Monday, August 8, 2011

first ever drive in movie date :)

What a fun/busy weekend we had!  Eric's little brother got married (welcome to the family Afton)!  I love weddings so much!  Without fail, they always bring back the feelings of excitement I had just before our wedding.  Call me crazy, but I always say I wish I could get married to Eric again :) 
When we got back into town Saturday evening I was feeling so restless.  Even though we'd been gone all weekend I felt like I needed to get out of the house.  Am I the only one who does that? :)  I'd heard about a drive in movie theater that was pretty close to us.  I've always wanted to go to one... so since I was already in a romantic/lovey-dovey mood I figured this was the perfect night to go!  (Haha I'm telling you...those weddings put me in a mood!:) 
We pulled our radio out of our 72 hour kit (I say that like we have one... we have bits and pieces for it.  Seriously, my goal for the dreaded winter is to put together our 72 hour kits.) and wound it up!  Everyone needs one of these radios, they have a solar panel to charge up when it's sunny, and you can wind it up at night!  We snuggled up in the bed of Eric's truck, surrounded by blankets and pillows, and enjoyed our first drive in together!  We will definitely have more drive in movie dates! :)


Jennifer said...

I so want to go to one! There are a couple in NY but they are about an hour or so away.

Jessica said...

aw that is such a cute date! I've never been to a drive-in movie but I would love to someday, not even sure where one is around here haha

m&msmommy said...

I LOVE weddings! They are always so much fun!!!! :)

Adorable pictures of one of the most adorable couples I've ever "met" :)

Have a great week!

Bree said...

Drive in's are the best! :)

Lauren said...

How fun, great pics :-)

P! said...

So romantic and so so sweet! I love drive-ins! Where else can you cuddle up with your honey in a car without a policeman tapping on your window and asking if there's any trouble?! Haha- love the pics... that tan you're rockin' is awesome- JUST the right amount! :) Congrats to your brother-in-law and his new wifey!

Megan and Justin said...

u guys are too cute! i LOVE weddings too.

Megan and Justin said...

u guys are too cute! i LOVE weddings too.

BlackPearl said...

That sounds like so much fun! The husband and I have never been to a drive in thanks for the idea! You guys are so sweet!

kyna... said...

Love it! Sounds like so much fun! I have never been to a drive in movie, but it is definitely on my "to do" list!
♥ Kyna

Renee said...

If there is something on my list it is going to a drive in movie, so sad we don't have those in Europe. It sounds like you had a great weekend, beautiful ending :) xo

Anonymous said...

How fun! It's been ages since we've gone to the drive in. We keep moving further and further away from it.

Courtlyn Ash said...

A DRIVE IN MOVIE! I grew up going to these, they seriously were my favorite as a child! I am going to start researching and see if there are any around where I live!!

Laura Darling said...

I've always wanted to go to a drive in movie! We don't have them in Philadelphia though. :(

Suget said...

i always drive by one everytime I head to Mesa, but I never have time to actually experience one ): But I think before the winter season come, I am gonna have to do it. You just convinced me hehe

Kandice Breinholt said...

ah! i LOVE drive-ins! (i'd probably love them even more if we owned a truck...)

and your hair looks sooo great in that first picture :)

Alexis Kaye said...

Woah. I'm so confused. I've never been to a drive in movie. You drive in but sit in lawn chairs? And how do I get myself one of these radios?! I Love you guys! I wish we lived closer and we could double. No, I am not a creeper.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fabulous!!!!! We have a drive in theatre in town that opens up every summer. It's so fun!

I am also in need of a 72 hour kit. It's overwhelming thinking of preparing one that will work for two adults plus 3 kids! But I know it's important. It's been on my mind lately to put one together. Let's blog about it! lol

Marian said...

Makes me want to go to a drive-in now:)

Christy said...

There used to be a drive-in theater near my house growing up. I went a few times, but always with my family. I remember seeing Men in Black and The American President. haha! I would LOVE to go to one on a date, though! :) Sounds fun and romantic! Glad you enjoyed it!

monster cakes said...

I've never been to a drive in theater! So jealous! And I'm glad to know everything is working out for you two. I know how it is to have bills piled up, no certainty about the future, no money, and nothing but your faith that God will pull you through. And He always does! I'll be praying for you guys toots. : )

ps. Your comment made my day. Thank you. Missed you too!

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh, I love drive-in movies! Now I'm going to look up and see if there are any near us. (: What a fun date idea.

Sierra said...

Looks like you had an amazing time, that's great! Drive in movies are the best, unfortunately I haven't been to one in forever! You and your hubby are so cute - glad I came across your blog!

Unknown said...

What a fabulous, romantic and comfty date! So cute. Thanks for sharing the pictures :) Looks like a pretty night too!

Afton said...

I want to go to a drive in movie... lame. But thanks for coming to the wedding and doing my hair!!

Shay said...

I love weddings AND drive-in movies! I cannot believe you had never been before. Ever since I watched Grease as a kid I loved them! I love the pictures- you look gorgeous!

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

No I would totally marry my husband again!!! It was the happiest day of my life.... you are not crazy one bit! I am with you on this one.

And Drive-Ins are the best things ever!!

It looks like a great weekend! You guys are a cute couple!

Anonymous said...

ahhh :) how exciting and SO cute! drive ins are the best date night! You should check out my giveaway I'm having on my blog to win a Bobbi Brown eyeshadow compact :)

Unknown said...

I love drive ins! I haven't been in a few years, but I should go soon!

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