Sunday, February 17, 2013

weekend review

Just a nice glow from the sun... since I have no clue how to edit pictures, ha ha!

Our weekend was super low key but somehow it was just perfect! Eric worked all day on Valentine's day (which wasn't perfect, ha ha) but I didn't mind too much because I got to snuggle my love bug all day! She is by far the sweetest gift I've ever received! 
Friday we had big plans to celebrate our engagement anniversary, but we ended up watching movies all day and eating good food with good friends in between :) It was so relaxing and just what we needed! I thought I liked lounging around the house before I had a baby... but anytime I get to take advantage of relaxing is just the best! And having sweet, little Mia to snuggle? Nothing tops that!
Saturday we decided to take a spontaneous little trip down south with friends to enjoy warmer weather. We shopped, we ate, and we took Mia exploring :) Sometimes I forget that I live in/near such gorgeous landscaping! People come from all over the world to see our red rocks and the national parks that surround us. This sounds weird, but Mia makes me look at the world so differently now. I try my best to take advantage of every moment and I get so excited to show her new things! I can't wait until it warms up so that we can continue to show her the world! I am definitely suffering from major spring fever now ;)
I could use more weekends like these in my life.... family, friends, relaxing, sunshine and exploring. Just perfect!


A Brew of Blessings said...

Can I just say you look amazing for just having a baby!? And she is just precious, of course :) What an adorable family, so glad you got to get out some and spend time with friends - great weekend!

Lauren said...

Looks like such an amazing weekend! :-)

Marli said...

what fun! :) and courtney, you are just looking great!


Chelsea said...

It really is disgusting how gorgeous you are. Like, really.

So glad you had a nice weekend! You definitely deserve it, you star mama you!

Ashley Brickner said...

I totally get the whole looking at the world differently, thing! I do the exact same thing with Waverly! So funny how that happens. Great weekend. :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

IT IS BEAUTIFUL there! It looks and sounds like you had a lovely weekend!

Katy said...

Your weekend looks amazing and your family is perfect! I'm envious of the sunshine and warmer temperatures you got to enjoy; I am also suffering from some serious spring fever and can't wait to enjoy some warm weather. Also, you are looking fantastic; you look incredible for just having had a baby not too long ago!

Brittany said...

GORGEOUS pictures Court! You look amazing, little momma...I would never guess you just had a baby!!!

Maria said...

Beautiful day trip!! You live in such a beautiful place with so much to see! It's so sweet you're introducing Mia to new and amazing things each day! You look incredible, Courtney! I'm glad you got to relax and take in a movie night filled with good food with your loves...sounds perfect!

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead! Xoxo

Cori H. said...

Sounds like you had an amazing weekend! Your little family just makes my heart smile. Motherhood definitely agrees with you!

Allison said...

Did you seriously just have a baby? You look amazing! Glad you all got to get out and enjoy some beautiful scenery!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So fun! You look fabulous Courtney!!! xoxo

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

You look great Court!!! :) Happy you had a fun weekend day out!

Christy said...

Sounds like fun. And you look amazing! :)

Kristen said...

Okay there is seriously no way you just had a baby, woman! You look amazing! What is your secret???

ajs {of MN} said...

i TOTALLY get the seeing the world in a whole new way after baby! i like doing things MORE now than i ever have before- i.e. in MN, playing in the snow.

Alyx said...

Are you sure you just recently had a baby? I mean, really. I hope I look that good once this little girl decides to make her appearance.

Leslee said...

Like all the comments above....YOU ARE LOOKING AMAZING!!! Please give me your secrets for looking so awesome after just having a kid. I will need all the help I can get in July. With my first took me 2 years to get back to looking normal :) Way to be my friend!


Dee Stephens said...

You do look great! I find myself liking to stay home more and more too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your sweet comments on my posts. Glad you were able to arrange a family outing. Your little girl is beautiful, and it's hard to imagine anything more beautiful than family time.

Shay said...

Seriously you look SO AWESOME! I love that you guys have a good balance, it seems, between having fun outside and at home! Too many people think their life has to end when they have a baby as far as a social life goes!

Janna Renee said...

You look amazing! It's not even fair how quickly you bounced back. I bet other moms are jealous. Haha

kandis lake said...

Seriously your family is so cute!! And I'm totally jealous right now I've been dying to get down to st George and some warm weather!

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