Thursday, October 20, 2011

change of plans...

I was going to copy Ashley and write up a post of texts between Eric and me, but this is the first one I read:

Eric: Hi there sugar plum bum, I frickin love you.
Me: Prove it and go get me a pizza :)

.... And then I changed my mind. Haha!
(side note: 'frickin' is not to be confused with 'freakin'... there is more of an emphasis, more force with the word to make it more passionate. Haha! At least Eric thinks so :) Oh and you'll never ever hear the words sugar plum bum come out of his mouth. Ever.)

Instead, I just want to give a little shout out to my man. I am so lucky he's mine! Sometimes it is so easy, too easy, to pick at our relationship and point out what's wrong. Or that I expect more out of him. Or to tell him what I want, want, want.
Then I take a step back and realize how ridiculous and selfish I am. Eric is good at everything he does. He's almost always right. Almost. And he always has my best intentions in mind. He puts me first, and I'm not sure I deserve it. But I am grateful.
Eric loves me in the best way possible, he loves me his way. He is perfect for me. I love that man with my whole heart!


Mary said...

Awww! Love this! Ya'll are adorable!!<3

Marli said...

how sweet! love the pics. :)

Lauren said...

Awh! You guys are too cute! LOVE this post! :) I love that nickname haha!

Rissy said...

aww that was really sweet Courtney... I hope Eric reads your blog!

Alexis Kaye said...

MOVE TO ARIZONA!! There's lots of hair down here!! :) ANd your texts made me laugh!!! You guys are awesome. And that last picture? SCANDELOUSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

mary said...

Sweet girl Courtney! Sweet girl! I love that photo on the picnic table--not in a creepy way, but in a aww, how frickin cute kinda way! xox!

Anonymous said...

omg love the pics courtney! just came across your blog and its super cute! if you're interested i'm giving away a starbuck gift card on my blog! come check it out!

Denise said...

Awww... :)

I ALWAYS say "prove it" hahaha

Pamela said...

Aww I love this!! So cute! Yall are way too cute together. Love the pictures. You're so right, sometimes it is easier to pick out the 'bad' things, when we should be looking at the good things!!

Shelley said...

Sooo cute!!

Unknown said...

I love this and laughed because pizza is my favorite food. I use that all the time:)

Karen said...

So did he get you a pizza? You two are really cute! I love how much you appreciate each other!

Liesl said...

This is such a sweet post to your man and I think I related to a lot of what you were saying in it! Love how you pointed out how he loves you in his way! Cute pictures too!

Liesl :)

Ashley said...

Yay! Love. (:

My husband still loves me even when I'm a bit selfish too. Sounds like you have a wonderful hubby. I hope to never take mine for granted... that's for sure.

Chelsea said...

Aw what a sweet, sweet post :)

Vivian said...

You two are adorable together. And I totally understand the frickin thing :)

Emma Frances said...

This post is awesome! :] I need to write more sweet things like this. Instead of focus on little nitpicky things as well.

Haley said...

sugar plum :) love it!! My hubs and I have some ridiculously cheesy nicknames for each other too ;) And I loved reading about how much love you two share..."he loves me HIS way" me butterflies :)

P! said...

Cutest. Couple. Ever! UGH- So much love!! <3

Asha said...

great post! I love the sweet pics of you both :)

The Presutti's said...

This was incredibly sweet!!! We are such lucky girls!! That text is too cute by the way!

... said...

You are so in love and it is so beautiful! :) What an amazing blessing! What a great man! :)

My Life as Whitney said...

#1 your comment on my blog was fantastic- it totally made my day #2 you are soooo cute! #3 Texts from husband are the best ;-)

Lauren said...

You two are sooo cute!

Candace Shiflet said...

you two are SOOO cute! Holy holy
Lovely Little Rants

karly from [kar[+]wade] said...

bahah. i loved that post by ashley, too funny! such cute pictureS! ;]

Candace said...

haha you two are adorable! I love the text between you. :)

from head 2 toe said...

Hi there! Found you again! If your texts are as funny as the one you posted, I think it deserves a post! ha ha

Carlie said...

You two are so cute!

Tatiana said...

HOW SWEET! You guys make me want to throw up from all this love! In a good way ;-)

Sara SHOEmaker said...

hahaha aw what a cute text conversation! you guys are so funny. Such cute pictures! Great blog.

The House of Shoes

Megan said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, your reply was seriously THE best ever!!!!! No wonder you are my favorite ever!! Two girls who love to eat!! : )

kyna... said...

I think I have said this a million times to and Eric are ADORABLE!!!!!!
♥ Kyna

Unknown said...

Awww, it's true - our men DO love us in their own way.

LOVED this post :) short and way sweet!

Chase + Destiny said...

you two are so cute together. love it.

Miss Amy said...

He is a KEEPER! Love your love and reality when talking about marriage. it's healthy and refreshing! ;)

Chelsea said...

Hey. How come you always have the cutest things to say!? Are you just like, naturally an amazing blogger?

Anyway. I love this. And I love you. And I hope your pizza was really great, because let's face it, that's what is really important.

birdie to be said...

So freaking cute! Very sweet post.

Amanda said...

I hate Blogger sometimes. I just wrote a paragraph long post and it deleted. Basically, I just want to say thank you for writing this post. It was a good reminder that M loves me the best way he knows how. So thank you for sharing this post.

Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

Oh my goodness. Everything in this post is exactly what I feel about our marriage! It really is so easy for me to pick at things, but honestly, I am soooo lucky. I already decided I'm going to be a long-term stalker of your blog :)

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

That text just made me love you like a million times more than I already did. :)

Anonymous said...

Aww this is so sweet. You two are too cute together :)


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