Tuesday, June 26, 2012

let's talk about it...

And by it? I mean working out. I need some help, advice, ideas, work out buddies, anything, because my motivation is all GONE!
During my first trimester I tried so hard to keep up with my workouts! But my body was so exhausted that I just couldn't push myself. I really had to cut back to keep it safe. And there were some mornings where I had to skip the workout all together and just go back to sleep. I would be so disappointed but I knew that it was important to listen to my tired body.
Now that I'm in the second trimester I feel amazing! I have so much more energy throughout the day (most days) and I should be killing it in the exercise department. But guess what? I would rather sit on my butt and eat. And that's pretty much what I do, ha ha. It's frustrating to see how out of shape I've become and I have no motivation to slowly get back into shape. Obviously, I'm not working out for a killer body. Each day I wake up and my body has stretched a little more, and my tummy gets a tiny bit bigger :) But I still need to be healthy!
I'm going to try to illustrate just how far off course I've gone. This is how I used to feel about working out:

I just finished running my first race, a 10k! I'm smiling because I LOVED it. I felt so accomplished! I felt strong. Other than needing to eat a snack I couldn't have asked for anything else that morning! And I didn't even take a nap that day :)

This is just an amazing picture all around :) But if you take a peek at me... I have a water bottle wedged between the camera and my belly, because anything touching my belly was irritating. I'm sure my mouth is open because I'm about to start complaining, if I wasn't already :) And I just finished licking my fingers, because I'm always snacking! If you haven't noticed the pattern yet... I like to complain about anything when it comes to working out, and I like to eat :)

So help me! How do I get back into my workout groove? I need motivation!


lori said...

you are too funny! i wish i had tips to help you... i struggle with motivation and im not even pregnant. i think doing stuff with friends is a great option, where you don't realize you're working out, ya know? or swimming? have you tried swimming? that may be a great option.

RadiantKristen said...

Motivation... not an easy thing. I always try to remember there's a difference between motivation, fuel, and drive though. So, maybe your motivation is "I want to have the safest, healthiest pregnancy I can". Then your drive would be something like a goal that you've set, to do 4 workouts a week, or whatever. And then finally, the fuel is what it takes to get you off of the couch and moving. That's the hard part! For me, I draw on the fact that I need to honor my commitments. If I commit to doing something, I have to do it. Even if the only person I committed to was myself!

You should probably also go slow, and not worry about being where you were before... one of my best friends worked out almost every day of her pregnancy, and even still, she lost fitness as she went along. She just did what she could each day, and it went a long way towards her bouncing back after her son was born.

Maury @ Life on Mars said...

I feel you! But then i've never taken a picture looking happy after a run because I have pretty much always hated anything athletic. Yep, its just not my thing. Good luck!

Alyx said...

try getting into a workout class - it's more fun because you don't have to plan out what you're going to do, it's a great way to meet people, and you automatically have like, 20 workout buddies. Plus there are some really fun fitness classes!! I love cycling, zumba, and those body pump classes - I'm sure there's something like that near you! I've always just been a member of the Y because all the classes are free with your membership, and that way you can test out a bunch of different classes to see what you like, or if you miss a class, there's always another one at a different part of the day!

Anonymous said...

it will come back soon! promise! you are adorable!! xo

Dee Stephens said...

I feel a lot the same way. I have managed to keep up my walking 5x's a week but some days are REALLY hard. I mean, hard!! I just try and do what I can b/c I feel like doing something is better than nothing.
I am like you and love working out I think being pregnant you're not able to push yourself as hard though.
And, just so you know..I'm snacking all the time too. It's ridiculous!!
I wasn't this bad in the first tri-mester with eating!

Freya Lily said...

I'm horrible at working out. Last year, I had a TON of motivation but this year, I can't seem to find any...And I can't even imagine what it's like being pregnant! Good luck, little lady!


Unknown said...

have you tried to find a pregnancy yoga class?? that might be good!

also, if you have an iphone, get the nike+ app. it saved my workout routine! it holds me accountable :)

Katie said...

I'm in the same boat! Whenever you find the magic answer, pass it along? :)

Miranda said...

definitely listen to your body and how you feel. sometimes a good brisk walk is great...but do it when you feel the best during the day. an who doesn't need a nap anytime of the day?

enjoy it babe...you look fabulous!!

Julie said...

I'm actually in the same boat of motivation needed...but I'm not pregnant. Mine stems from getting married last summer and working out like a fiend then and now its like uhhh yeah. I would say to get you out of the house, at least go for a walk at night or go to walk on the treadmill. That will start you off. I feel like I need to switch workouts around because I'm bored but I'm one of those that usually doesn't. So we'll see what happens. But if you start out slow and go, I think you'll be motivated. Also if you keep in mind that the more you keep at it now, the easier it will be when you get back into the groove of it after your pregnancy. Maybe do a class if they are offered at your gym. I try to get to classes 2-3 times a week and it helps change it up that way.

