Tuesday, April 10, 2012

toilet paper?

Eric and I got to enjoy our "Saturday" yesterday and it was awesome to spend all day together! We drove down to St. George and pretty much shopped all day! When we weren't shopping.... we were eating! No surprise there, right? It is just the best being married to a man who likes to eat as much as I do and who likes to go shopping. Even if it's just window shopping!

So I have a fun story to tell. We were shopping in Target when I had to go potty. I'm the kind of girl that always uses a toilet seat cover. If there aren't any available, I line the toilet seat with toilet paper. And sometimes I squat over that. Ha ha, public restrooms freak me out. Anyway, Target didn't have seat covers so I had to use toilet paper. When I finished my business in the bathroom (I only peed, promise!) I walked out and met Eric in the dollar section, which is right outside the bathrooms (thankfully). I was talking to him about the dollar treasures he found when I checked to make sure my shirt was pulled down in the back.... and guess what I felt? TOILET PAPER! Holy crap. I totally walked out of the bathroom with toilet paper hanging out the top of my shorts. I hurried and pulled the rest out of my shorts and then almost died from laughing. I am guessing that the toilet paper I used to line the seat was hanging over the edge just enough that when I pulled my pants up.... the toilet paper came with it. Nasty! I am trying real hard not to think about the germs that came with it...
Are you ready for the best part? This is the THIRD time I've done that. THREE times! You'd think I would've learned my lesson by now? The first time was in the bathroom of a mall and there was a long line of girl's waiting to use the toilet. My sweet friend started yelling (I swear, she was SO loud) and laughing while yanking my shirt up to get the toilet paper out of my pants. Ha ha, freaking embarrassing. The second time was just at my salon and I caught it before I walked out of the bathroom. And now the Target incident. What is wrong with me?? I guess I'll have to skip the toilet paper and pop a squat next time I have to pee in public :)

P.S. Are we friends on instagram? Find me @ CourtBrink (If you're willing to be my friend after that amazing story that is... ha ha!)


jes @ twosmuppies said...

um, i am the exact same way about the toilet seat covers. if there isn't any, i have mini attacks of panic. in fact, one of my best friends and i bond over this.

i've had the same issue you had at target too.. except, most the time, i also bring the toilet paper out with my on the bottom of my shoes!

Eryka said...

this made my day! so funny! :)

I follow you on Instagram. Lets be friends and twitter friends too! :)


Pamela said...

hahaha! Oh my gosh, Courtney! You are too funny!

Christy said...

haha! Lucky you caught it when you did! I'm always nervous when I'm wearing a skirt that I'm going to walk out with my skirt tucked into my underwear in the back. Thankfully I've only done this at home with my husband to alert me. Once I did it in a public restroom but I noticed as I was washing my hands, and thankfully I was alone! But I always feel the back of my skirt and pull on it and check it because I have this paranoia that I'm walking around with my undies on full display!

Kirsten Wiemer said...

thats so funny, but embarrassing. but still funny. you are so cute. i definitely had toilet paper attached to my shoe the other day. lol. i feel you girl.


Mrs Guenther said...

LMAO!!!!! OMG!!!! You're so funny.

jessica said...

aww i love it! so funny! especially since it's happened three times!

following you on instagram now.
i'm j___jenkins

Alissa said...

That is too funny! I tend to "hover" over the seat in public restrooms too.

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that! LOL!

= said...


Carlie said...

haha that is way funny! 3rd times the charm? Maybe it won't happen again! =)

Miranda said...

oh I'm so following you on Instagram and I'd be your friend JUST because of the toilet paper incident. oh you're funny!

Deveny said...

hahahaha, that is too funny! I figure poppin' a squat over the public restroom toilet keeps some germs away AND you get a little workout for your thighs. Win-win?

Whitney Leigh said...

hahahah oh my gosh! that is hilarious! I have never had that happen to me before, thank goodness.


Haha funny story! I found you in instagram yesterday!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha too funny!

Unknown said...

AH! That has happened to me, but it was toilet paper stuck to my shoe AND I didn't realize it until a while later.

::embarrassing to the max::


Michelle said...

SOO funny!! I'm cracking up!! I do the same thing as you...toilet seat cover or tons of toilet paper and squat over that. I HATE public toilets! But I have yet to get toilet paper in my pants :)However, I've done the infamous walk out with toilet paper stuck to my shoe several times. This totally made me day!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

HAHA! This made me laugh out loud. :) You are so funny Courtney. And this totally sounds like something that I would do. Only I probably wouldn't notice it until, like, 2 hours later. ;)

And that SUSHI!? Gimme Gimme Gimme.

