Monday, January 27, 2014

27 before 27

1. Go on a vacation with Eric... without Mia.
2. Enjoy a spa day (ie: enjoy the moment and no stressing about getting home to Eric and Mia)
3. Hike Angels Landing in Zion.
4. Learn one word of Spanish a day. (Eric speaks Spanish fluently and I, well, don't. But I really want him to teach Mia so I had better learn as well! I think I can handle a word a day :).
5. Visit the Green Monster.
6. Run a 10k.
7. Print my blog into a book (or five, ha ha!)
8. Go to the Temple once a month with Eric, and once every 6 months by myself (so twice before my birthday)!
9. Put pink in my hair!
10. Go on a girl's over nighter (without Mia)!
11. Offer/host a huge giveaway on my blog or Instagram. (You all are always so amazing to me and I want to give back!)
12. #tmi #tmi #tmi Get laser hair removal.
13. Get strong enough to do 50 push ups.... in a row!
14. Finish reading the Book of Mormon.
15. De-junk my house and sell the junk on those ridiculous FB yard sale pages (ha ha)!
16. Try one new hairstyle on Mia a week. (I'm kind of burnt out from doing hair at work that my hair is put on the back burner. I don't want that to be the case with Mia!) I have styled her hair at least once a week, we will call that a success with the amount of hair and style I've had to work with!
17. Read all of the 2014 Conference talks (after listening to them during General Conference). 
18. Get dolled up and wear heels once a month (aside from church)!
19. Use my kindle more.
20. Take more selfies :) (there is a reason behind my madness.) I've taken a few sooooo, success!
21. Try one new cooking/baking recipe a week.
22. Go to Yellowstone.
23. Read a new {book} series.
24. Go camping.
25. Work everyday on being a more loving, patient, fun and supportive wife. still doing my best each day!
26. Try a barre workout. They don't offer this in my small town so I will probably have to travel for it.
27. Focus less on what I don't have, and more on what I do have! I feel like I've come a long way with this, but I won't ever stop working on this!

My golden year was by far one of my favorite years of my life!! But I have no doubt that each year can be better and better! Hopefully these goals will help shape 26 up to an even better year! I'm hoping I will be able to cross everything off my list :)


Eesh said...

This is a really cool list!

I've never been camping (because there is literally no place to camp here) but I'd love to one day. Definitely on my bucket list! AND I would love to try Pilates & yoga...Barre came to mind a few times but I don't think it's offered here either.

Happy Belated Birthday by the way! Hope you had a good one.

Eesh | The Other Side of Paradise

BLovedBoston said...

What a great list!! When you visit the green monster you can couple that with taking your first Barre class - they have a ton of studios here in Boston!! :)

Nichole @ said...

Love this list!

Dee Stephens said...

That's quite a list! I want to go to Yellowstone too!

Anonymous said...

Awesome list! I want to make a Northern California list for the next 2 years while we are stationed there.

~Dawn~ said...

Such a fun list - I have no doubt you will tackle it with ease.

Lauren said...

Looks like a great list! I believe that vacations without kiddos are so incredibly important! Hope you can make that happen!

Katie @ said...

Great list! Good luck on getting all of these done...too fun!

17 Perth said...

I want to copy your whole list. Haha. So many great great things to accomplish in a year. The spa sounds especially appealing to me right now!

P.S. Love your shirt! Where is that from???

Tara said...

I love everything on this list, especially your goals to go to the temple! I wish we could go more, but ours is 5 hours away. I still might have to make one of these lists for myself though since my birthday is soon too!

Erin LFF said...

Love your list girl! So many fun, awesome things! :) I know you will be able to cross 'em ALL off!

Kelsi Strong said...

Cute cute! I love your list. I'm going to have to make one for myself! Hope you guys are doing well :)

Kristin said...

This is an awesome list, you are going to have one heck of year my friend!!! Can't wait to hear all about it! And can I join you for the spa day?!?!

Anonymous said...

Green Monster?? As in that AWFUL, huge, home run stealing wall?!! Stupid wall

I would LOVE laser hair removal, but I'm scared! I heard it hurts and you have to go back several times. Ahh

Practicing your selfies?! Me too sister :)

Linzi Scarsella said...

A great list that you CAN do!

hello erin said...

heck yes. i love love love this list. you can TOTALLY knock these things outta the park :) sounds like your going to have one awesome year!

K&R said...

i think this is such a great list of things to do.
totally all doable, you can do it girl!

Brittany said...

This is a great, realistic list! Can't wait to see you blogging about all these things!

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Oh a vacation sounds great!!! I've always wanted to visit Paris :D

Anonymous said...

Great list! I had one of those lists for 30.... Yep..... didn't happen. lol ;)

Unknown said...

I love this idea! <3 I want to make one now! And I keeps saying I'm going to put either red or pink my hair, but I can't decide!

Kirsty and Seth said...

That's such a great list of things! I need to do a list like that really but I'm not sure if I can come up with 33 before 33 ;)

Julie said...

I love checking things off my yearly lists, you'll have fun doing them - and just remember if you don't get them done this year, you always got the next one :)

PS - Yellowstone is beautiful, and push ups are easy if you use the wall!

Jane said...

Daniel and I have never been on a real vacation, just the two of us so that is definitely on my list as well.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great list! Can't wait to see what you accomplished next year! :)

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Learning Spanish would be awesome. I want to pick my studying up again. I really loved it in high school and took it for 3 years. Some of it I still remember but it's rusty. I like your idea of one word a day!

Kelli Gilbert said...

your family is adorable! love this list!

Amy Harris said...

i made one of these lists too! it is so fun to have things to work on through the year and see how many you actually accomplish! also your shirt is amazing :)

Kayla Dolen said...

First off... I love you!!! I too want to use my kindle more, go on a trip without the kids with the hubby and try to do 50 push-ups( my upper body strength sucks lol). I love this list!! XOXO

Boy, oh {mamas} boys

Alyx said...

This is an awesome list, Courtney!! If you do laser hair removal, at the risk of TMI, let me know if it works, because that's something I've totally been considering!

Nicole@mamashiptips said...


sara [at] journey of doing said...

This is totally a great - and do-able list!! You should see if they have a pure barre near you... and if you love it, you should start it in your town! It's a great work out! ;)

Afton said...

I think this Girls overnighter thing should include me and amy and pretty much all of us brinkerhoff sisters. :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Good luck on your list!

Ashley said...

This looks like a great list. I could add some of these to my list... plus a few years haha. I like the fitness goals. I was telling my husband how I'd really like to get back into running after having our baby. I used to run a ton when we lived in Colorado, and I miss it. Come to Disney and run a 10k with me some day! ;-)

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