Erin said...

I struggle with motivation to work out too girl, and I'm not even pregnant! My only tip is to just start small. I have to constantly say to myself "Erin, 15 minutes of exercise is better than none" That way I'll get off my butt and just do a couple quick laps around the neighborhood. Even just a brisk walk helps reenergize me, and it's only a short amount of time from my day!

Nobody said...

girl.. you're PREGNANT! sit back and enjoy it!! don't worry about hardcore working out.. take walks with the hubby!

Brooklyn said...

i got nothing, girlfriend! it's so humid-hot in lower Bama that i break a sweat just walking to the mailbox and back, ha! running is basically out of the question until the fall weather comes back!

Unknown said...

i was terrible about working out when i was pregnant.
i considered cleaning, putting groceries away, and things like that as excersice. hahaha. i say just take it easy. do what you think you can do but honestly you have the bod to bounce back quickly after having baby anyway, so i wouldn't stress to much about it.

you'll find your groove eventually.

you are beautiful!

Allison said...

I know the feeling of not being motivated, but I don't have the excuse of being pregnant! I started doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred this summer and it is awesome! I have already seen results just a few weeks in and it's only a 30 minute workout, which I can't ever talk myself out of! Good luck!

Nikkiana said...

Well, when you commented on my blog post you said you needed to try a yoga class, so obviously my vote would be to find a prental yoga class and try it out.

from head 2 toe said...

I have to work out before I do anything leisurely... that includes shopping trips to Target even if I NEED razors. Also, before checking blogs, Facebook & e-mail. It's also helpful we have a spin bike in our house...but try that! Do something, even a yoga video or stretching before your reward!

= said...

stretch!!!! and walk! :) i'm no momma but have a few fit mommas and all they tell me is when you get preggo stretch and walk...

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness, girl. I am so not the person to come to for workout motivation right now. I have become incredibly lazy since moving to Florida a year ago, and I'm not even pregnant. I have Zero good excuses (except maybe the heat) for not working out.... I'm just being lazy. It's good you listen to your body though. Don't overdo it, and I'm sure you'll gain energy after having your baby.... you'll need to in order to keep up with your little one! (:

Mrs. Robinson said...

You're precious. =) I have no advice. Just wanted to stop by and tell you that I fully support you sitting on your butt and eating, haha! =) That's what pregnant chicks are supposed to do, right?

Sean Marie said...

Pregnancy drains your energy. Then a baby drains your energy. You can never win. I started a fitness linkup that I think you should join in. Check it out!

Deveny said...

When I was in my second trimester I alternated walking/jogging some days and prenatal yoga others (Yoga Mama dvd). In 3rd I just did the yoga - I swear by that thing. I think it's one of the main reason my kid stayed in the right position. It also helped make me feel like I accomplished something that day which I could do in the comfort of my living room.
I'll never be those women who run all throughout their prenancies. :)

Ashley said...

Here's some motivation for you. With Charlie, I barely even walked because I was so nervous that I would do something to him.....his labor was 24 hours. With Walker, I worked out at the gym EVERY day and usually took a walk in the afternoon...labor=3 hours. Do it!

The Pink Growl said...

Pinterest is really helpful (for me) with finding new workout tips and fun ways to mix it up. Plus, it's great for looking at motivational pics. All you need after your motivation is an awesome playlist!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

When I was pregnant I found that my best motivation (if that's what you wanna call it) was working out first thing in the morning. and I mean FIRST THING. NO, you DO NOT feel like it, but I start my morning by washing my face, brushing my teeth and drinking a ridiculous amount of ice water. I bought a few work out DVD'S (you can find ones on Amazon specifically made for pregnant women) and I really loved them. The thing is, you want to remind yourself that working out now will help you remain fit and have a healthy pregnancy, also if you get into a routine NOW then things will be easier after the baby. What worked for me was reminding myself how awesome I felt after a great work out, how great it was to jump into the shower after I was finished, blow dry my hair and slather myself with lotion. Then I reminded myself how bummed out I would be if I just plopped myself down in front of the TV instead and obviously working out won. It won't be easy at first but once you get into a routine and MAKE yourself things will get tons easier and you'll feel 100% better:) Good luck momma!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

