Wednesday, April 18, 2012

happy birthday to my favorite husband

You are the BEST thing that has ever happened to me!
You're the funnest husband.
And you are always full of surprises :)
Ha ha.... seriously.

Your laugh is my favorite sound in the world.
I won't ever get sick of the ridiculous songs you make up throughout the days ;)
I am so thankful for your hard work and dedication to our little family.
You're amazing!
 Again... ha ha!

What I'm trying to say is-
Boy, you make my speakers go Boom Boom
You're the kinda thing that makes this girl go Mmm Mhmmmm...
Ok, so this song was totally sung by a boy, to a girl, but whatever. I can't NOT be cheesy :)
 I love us!

I am so happy that you're my birthday boy ;)
I hope you have the best day, babe! 

P.S. 26?? When did we start getting old? Ha ha :)


Jen said...

those pictures are kind of the best thing ever. and so are you.

happy birthday Eric!!!!!!

Cindy P said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Eric! Collin turns 26 in just 2 more weeks!!

Mrs Guenther said...

Happy Birthday Eric!!!

Lol 26 is pretty much close to 30 as my husband puts it. He's not happy about turning 26 in Oct. Lol.

Alissa said...

SHHH! I'm going to be 26 in a few months - that is NOT old ;)

Happy Birthday, Eric!

Mel said...

So sweet! happy Birthday Eric!!!! :)

RadiantKristen said...

This is so sweet! Happy birthday to your husband. I've gotta say though, I hope 26 isn't old, because I'm about to turn 27, and that would make me ancient!

Ashlee @ said...

Happy Birthday to your man! :) This was a cute post. And you totally rocked that country song!! lol!

Deveny said...

I love hearing young mormons talking about how old 20-something is.. hahaha It makes my husband feel even older for being 30 this year. :)

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Super cute post and super cute man! Happy birthday to him!

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

so fun! happy birthday to your man!

= said...

happy birthday!!!!

Michelle said...

Happy bday to him!

J and A said...

Ah Happy Birthday!!! GREAT photos.

Carlie said...

Happy Birthday Eric! He's only like a month older than Seth! Hope you two have fun celebrating today!

Elizabeth Justice said...

Happy Birthday Eric!! I hope it is a super fun day:d

Pamela said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC! :) I know he will have a great day, because you are such a great wifey! I totally JUST heard that song on the radio too!

Miranda said...

you are too cute! i'm sure his day will be special...he has you!!

jes @ twosmuppies said...

happy birthday to courtney's favorite husband! :)

Jessica said...

Aww so cute! Happy birthday to your hubby! :)

xx Jess

Suget said...

happy birthday Eric!!
Hope you 2 have a funfilled day!

Keri said...

Happy birthday Eric!! :) This is so sweet, I love it! And you two are stinkin' adorable...

Mrs. Robinson said...

Happy Birthday to him!! :)

Oh, ADORE that song. My hubby hates Luke Brian but I'm mildly obsessed with sir sexy. And that song. Maybe this is showing my ignorance, but y'all listen to country music out west? haha I'm surprised! I thought it was a "southern thing." Oh, and ps. Luke Brian is from the same city as my hubby! :))

Nichole @ said...

aww, cute! Happy Birthday! And the 2nd pic made me think of Zoolander! LOL

Amber said...

Happy birthday to your man! Y'all are so cute!

Asha said...

Happy Birthday to Eric! And I know exactly how you feel about 26 being old...I'm not looking forward to passing the 25 mark :(

Asha said...

Happy Birthday to Eric! And I know exactly how you feel about 26 being old...I'm not looking forward to passing the 25 mark :(

Laura said...

what a fun post! happy birthday to him!

Breakfast at the Zemke's said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby, yay! My husband always makes up songs too haha. He think's they are great! I won't comment on what I think about them.


Maria said...

you guys are so cute!! happy birthday to your mr! i hope his day is amazing...i'm sure it will be!
and the second photo of him in the snow made me LOL! hahaha
have a wonderful day, courtney!

rachel said...

26?? 26?!!? you guys are BABIES!

wanna know what i think? i think ou've got the cutest husband in the blogosphere...i've thought that for awhile now, not just cuz it's his birthday :) but don't tell him i said so. i wouldn;t want him getting all fluffed out about it...

happy birthday, eric!

and happy day to you too, court :)

Evelien said...

Haha happy birthday to your hubs :)
My man makes songs throughout the day too hehe.. Funny :)

Jessica Ruud said...

Cutest couple :) LOVE IT!!


Kell said...

Cute! Happy birthday to him!

Melanie said...

SO cute! HAPPPPPY Birthday Eric! I feel like I know ya bud! I LOVE your wifeee, she is just the bees knees of everything lovely & sweet... & she always makes me smile! You two are a match made in heaven. Have the best day guys!!

Love you my sweet friend!! XO
P/S you have been taking some rad pics lately) Lol)

marie said...

Oh don't start thinking you're old yet, you'll regret it in 20 years and wish you could have enjoyed it more. Trust me, you guys are babies! Happy Birthday to your wonderful husband!

Cami said...

This is too precious :)
And I'm not copying you - I've had it saved - I'm doing the same type of post tomorrow. LOL. Twin bday boys ;)

jessica said...

haha i swear you are too cute!

happy birthday to your hubs, hope yall have fun tonight!

Antoinette Musik said...

Happy birthday Eric!!!! I totally forgot that our husbands were born only a day a part! Rob turned 26 yesterday. We are both such lucky girls to be married to such spunky guys hehe.

Jill said...

haha cute I love the 2nd one!!! My BF is 26 too. I'm now following your blog!

Emily said...

I'm glad you found the perfect person for you!

Tiff For Tat said...

Aww you guys are so cute!! Happy Birthday to your man!! :)

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Eric!! You guys are the cutest! :)

Tiffany said...

Y'all are so precious!!!
Happy birthday to your man!

Julie said...

happy birthday to your hubby!

Kristin said...

Happy birthday to ur hubby!!

Savannah said...

How sweet! Sending birthday wishes to your sweet hubby!

oomph. said...

happy birthday to him!!!


Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Eric, hope you two had a wonderful day! :)

That Girl said...

Mine makes up songs too!

Happy Birthday Eric!

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday! Love the pictures.

Nicole said...

Oh Happy Birthday! These pics are defiantly funny, Eric.

Afton said...

So uh , we both worked yesterday and totally spaced birthday , but when I got home last night I was all GREGG IT'S YOUR BROTHERS BIRTHDAY ! So yeah , better late than never and tell Eric that we said happy birthday. We still thought of him!

Contemplating Beauty said...

Awwww really sweet courtney, ahahaha I am cracking up at that second pic of him LOL

hope he has a great one!!!

Holly said...

Happy birthday to your husband! :)

Emma Frances said...

His poses are hilarious/awesome! Haha. So funny! Happy Birthday Eric!!

Anonymous said...

Found it over at The Kentucky Priss

You can visit my blog at

Lacy in the Sky with Diapers said...

Happy Birthday to the MR!!! yayayaya oh and I am going on 28... um talk about OLD!!! xoxo

Katie said...

LOVE the Luke Bryan lyrics thrown in there :)

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i admit it. i LOVE hearing from you!