Wednesday, March 12, 2014

if you really knew us...

Blogging has taken a back seat to Mia's sickness... it is kicking our butts! Croup turned double ear infection (plus we suspect teething, ah!) poor baby! But I miss blogging and knowing what's going on in your lives! I'm ready to dive back in so I thought I'd start with this fun post. I like to do this every so often as I think of fun little facts about us and so that my new readers friends can get to know us better!

If you really knew me...
You'd know that I have only done one drastic hair change in all my years of being a hairstylist. I chopped 15 inches off right after Eric and I married (and then started to grow it back out 3 months later, ha ha). I haven't even really changed my hair color. That is crazy talk coming from a hairstylist!

You'd know that I love having my picture taken... as long as someone else is in it with me (mainly my precious babe. or Eric... when he's being nice ;)) I just can't pull off selfies like so many other girls can!

I despise baking but don't mind cooking. One we have to survive off of, the other? We don't. Plus treats taste so much better when someone else did all the work!

You'd know that I'm a dang good mom. And I try every day to be the best version of myself so that I can be the best wife and mom for my little family!

If you really knew Eric...
You'd know that he has major OCD tendencies, especially when it comes to our vehicles and electrical work. It seems like each week he does something and it just hits me that the man I married is way more OCD than I suspected in the beginning. And I love him for it... most of the time ;)

You'd know that he is fiercely loyal!

You'd know that he is a total shower singer. Which also includes singing to Mia during bath time (and it melts my heart every time!) But only in Spanish.

Because if you really knew him, you'd know that he speaks fluent Spanish.

If you really knew Mia...
You'd know she like animals from afar but once they are on her level she is terrified, especially with dogs. I don't know where that fear came from, but if a dog gets near her while she is standing on the ground? Well, I've never seen her more scared in her life than at those moments!

You'd know that her favorite foods are yogurt, string cheese and fruit! She won't touch chicken nuggets and really couldn't care less about fries.

You'd know that the girl knows what she wants. If you ask her for a kiss she will lean in with a wide open mouth... or she will yell no, shake her head and run away (or push your face away if she can't run) all at the same time, ha ha! 

You'd know that she really is as happy as she seems in her pictures :)

If you really knew us...
You'd know that we love to dance! Dance parties happen more often than not now that Mia has caught on to the joys of dancing :)

You'd know that we love to travel. We've got big plans to see the world... someday ;)

You'd know that we are very real. We don't hide our emotions well. We are crazy. We can be a lot of fun ;) But most of all, Eric and I are totally in love and totally obsessed with Mia.

If you really knew us, you'd know that despite life's unexpected, day to day trials we feel very blessed to have each other and be living the life that we have and love :)


hello erin said...

Dance party when we meet in person?!! Sign me UP!

Ashley Brickner said...

LOVE this!!!!!! :)

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Yippee for dance parties! We often have them here :) In fact that's what our kitchen is for ;)

I'm so glad that you know you're a good mama!! =D

~Dawn~ said...

Such a fun post!!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Fun post!!! My hair has been the same since I've been like, 18. I just don't like change, I cut it short once, hated it and NEVER again lol Sorry the babes has been sick. Sick babies are no fun:(

Julie said...

I've always been afraid to dye my hair too, even just highlights, because I'm afraid its going to be ruined or done bad. I just don't have a hairstylist I trust here!

Dee Stephens said...

great post! I might have to copy you!

Unknown said...

I love this. Love! (I may also nab this idea.) I feel like such a creepy stalker saying this, but I love your family. Your posts always make me smile so big. I hope Mia feels better soon!

Sarah said...

What a fun post! Fluent Spanish, so cool!

Janna Renee said...

I'm happy to know most of this! You guys are the cutest EVER, and you know that I would pop out a kid tomorrow if it could be a Mia clone ;)

P!nky said...

What a great post, I love it!

Feel better precious lil baby girl.

Traci@TheHallway said...

I love this so much!!

Anonymous said...

I'm the opposite. I'd much rather bake than cook. ;)

chantal marie said...

love this post! so fun to get to know all 3 of you a little better! so cool eric is fluent in spanish!!

Kristin said...

omigosh, i love this!

Chrissy@SimpleJoysBlog said...

Great post! Love learning more about you and your family. :)

Laynah said...

I'm so the opposite, love to bake, hate to cook!

Linzi Scarsella said...

Awe, I just love you guys!

Anonymous said...

This was the best!! LOVED IT.

Casey Martinez said...

love that last family pic of you guys. So sweet and what a beautiful fam:)! Great post!

Jessie said...

Love this post. Hope Miami is feeling better soon. Also, how about we swap? You cook the meals and Ill make dessert. :) I like baking, not cooking.

luke and kourt said...

love this post ♥♥♥

tina bumblebee said...

Great post idea! I love your long blonde hair by the way haha No need to change it! You have such a beautiful family

Silver Lining Decor said...

This was SO cute!! I have to say, whenever I read/see your blog and instagram posts, I always think "they are genuinely nice, and happy people", and I love that! You radiate sweetness and kindness. You guys always put a smile on my face :) xoxo

Life Happens said...

Beautiful family! Can't believe how big Mia is. And she gets cuter every day!

sara [at] journey of doing said...

What a sweet post!! I loveeeeee this. I love that Eric sings to Mia at bathtime (aww!), I love that you own that you're a good mom (because you are!) and I love dance parties!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Such a cute family!

haili hunter said...

You forgot to add that you are the same exact person you write about as you are in real life! Seriously, what you say you mean. love you!

J and A said...

Love this post!! Amen for dance parties!! :)

Alyx said...

Love it!

Ashleigh said...

I love this fun post!
But even more then that I love that I got to know a little more about each of you :)

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