Tuesday, January 7, 2014

so what? I'm selfish.

New year. Clean slate. Fresh start.
While those words excite many, it's obvious that I was pretty content for my world to stay in 2013.
But to be honest? I developed many flaws last year. I made mistakes! I wasn't my best me.
Eric and I sat down together and made goals this year as a couple. Goals that will better our marriage... that will make us fall deeper in love than ever. At least that's the plan ;)
I have silly little personal goals that will actually help me reach my ultimate goal. (ie: go to the dentist twice a year. Fo real!)
But I'm keeping my main goal very simple this year. Simple in words. But not simple in every other aspect of this goal.
I will become a better me!
Who am I? I am Courtney, and my favorite role is a wife and a mom. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a hairstylist, a confidant for many, an example to all that know me, and many that don't; I am a child of God. The list can go on! 
My goal for 2014 is to work on myself physically (I feel like I am "there" as far as my fitness goals go, but working out is an important key to keeping myself happy in other aspects of my life), mentally and spiritually. When I am my best self, everyone benefits! I want to be better for everyone else, and most importantly, I want to be the best for Eric and Mia! 
It may sound selfish to say that my #1 goal for 2014 is all about me, but really, it's all for everyone else in my life! So wish me luck!! I hope my hard work pays off because you all deserve better than my best!

Oh and this will be my motto for the year. "Letting go" is something I struggle greatly with. So how perfect is this to better myself? Be good to me 2014, as I do my best to stick to this motto and my goals!
I saw this floating around on Pinterest so I don't know exactly who to give credit to.
P.S. My last wish goal of 2014 is to plan a freakin' vacation for January 2015 so that I have something get me past these dumb new year's bluuuuuues! Please tell me I'm not the only one that struggles?!


Dee Stephens said...

You and I have the same goals this year. Be a better me. Exercise more for my attitude and mental well being and LET IT GO! I have a very hard time with that as well.

P!nky said...

I hate the new years blues....especially after an amazing year like 2013!

Great goals girlie, i know you will rock em out!

Anonymous said...

I think that's the perfect goal. The better "you" you are, the better "you" you can be for everyone else.

Kimberly said...

This california girl STRUGGLES in January in Salt Lake. I have to have music on all the time to help. Planning a trip to CA in March is really helping, but every year my husband wants to plan a trip to St George for his birthday (Jan 5th).

Printed Bonnet by AyoBE said...

That's not selfish at all. You need to take care of you so you can be the best you for your family. Everyone benefits.
Vacations are AWESOME! Everyone needs that time to get away from the normal routine of things.
We are still trying to schedule ours for this year.

Kristin said...

If you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of your family! I love that you said when you take care of yourself everyone benefits! IT'S SO TRUE! It's definitely hard to put yourself first when you have a hubs and a babe, but it's necessary, at least SOME of the time!

hello erin said...

amen sister! i hate to quote the housewives (especially when they totally meant something different) but "Happy wife = happy life" . i swear you need to be selfish and happy in order to be the best wife and mama you can be. I'm a firm believer in that. so you go girl :)

Katie said...

i love that you made goals together. chris and i should do that. and i have major after holiday blues. plus we've been stuck inside for a week and are going crazy!!!

~Dawn~ said...

You can't truly LOVE someone else until you love yourself. Being a better you will make a better mom and wife. I need reminders of this sometimes, too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well that is def something has hit home with me this last week. Letting Go. Letting God take the reigns. We talked about this last night in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). It's something that I severely struggle with and something personal for the last 2 years.

It's so hard. Just means I need to increase my prayer life!!!! AND TRUST in HIM!

17 Perth said...

I love that! "Letting Go"...Simple, but oh so hard! Wishing you a wonderful and free 2014!

17 Perth said...

I love that! "Letting Go"...Simple, but oh so hard! Wishing you a wonderful and free 2014!

Julie said...

We are ITCHING to travel, we just can't make up our mind. We may try to go to a winery for Valentine's that does something fun for the day, then March I'm trying something for Keith's bday then we'll have our big one, that we can't decide on, for the summer. It does get us through the blues when we know something is coming up!

Pamela said...

There is nothing wrong AT ALL with what you want for 2014!! I want the same thing! I want to be BETTER in every aspect of my life!! Like you said, my husband deserves it!! I deserve it!! I need to get back to working out too. It's been months!! I got so burnt out on it. I had more confidence when I did do it though, ha! Bryant even noticed, so that was like a slap in the face, ha! I LOVE THAT PIN!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

It says a lot about you as a couple that you make goals together. Letting go is a good one- I need to work on that too!

meagan @ beautiful things said...

the "go to the dentist twice a year" comment made me laugh! happy tuesday!

Kirsty and Seth said...

I'm with you on the new year's blues! I had such a lovely Christmas with my family and Seth had almost two weeks off work and now it's back to being just me and Caleb and life as usual! Font get me wrong, I love my boy but I just never really like this time of year, I miss being with everyone!


Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

There's a difference between being bad selfish and good selfish... having a goal of making yourself better - that's the GOOD kind that people SHOULD do! :)

Janna Renee said...

You deserve to focus on you! You need to take care of yourself so that you can be the best that you can be!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I always get sad at the end of the year once the holidays are over. Plan a vacation! That helps!

Unknown said...

2013 may have been your glorious year to accomplish so many things. But I’m sure that 2014 will be better. It’s good to see that you’re concentrating your goals more on your marriage and health. It can be quite a challenge, but maybe you can start on the small ones like your twice-per-year visit to the dentist. That would be a step in the right direction, in my opinion.

Wilson @ Family Dental Station

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