When I was pregnant I found that my best motivation (if that's what you wanna call it) was working out first thing in the morning. and I mean FIRST THING. NO, you DO NOT feel like it, but I start my morning by washing my face, brushing my teeth and drinking a ridiculous amount of ice water. I bought a few work out DVD'S (you can find ones on Amazon specifically made for pregnant women) and I really loved them. The thing is, you want to remind yourself that working out now will help you remain fit and have a healthy pregnancy, also if you get into a routine NOW then things will be easier after the baby. What worked for me was reminding myself how awesome I felt after a great work out, how great it was to jump into the shower after I was finished, blow dry my hair and slather myself with lotion. Then I reminded myself how bummed out I would be if I just plopped myself down in front of the TV instead and obviously working out won. It won't be easy at first but once you get into a routine and MAKE yourself things will get tons easier and you'll feel 100% better:) Good luck momma!

Janna Renee said...

I would LOVE to help you, but I can't. I don't work out :( If you find a magical motivation pill, please send it my way. I know if I DO work out, I like to trick myself by doing something fun, ie. hiking, yoga, dancing, hula hooping, etc. Maybe find something like that?

Megan said...

Hahahaha! You are so funny! I love that you have the water bottle wedged in your stomach.

Alexis Kaye said...

I'm bad at advice pregnant. Going to the grocery store is working out for me! But something that helps me normally is if I do something new to workout. Like buy a new DVD or get a new routine somehow. Good luck!

Leah @ Everyday Love said...

I bought some workout DVD's that had prenatal yoga and pilates that I enjoyed. I try to walk at night 3-4 days a week and have been able to keep that up til now, 32 weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up until she comes but it's definitely harder and harder each night!

Brit said...

On man, wish I could help you, but when I was preggers the only thing that would get my fat butt off the couch was to get up and eat again. I was a bad example of a healthy pregnant lady. However, some of my cooler than me friends did baby yoga and then walk...ALOT. BTW, you look amazing!! Good luck!

Samantha said...

They make several at home workouts for pregnant women...including some Yoga work outs. Tons of options that you may enjoy :)

Jamie said...

Uh I don't know what to tell you. As a girl who's equally pregnant it's HARD to get out and work out but I do it. Know what motivates me? A healthy baby and a rockin' prego bod. I love exercise but it's extremely difficult to get going these days. Just keep in mind that a healthy mama means a healthy baby!

Melanie said...

Girrrlll... YOU motivated me w/ this. A 10K... crazy awesomesauce, you go mama! I am really the worst at working out since I had the Jax & that was going on 3 1/2 years... UG! I need to get back to it, SO need to. But you mama... keep healthy, but also take this time to relax & Heck EAT WHAT ya want! Really, you should be giving me advice w. this.

LOVE yas mama!! xo

Jessie said...

Don't sweat it! Some women are amazing and can continue their exercise routines, but for the majority of us it is just plain HARD to exercise while pregnant because we're constantly growing and changing and tired and out of breathe. It is super hard to slow down and accept that you just can't do the same things you used to do.

For me, I do what I can when I can. That means a bike ride or a mild hike or now (at 34 weeks) a little swimming and a slow mile or two walk around the neighborhood.

Good luck! I think a little movement is much better than none at all.

That Girl said...

Okay here's some motivation:
1) Working out helps with all the pregnancy aches and pains. It helps with nausea, it helps with fatigue, it helps with joint/ligament pain.
2) Working out now, helps with delivery because you stay strong. You need those muscles for pushing out a baby!
3) Working out now makes recovery SO much easier. Both in the fact that you bounce back faster, and because you gain less weight that will have to come off eventually.

Afton said...

Walks. Go on lots of long walks. That counts as exercise right ? Also Zumba was a lifesaver for me because It was basically the only thing I could do. Not too much bouncing or jumping.

Enjoy the 2nd trimester. I miss my second trimester energy. Now all I want to do is lay down and sleep.

Kristen Thornburg said...

Right there with ya girl...

kyna... said...

I was TOTALLY like that Court...I didn't work out my first trimester because of all the spotting, etc (this was after being a work-out aholic!) and it was so hard to start up again in the 2nd trimester. I finally just forced myself to do it EVERY DAY...not just a piddly walk, but to really work out and I am SOOOO glad I did. I can't tell you how much easier it made the end of my pregnancy, and how much easier it made labor and pushing...oh, and your body will bounce back so much faster if you are in good shape! Do these things motivate you? lol!
♥ Kyna

Shay said...

Your hilarious! I think the thing that helped me most was keeping in mind that the more active I am, the better the labor/delivery will be (supposedly...worked for me though:-)) because I was way scared of it not going well!

Cooper and I went on A LOT of walks. That way we were together and could talk eachothers ears off about baby while getting exercise!

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