Thursday, November 29, 2012

37 weeks

picture taken at 37 weeks 2 days

- Baby girl could make her arrival any day now and be totally fine! Let's all say a little prayer that she comes sooner rather than later, ha ha!

- I'm still having braxton hicks regularly. I notice an increase when I work out or when I've done a lot in a day. It's amazing to think that my body just knows to practice so that it's ready for labor when the time comes!

- My heartburn has definitely taken a turn for the worst this past week. I hope that means labor is just around the corner? ha ha

- Baby girl got her first Christmas ornament! My sweet friend surprised me with it and I love it! I'm still having a hard time believing I'll have my very own baby for Christmas... aahhh!!!

- I understand now why women get to a point in their pregnancy where they are just DONE! Eric and I are ready to be done (and he's not that one that is carrying her inside his body, ha!) because I'm in quite a bit of pain each day. But we are mostly just so anxious and excited to meet our baby girl! Even though I'm so over being pregnant... I know I'd do it again and again to bring this little girl into our family! We love her so much and can't wait to snuggle and love on her!


Cindy said...

You're right - it's SO worth it! And I know you can't imagine, but the love you feel right now for her? That's nothing compared to what you'll feel once she's finally in your arms!!!! :) But you'll miss the kicks and jabs from the inside too... enjoy these last few weeks!!!

Julie said...

So very worth it - hope to hear about the arrival soon! :)

from head 2 toe said...

What a wonderful experience! Enjoy the last few weeks!

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

You're still looking great! Good luck with the home stretch!!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

I know it's easy to get anxious! I'm tellin' you though to enjoy the moments. It's amazing the bond between a mom and baby that's made in the belly. I felt almost empty when nick was born, I was happy to hold him but missed those kicks! I'm a pain in the you know what now, so I can imagine after a few more months my husband is gunna be calling the doctor asking when we can induce labor LOL

Lindsay said...

How exciting! Your due sooo close to xmas! My birthday is Dec 18th and I actually love having my bday around the holidays! What a wonderful Christmas gift for you guys!

Amanda Schroeder said...

eeekkk! I am SO EXCITED for this! I've been waiting far too long. hahah! Can't wait for the pictures!

amanda @ we and serendipity

Eryka said...

I am so excited for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eeeek almost here!!! You look fantastic! xoxo

Anonymous said...

so excited for you! its almost time!!!!!

Unknown said...

EEK!! I am so excited for you! How sweet to think that you will have a baby in your arms on Christmas day!! (baby fever is creeping up as I type this!)

Erin said...

You are just too cute I can't wait!

Shannon Page said...

You look SO cute!! I'll cross my fingers that this little baby comes sooner rather than later:)

Anonymous said...

Your bump is too cute (pretty sure I say that every comment). You are such a cute prego though!!

I get heartburn all the time and I'm not and never have been pregnant. I hope that doesnt mean bad things for when I do get pregnant. Chugging sprite helps for me. Burp it all out!!

m&msmommy said...

SOOO close!!! That's so awesome that she'll be your Christmas gift! ;) What an awesome gift!!! :)

Kelly said...

How exciting to have your baby girl in time for Christmas! That is going to be so special.


oomph. said...

ooh, getting close!! better start walking, girl! walk, walk, walk! worked for me, and the babies just popped on out (well, sort of!)! lol.


Jasmyne! said...

O my goodness! I have been gone for wayy too long! You look GREAT and 37 weeks!! About 37 weeks I was completely over pregnancy also, at that point you just want your precious miracle! So happy for you and your Christmas baby! :)

Liesl said...

Cute, cute, cute, but I also understand just wanting your little girl here and it to be done! :)

Shauna said...

It's all very exciting! I am hoping your sweet girl comes early too, not too early but enough to give you a break!

I love the quilts that were made for you. So wonderful to have genuine homemade blankets that were hand crafted with love.

You look great. Great job for staying in shape and being healthy, you are a great example. Take great care and happy xmas spirit.


Robin said...

Ahhh I'm SO excited for you!!!!! I can't wait to see her adorable little face!!

Kenz said...

Blessings Courtney! I hope you have a quick, safe, and relatively pain free labor!

That Girl said...

I hope she stays in there! I know like it seems you want her here ASAP, but those last 3 weeks are where the brain development comes in, the lungs mature even further, and her fat builds. All of which are going to be really important for keeping her healthy this winter/flu season.

Jana Faith said...

You are just as cute as ever and what a lucky baby to have sub a loving mommy and daddy! Hope you start feeling better soon.

ajs {of MN} said...

so exciting! you are almost there- and looking AMAZING!

Lauren said...

Can't wait for her to arrive for you!!!! :) I bet you're over the moon excited! You still look as beautiful as ever Courtney!!!


Megan said...

I CAN NOT believe you are full term!!!!!!! :) You look so great but I can understand being ready for her arrival!! :) I hope your pain subsides soon!!!

How fun about the ornament!!! I remember when we got Olivias and I cried! haha

Morgan Reece said...

cute blog! just found it through some other blogs... i, too am a hairstylist! {well....i graduate from hair school in may....kinda counts, right?} and i love it!

anywho..hope to get to know ya better through this crazy bloggin world!

Afton said...

Haha that's how Zoe was born early. I was so done. Well , the doctor said he didn't know what to do with me because of the Pre-ecclampsia. I told him to "GET HER OUT OF ME". He obliged.

Chelsea said...

You are almost there! Are you excited?!?

Alyx said...

So excited for you guys... tell that little girl to hurry up!! :)

yours truly, melissa said...

Congrats to you! :)

I have that same shirt in grey, love it.

Janna Renee said...

Her first ornament...that makes me fuzzy inside! I can't wait till she comes out and we can know her name!

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