Kelsey Keller Weller said...

Ha, you're awesome. Well, look on the bright side: if you start squatting it will also be an awesome thigh workout. So there you go :).

Suget said...

haha you and my sister have that in common. But I think she can only use the restroom at home. She holds it all in until she gets home... haha
Invest in toilet seat covers!!! haha

Anonymous said...

I am the same way. I am pretty sure I have built my thigh muscles by consistent hovering in public restrooms. You need to invest in the little travel sized charmin toilet seat covers, they are a lifesaver sometimes!

Unknown said...

BECAUSE you told that story, i will follow you! hahaha. my instagram name is airkaka. :)

Kylie said...

I always line toilet seats, too, but I can't say that's ever happened to me! Haha I'm sorry :P

Shauna said...

lol .. thanks for speaking your honesty. I think weve all had something like happen in one way or another. Good thing you caught it at the dollar section ..

Mrs. Robinson said...

haha, am I following you on instagram? I can't figure out how to add people.

I shouldn't be allowed to have a smart phone, haha.

And the toilet paper issue...no big deal. =)) Makin' memories!

Nicole said...

We made such fun of my mom about this, but the reason there, she was in my aunts dr clinic that hadn't even opened yet so technically it was still just a private bathroom... LOL :).

I'm on Instagram too, Boomerbear

Anonymous said...

pop a squat girl!! LMAO! That is hilarious!!

Laura Burtis said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's HILARIOUS!! Totally something that would happen to me!
And that sushi looks AMAZING!! Oh man, now I'm totally craving it!! :)

P.s. I just started following you on Instagram - you can follow me @lauraburti05 :)

Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

Eh well ya win some ya lose some.
P.S. that picture of sushi makes me want sushi sooooo bad.

Unknown said...

Heh, poor you :D Why not keep a bottle of hand-sanitizer in your purse and use it to sanitize the seat? ;)

Anonymous said...

I touch close to NOTHING in public bathroom stalls. I hover over the toilet and use my foot to flush. hahaha I also always do a full body glance as I walk pass the mirrors bc I have seen the toilet paper incident you experienced happen to a girl while I was waiting.

The Pink Growl said...

too funny! I've walked out of the bathroom with my skirt tucked in my panties a couple times. Once in a thong...lovely right? haha That sushi in the pic looks amazing!

Emily said...

hah, what an awesome story! (and um that sushi looks ridiculously good) adding you to instagram riiiiiight now :)

lori said...

haha my mom is the same way about the potty seat covers. i try to avoid public restrooms if at all possible.

Erin said...

BAHAHA- You are too funny! Glad you discovered it sooner rather than later! ;)

I'm @EMags55 on instagram, I'm still new and trying to figure it out. I don't know how to search for people! LOL

Cindy P said...

Bahaha! That's amazing!! At least you caught it in the dollar section (which is my favorite by the way =D) I don't think I've ever had it sticking out of my pants before but I have had it stuck to my shoe and the bottom of my pants. That was a weird one. haha! I think there was some random pieces on the floor and it stuck to my pants. lol

I am totally the same way about using public restroom toilets. Except I can't seem to relax enough to squat to pee so I have to sit and I make sure I wipe off the seat with toilet paper then put down the seat cover or toilet paper before I sit. And sometimes I do multiple layers of toilet paper! haha!!

Alyx said...

HA! Courtney!! That is hilarious!! I can't believe that was the third time you've done that!!

tifsong said...

is that sushi from benja's? jelly.

Keri said...

You two are just adorable! And your story is hilarious! Thank you for sharing your embarrassment for our entertainment. :)

Kaylie and Cody said...

Oh Courtney, I am in love with this story! I know you're going to keep me entertained why I'm gone this summer. I hope we come back to the ward!

Julie said...

That sushi looks to die for! I have a newfound love for sushi, I used to HATE any type of seafood but I have recently come around and sushi is now one of my favorites :) What is that roll called in the picture? Want to try it!!

P.S. I hover over public toilets too, wish we never had to use them! Gross!

Alexis Kaye said...

hahahah yeah it sounds like now you have more germs than just squatting! gross!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...


I'll tell you all about it, but you should totally hate them even more!

Dude, I'll see you in like 48 hours, and we can bond over how good benja thai food is, even if the commercial is THE WORST, THE WORST.

Sam said...

Hahaha this is great! I'm totally the same way!! Public bathrooms are gross! lol Thanks for commenting on my blog! I answerd your guestion over on my blog :)
By the way I totally love your blog!!! It's awesome!


The Millers said...

