bright eyes kill me!! I can't believe how big she is getting!!

Courtney [Sweet Turtle Soup] said...

oooh Aria needs one!! And, she is currently wearing that same top but in pink. I don't wear much jewelry but I threw on a necklace for a dinner last night so Aria went and found an old neck tie thing my papa use to wear. I don't even know how she found it. So she wore that out to dinner. Guess she needs her own!

Jessica Dimas said...

Soooo adorable, she is such a doll. I'd be all over this if I had a girl! And YOUR SKIRT, it looks gorgeous!!

Laura Marie Keenan said...

Adorable! I need a girl simply for all the accessories!

Anonymous said...

She is getting SO big!

J and A said...

SO cute! She is just beautiful!!

Karina Marie Powell said...

SWEETEST PICTURES EVER. Mia's little outfits!? So precious. and Love that skirt of yours!

Janna Renee said...

OMG I WANT ONE!! Well, technically I want two...the necklace and the most perfect mini-me like you have!! Mom's have scared me saying their little girls love the dad more and ignore them and that thought breaks my heart. It gives me hope that Mia loves you both!!

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