Tuesday, April 29, 2014

just some randoms {16}

 Mia tried to undress herself (for the first time) when she woke up from her nap. Looks like she wasn't too happy with the outcome :) ha ha! (I'm really bummed I didn't grab my camera because the iPhone pics obviously aren't as good.)

This girl is obsessed with her sunnies (and candy, and Easter). She rips her bows off every chance she gets. But the sunglasses? She doesn't touch 'em!

Another crappy picture (at least I have my phone handy since it seems that my camera is nowhere to be found!) of Mia being the biggest helper unloading the dishwasher. I turn my back for 2 seconds...

You can practically hear her yelling "noooooo" through this picture! Mia is really loving pictures these days... I wonder where she gets it from *cough* Eric *cough*

To end on a good note... this smile cracks me up! She thought something was super funny and I can still hear the laugh coming out of that crooked smile :) She is such a fun little stinker! Also, we are obsessed with these shorts from Dainty and Lion (and her headband from Sweet Angel Kreations, and her moccs from Freshly Picked)!


P!nky said...

Oh em goodness, these pictures are so precious and classic kid. LOVE her lil face!

Nichole @ casadecrews.com said...

Love the family photo! So adorable!

~Dawn~ said...

What a peanut. She's so sweet!

tina bumblebee said...

Ahahahaha at the dishwasher picture. My daughter does the same thing! She gets all excited to help unload it and then I'm like NOOOO if there are still knives in there and then she gets sad because I yelled when she was just trying to help.

Elizabeth [Chasin' Mason] said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE those shorts! And totally having the same problems over here... trying to undress himself while he's supposed to be napping which results in screaming... and trying to "help" unload the dishwasher. Though Mia seems more helpful. Mason just opens, closes, opens, closes, slam slam slam as I try to load the dishwasher! Ha!

Erin LFF said...

Ohh I just can't get enough Mia pictures!! :) that first one made me actually LOL! Where is her white lace headband with the pink bow from?? I love it!

Ashley said...

She is just SO SWEET! I can't believe she keeps her sunnies on, Colton wants absolutely nothing to do with his!

Ashleigh said...

I love all the photos of little miss Mia! I do not think I could pick just one photo to love! I love when they get little personalities! Taking photos then can be so fun as you see above :) Such a little blessing!

Jess Beer said...

Hahahaha - Abbie "helps" with the dishwasher too! It's her favorite...and she loves sunglasses too!

Allyssa said...

hahaha! Oh my gosh! Look at those precious pictures! Mia cracks me up! She definitely has a little mind of her own, doesn't she? I love the picture of her sitting practically in the dishwasher! hahah! too cute!

Sarah said...

So cute! I like your watermark too. That seems new...or maybe I'm just oblivious!

Lauren said...

that family photo is priceless...silly toddlers, don't they know that blogging mommmas are picture crazy?!?

Dee Stephens said...

So cute!

Christina McGuire said...

I love your blog because I swear Ava (18mo) is just like Mia. Loved seeing her trying to undress herself. Ava did the same (part of it was around her neck just like Mia...I was cracking up. Wasn't too funny the next time though...she successes and I had a naked toddler smiling ear to ear one morning. >.<

Cute post :)

Sarah said...

She is just too cute! So full of character!

Anonymous said...

U better have words with Eric so Mia will change her mind about the camera. ;)

KelseyB said...

Oh my gosh that first picture! Too funny. And Avalon always gets in the dishwasher when I am trying to unload!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

HA! I love that dishwasher picture :) Actually, I love all the pictures, she is just such a cutie!

sara [at] journey of doing said...

you guys are adorable. i love all her personality... but i'm sure was just trying to blow kisses, not yell no. ;)

Hannah said...

oh the dishwasher picture!! I die. And that is exactly what my little guy loves to do too. Isn't it so wonderful having a full time little helper? I love this post and all of these pictures. Too funny!

Janna Renee said...

Haha I've totally got my shirt stuck like that, so I feel her pain. I feel like kids and dishwashers go hand in hand. Just make sure she continues to help ;)

Angie said...

She is so cute!
My Annalee LOVES dishwasher duty too!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pictures! The dishwasher one could be my favorite "here mom" :)
Easter family picture I think that's her Rose from Titanic pose hahah

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