This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for sharing your funny story. xo

Bree said...

Oh Courtney! You are my absolute favorite!! :) hahaha!

kori said...

OMG! That is the worst! ive walked out with toilet paper on my shoe before!! ewwwww!but I hate public bathrooms too! SO NASTY!!!!
funny story :)haha

Megan said...

Time for you to start popping a squat! Haha! I always check my backside before I walk out...and my feet!!

Melanie said...

Bahahahahhahh HA! Oh, I so need that! Every time I am in Target now & pass the dollar section... I will giggle & think of my hot/adorable/sweetest/ FUNNIEST little Court friend!

AND dude, I am at Target a LOT.)lol


Crissy@ABerrySweetLife said...

Hilarious! I do the same thing, but haven't had any toilet paper leave with me yet! LOL!

Unknown said...

That's okay.
I've walked through an entire airport before someone kindly told me I had toilet paper scraggling from the bottom of my shoe....awesome

Courtney Cakes said...

I just laughed so hard at this...
It's because of this post I nominated you for a major award... Check it out!

Heather Marie said...

LMAO! Oh dear, this sounds like me! I went with my friend to a local place.. I was going to be meeting up with a guy that I had met the night before. We went to the bathroom so I could give myself a look in the mirror..

And on the way out she busted out laughing. She couldn't breathe! "YOU HAVE.... TOILET PAPER.. YOUR PANTS.. HAHAHAHA!"

She was a lifesaver that night!

Kaitlyn said...

Haha oh dear! I am grossed out by public bathrooms too. I'd probably squat too, the germs attached to the toilet-seat-toilet-paper are cringeworthy.

However, I could hardly read your story because I was too busy drooling over that sushi picture. Uh, yum! Looks soooo delicious!

aniamaria said...

I see You have spend so lovely time - it's so good! :)
lovely photos! :)

thank U so much! :* :)

shay said...

That is just too funny about the TP!

I nominated your blog for an award, come check it out!


Lauren said...

Oh my gosh Courtney! You crack me up! HAHAHA! I love this story! :)

PS- following you on Instagram!


That Girl said...

It's good if you're on the same shopping page. We're not. He take FOR-ever and I like to pop in and out.

Izzy said...

HAHA you're so cute and adorable!! personally I've never had tp coming out of my skirt/pants but I've had it happen to a few friends! looks pretty funny haha but gee very embarrassing. hope you're more careful next time babe! :P


Maury @ Life on Mars said...

Hilarious!!! I've had it stuck to my shoe before...ew. But never in my pants! So funny.

meme-and-he said...

oh. my. gosh. I would have died!!!!
also, is that sushi in that pic? It looks incredible!!

Liz Brown said...

I always either line or squat too. But I have NEVER had that happen! It never even occurred to me that it might ... I just had a scary thought, maybe it HAS happened, and no one told me ...

I can't even think about it.

Rolled Up Pretty said...

That is SO funny about the TP! Oh my gosh, LOVE THAT! And glad I'm not the only OCD person with public bathrooms. I ONLY squat because I'm too scared to even brush my finger against the toilet seat to get the TP on. HA! I seriously have the worst nightmares about public restrooms. Glad you realized the TP was there! :)

Kimmie @ Hello Mess said...

These photos are great! I'm new here... browsing around and decided to comment instead of lurk. :) I LOVE the look and feel of your blog so far- off to check out some more! Happy week, sugar! xo

Brhea said...

Hahaha Hilarious!!!

Holly said...

Mmmm give me that sushi roll!!!

Hahaha sorry I laughed pretty hard at that toilet paper story :) Glad you were able to laugh at it, too!!

Kirsten Wiemer said...

because i find you hilarious i nominated you for a little blog award thingy on my blog. lol.


kyna... said...

OMG Courtney!! That is why I ABSOLUTELY love you and your blog!!!! You just put the biggest smile on my face with this story! I seriously adore you and how amazingly funny you are (even when you don't try to be! lol)
And hello? Instagram?? I am so excited you shared! I am RUNNING to my phone to find you on there right now!
♥ Kyna

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

Yes, we are friends on Instagram now ;)

That story is TOOFUNNY! I've never done that, but man you'd think someone would have told you!? I would.

Kristin said...

dang 70 comments!! one popular girl!!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Haha, this is hilarious. I am always super conscious about that!

Anonymous said...

This is too funny, but I would be so embarrassed.

I'm definitely the same way. I always line the toilet with seat covers or toilet paper, and then I sometimes squat too. I even do this if I'm at somebody's house that I don't know very well, even at my friends houses!


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