So we all know how much I love to complain about our latest move.... I'm so lonely, Eric is working a ton, blah blah blah. I really do need to have a better attitude, ha ha! But one fun thing about this move is that I've met a few bloggers! It's funny that I get to meet so many in southern Utah, because there are a
ton of bloggers in northern Utah! I thought I was moving away from all of that! Luckily I've had the opportunity to hangout with some awesome girls here. Unluckily, I haven't had my camera around for half of my meet ups. Oops!
When I first moved here
Chelsea was the first blogger I met! We set up a lunch date asap but the night before our blate, Eric and I decided to run to Wal Mart and get some ice cream. I looked like a grease ball with my hair slicked back, no make up on, and wearing Eric's huge sweats. Yeah, I totally ran into
Chelsea. Awesome! I looked much cuter the next day when we were
supposed to meet :) Chels is seriously the BIGGEST sweetheart! I'm so glad blogging brought us together!
Gentri and I actually met when we were both living up north at the one
blogger meet up I was able to attend before moving south. She moved south a week or two before I did and we get together all the time! I am so happy to say that she is much more than a blogger friend to me. She has been a lifesaver!
Gentri invited me to crash the party when
Ashley came to town! Since I was already in town, minus the husband, I couldn't resist! And I'm so glad I went!
Ashley is the CUTEST. I loved chatting with her for a bit and getting to know her sweet family. Bella almost made me puppy hungry, almost. But there's no way Eric will ever have a pet so I guess we'll have to settle for human pets ;)
Last week I got to hangout with
Shaylynn! girl. is. hilarious. Seriously! But I may have scared her off. I told her I wasn't nervous to meet her
(it's always a little nerve-racking meeting a blogger in real life!) but I totally lied. I didn't realize I was lying until I realized how freakin' much I talked about myself. Sometimes I talk and talk and talk to avoid any awkward silences......
but that probably makes things more awkward? Ha ha, oh well! I loved her and plan on hanging out again. Whether she wants to or not :)
I seriously can't believe how amazing the blogging world is. Having the opportunity to make new friendships everyday, and then turn those into real life friendships is just the best! Soooo, who wants to meet next? :) No creepers allowed!